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After 4 months
Their summer vaccation was over and again Rain start going to his Uni.

One day,He was sitting in the cafeteria when some students start talking abt Payu.Rain could hear that clearly what they were saying.

"Really!"one girl exclaimed .
"yes Payu and Ple are dating.I heard that they had one night stand by mistakely and then after they started dating"another girl added.

Rain's eyes widen😮.He was shocked after hearing that, Rain couldn't believe his ear.That how could Payu date Ple.They just broke up 4 months ago and now he start dating.
But Rain can't do anything he can't even ask anyone as if it is true or not,since everyone thinks that he cheated on Payu so no one talks with him.

Well,its true that Payu and Ple r dating.

Their graduation exams were also started and Rain was focusing on his studies.As he wanted to show everyone that he don't need anyone.He is enough for himself .
Soon their exam was finished and it was the day of their graduation.

And the principal was mentioning everyone's name except Rain's.Everone was happy thinking that Rain has failed even Sky also.But Payu was little bit sad😢 .
The principal said"and the first position with the percentage of 98.67 is Varain Nuttarat Tangwai".
Everyone was shocked 😮.
Ple's heart was shaking and going to explode🫨.
No one could believe that.
Then Rain receive his certificate with his gold medal and went away.
After that no one knew where Rain was and no one saw him.


Hope u like this chapter.I know it's too short as I wanted to finish the flashback since Rain was thinking all these things in the bar🤣.
So in the next chapter one bomb is going to explode in Payu and Sky's life wait for it😊.
And Im just a school student so I don't know anything abt graduation so I added the percentage same as school.Ik the percentage was too much high but don't think much it's just a fanfic😊.

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