part I: the mentor | 11

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A while later, they found themselves in front of Livia's room, knocking on the door. Both were already exhausted from the day's events. Livia opened the door with a wide smile, revealing a room adorned with colourful lights and lively music - it looked like a party was in full swing.

"Ah, there you are, just as I thought you wouldn't come," Livia exclaimed, ushering them inside and closing the door behind them.

Lupinia, feeling a bit confused, asked, "What's going on here?"

"Oh, come on, we're celebrating Arachne - she would have wanted that," Livia replied with a giggle. "Come, sit, and have a drink with us," Festus added, handing a cup to Coriolanus. Lupinia took a seat next to Sejanus, while Coriolanus found himself beside Vipsania. Lupinia couldn't shake a nagging feeling as she noticed the way Vipsania looked at Coriolanus.

"I want a drink too," Lupinia declared, and Festus gladly handed her a cup. As the evening progressed, Lupinia lost track of how many cups she had, but she felt good. Eventually, she stood up with a bunch of her classmates, dancing around the room, letting go of the weight of the day.

Coriolanus was engrossed in conversation with Vipsania every time Lupinia glanced over at him. However, unbeknownst to her, Coriolanus had been keeping a close eye on her throughout the evening. He smiled as he observed her graceful movements, pleased that she could momentarily let go of the day's troubles.

Meanwhile, Livia, who was dancing alongside Lupinia, couldn't help but notice her persistent glances at the blond boy. Amused by the situation, Livia burst into laughter. "What's the matter?" Lupinia inquired. "I just think it's pathetic how you're desperately trying to get his attention," Livia giggled.

Annoyed by the remark, Lupinia retorted, "I am not, shut up!" Determined not to appear desperate, she decided to take action. Driven by the alcohol, Lupinia bravely walked over to the table and persuaded Sejanus to stand up and dance with her. Uncertain of the motives driving her actions, Lupinia felt a strong desire for Coriolanus to experience the same emotions she was feeling.

As she danced with Sejanus, their movements became increasingly intimate. Lupinia guided Sejanus's hands to her hips, skillfully swaying to the rhythm. As Coriolanus witnessed Sejanus and Lupinia dancing intimately, a tumult of emotions surged within him. Jealousy, like a corrosive force, ate at him from the inside. Seeing Lupinia in the arms of another, stirred a sense of longing. Each graceful step they took together felt like a dagger twisting in his heart. And to control his anger he clenched his fist under the table.

However, Lupinia began to feel dizzy and weirdly unwell. And in the next moment the scene took an unexpected turn as Lupinia blacked out and Sejanus swiftly caught her, gently placing her on the sofa. In an instant, Coriolanus's anger dissipated, replaced by worry.

Coriolanus rushed to the couch, his concern etched across his face as he knelt beside Sejanus. Gently placing his hand on Lupinia's cheek, he softly called her name, his voice growing louder in desperation. However, she remained unresponsive, lying lifeless on the battered sofa. The fear of losing her consumed Coriolanus, and in his anxiety, he turned to Sejanus, his anger momentarily misplaced.

"What did you do?" he demanded, although he knew Sejanus wasn't at fault, but his mind was clouded by fear. "Nothing, she just blacked out, I'm sorry, Sejanus responded quietly, sensing the intensity of Coriolanus's concern, he stepped back, giving the blond boy more space.

Desperation laced Coriolanus's voice as he pleaded with Lupinia to wake up. "Lupinia please wake up," he whispered, tears already pooling in his eyes. When Lupinia finally stirred, whispering, "Coryo-," as her eyes opened, a wave of relief washed over Coriolanus.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice still filled with genuine worry.

"I'm okay," Lupinia reassured him, dissipating the immediate concern that had gripped his heart.

"We're going," Coriolanus announced, helping Lupinia stand and guiding her out of the room. As they entered their suite, he accompanied her to the bed, ensuring she was safely settled before letting go of her and sitting down next to her on the bed.

"You seemed to have a lot of fun today," Coriolanus remarkt, aware of the effect the drinks had on her. In her slightly intoxicated state, Lupinia retorted, "But you also with Vipsania."

Perplexed, Coriolanus inquired, "What do you mean by that?"

Lupinia, with a biting tone, slurred her words, "I-I mean that she was so flirting with you."

A smirk played on Coriolanus's lips as he teased, "Do I hear jealousy?"

"No, I dont know jealousy. Nobody prevents me from getting what I want," she declared, moving closer to him. Their faces were mere millimeters apart, hearts racing, and lips almost touching. In that charged moment, the air seemed to thicken with unspoken tension.

Lupinia, fueled by a cocktail of emotions, felt a swirl of desire and longing. In those fleeting seconds, she questioned whether the closeness was a manifestation of their shared history, the remnants of an old crush, or something more profound. Her heart raced with uncertainty, and the warmth of Coriolanus's presence seemed to envelop her.

On the other hand, Coriolanus, torn between desire and restraint, could sense the warmth of Lupinia's breath on his lips. His pulse quickened, and a surge of conflicting emotions swept through him. He was acutely aware of the need to respect her, especially in this vulnerable state. The desire to kiss her was palpable, yet the fear of taking advantage prevailed.

As the tension hung in the air, Coriolanus took a step back, breaking the almost-kiss and creating space between them. The charged atmosphere lingered for a brief moment before reality set in. The room became a battlefield of suppressed feelings, unspoken words, and a magnetic connection that left both of them grappling with the uncharted territory of their evolving relationship.

"I can't, Lupinia," Coriolanus then confessed. He couldn't take advantage of her intoxicated state, uncertain if she would even want to kiss him sober. Coriolanus couldn't kiss her, so he made the decision not to cross the line at least not now - not in her current state.

"Good night, Lupinia. I'll take the couch," he added, walking away, afraid that staying longer might compromise his ability to control himself around her.

Lupinia sank back onto the bed, a whirlwind of emotions coursing through her. Confusion and hurt mingled within her as she grappled with the unanswered questions that lingered in the charged air. The almost-kiss, so close yet denied, left an ache in her chest. Why did he pull away? What did it mean?

Lupinia sank back onto the bed, a whirlwind of emotions coursing through her. Confusion and hurt mingled within her as she grappled with the unanswered questions that lingered in the charged air. The almost-kiss, so close yet denied, left an ache in her chest. Why did he pull away? What did it mean?

The room seemed to close in on her, and the weight of the day pressed down. She replayed the moment in her mind, each second scrutinized for clues to the enigma of Coriolanus's actions. The brutal sting of rejection drilled on her heart and gnawed at her.

As she lay there, the bed felt cold and empty. The unspoken desires, the intoxication of the night, and the unresolved tension formed a tumultuous sea within her. Lupinia grappled with the aftermath of an almost-kiss that held the promise of so much, yet remained suspended in the realm of what-ifs.

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