Payu Rain shared one room(🔞)

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When they were abt to go at that time the rain starts to pour heavily.

"Rain it's raining very heavily I don't think we can go home today"

"So wht the hell do u want?".said angrily


"do u want to stay in the car or wht"

Rain starts to argue and shout at Payu.

"U know wht I don't fvcking want to stay with u
Wht do u want from me to forgive me.Not in this life.The way u hurt me. I'm never gonna forgive u".

Rain got total enraged and Payu was not able to calm him down.

And then the hotel manager came and ask them to stay here for tonight and Payu Rain both agreed.But when they ask for room key the manager gave them only one.

Rain: r u really kidding me.we r not couple okay.
I can't stay with this guy .never.

Manager:but Sir this is a small hotel with just 2 or 3 staffs.And there r only 5 rooms.4 rooms r already reserved so we have only one left pls manage for tonight.

Payu:Rain pls common just for tonight and-

Rain:wht jst for tonight.I'm not going to stay with u in one room and bed.
If u r so interested then u stay here am going bye😡.

Payu:Sir we r going to stay here don't worry give me the key.

Manager:ok Sir.

Rain went outside in the rain then Payu came and grab his hand.

"Rain pls stop being like this"

"wht the fvck do u mean"
"leave me"

"no am not"

Payu grabbed Rain's both arm Rain tried to free himself but ofc Payu is more stronger than him so all his efforts in vain.

"r u going to leave me or else I'll shout"

"shout I don't care there r very less ppl so no one is gonna help u.And if u shout I'm going to kiss u and u know I don't only speak I also do".

Hearing this Rain got more enraged and started to scream.
Payu also did wht he said.He kissed Rain.He start to kiss Rain,after sometime Rain also respond to the kiss and they start kissing in that position.
When suddenly realization hits Rain and he pushed Payu.

"stay the fvcking away from me bastard"

Payu picked Rain on his shoulder and took him to the room

"leave me"
"I say leave me"

Rain was screaming and punching on Payu's back but there's no use.

After taking Rain to the room.He make him sit on the bed.

"how dare u"

"ssshhh".Payu said putting his finger on Rain's lips.

"jst once listen to me"
"Ik I did mistake Ik I messed up a big time Ik I don't deserve any forgiveness but still for the sake of all the moments we spent togeth77er pls"
Payu started to tear up.

"that day did u listened to me for the sake of all the moments we shared together?".Rain started crying.

"Ik but still pls I beg u".
Payu kneeled and take Rain's hands on his and continued....

"the way u want me to be I'll .If u want to punish me then jst do but one last chance"
"I'm sorry,don't leave me pls".tears were falling from his eyes.

"fine I'll give u 30days we'll live like before everything will be same but u have to create the bond again and this is not going to be tht easy coz I'm not the old Rain anymore".

"I'll prove u tht I'm not going to leave ur hand anymore.NEVER".

Saying this Payu hugged Rain tightly and thanked him.
Then Rain realeases himself from the hug.

"take me Payu".he whispered in his ears

Hearing this Payu completely lost his mind and crushed his lips on Rain's.He started kissing him hungrily all the lust he was carrying all the way he released in seconds while kissing he threw his shirt somewhere and pushed Rain in the bed he bite Rain's bottom lip which make him moan "ahh" then seeing his opportunity he inserted his tongue into Rain's mouth tasting every single corner inside.Rain also started sucking his tongue and pushing by holding his hair which was now open.

Then Payu go to his favorite place;Rain's neck. He started sucking his neck like anything which make Rain already moaning mess he bite his neck with his teeth "ouchhh"  hearing this Payu looked at his face and smirked.Then he went down and start opening Rain's shirt. While opening:

Payu:u sure there r no condom nor any lube so-

Rain:my mood can change anytime so do me p'payu do me

Hearing this Payu opened Rain shirt and threw it.He starts sucking his entire chest and tummy leaving his love bites on Rain's body.

Then he went down and unzips Rain's pant and inner and starts sucking his legs and then he starts sucking his dick.


Rain was now a complete moaning mess the entire room was filled with his moan.

Within in mins Rain come on Payu's mouth and Payu swallowed it.

Now Payu unzips his pant and inner and inserts his awaken dick inside Rain's wet whole.

After inserting his whole dick he stopped for a moment so that Rain could be prepared as he know in these 5yrs Rain haven't slept with anyone and let him prepared.

"I'm ready now do me".Rain said by taking deep breath

And Payu starts to move slowly......

After some mins he starts to thrusts harder and for relieving Rain from this pain he starts to kiss him by being wild.

Rain's lips were now completely swolen.....

Soon Payu cum inside Rain's hole.....

Rain could feel the hot liquid inside him then he took his dick out and fall on the side of Rain...

Both looked at eachother and kissed again...

Payu:thnks I swear I'll never break ur trust nor ur heart darling.

Rain:better not or else I'll kill u (said being exhausted)


Hope u like this chapter.
And forgive me I'm not so good at writing NC scenes and also this is my first time❤
Also vote and comment ur opinion on this story and chapter☺.

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