True Love's Caress

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In which you unknowingly gift Astarion a bonding ring.





The darkness of the Shadowlands is unsettling, oppressive. It suffocates and kills every bit of hope a lost wanderer could have. Not because they could get lost or robbed, but because they could get killed. Easily and without a trace, save for a sorry husk of their old self.

They would be lucky if their soul merely got taken to Avernus. But you know that would be an outcome too kind for the likes of the heavy curse Ketheric Thorm had plagued the land with.

You had travelled to Moonrise Towers under the guidance of Kar'niss, the drider that answered when you played the Spider's Lute. He had been incessant that you stayed within the glow of the Moonlantern he carried. And stayed with him you did. Even killing Harpers just to cement your image as a True Soul.

So, when you arrived at the Last Light Inn, a heavy guilt weighed on your shoulders while talking to Jaheira, former savior of Baldur's Gate, present High Harper on a mission to defeat Ketheric Thorm.

Now, as you sit beneath what little moonlight could shine through the dense shadows, you sigh in relief. A temporary reprieve was still a reprieve. Gods know you need one.

"You know I can still see you." You tried to hide a smile when you see a familiar someone try and creep up on you.

Astarion feels your gaze pierce through him despite being "invisible". You see his eyes slightly widen beneath the hood and mask he has his face covered with.

Damn this, he thinks. The hood promised invisibility. It literally says so in an artifact book!

He grumbles some annoyances beneath his breath before taking off the hood petulantly. His pearl white curls bounce briefly before settling back into place.

"You're no fun." Astarion plops himself beside you in front of your tent.

You had been peacefully reading a book when you noticed a not-so-subtle hooded figure creep up on you. Sure, Astarion had been nearly soundless when he took his steps. But, his shiny Drow armor had been anything but stealthy. He also had that Shadow of Menzoberranzan hood on.

He thinks he'd been invisible.

Well, he was.

You just had some... perks.

You try and stifle a laugh at a sudden realization. "Did you forget the Volo Incident?"

Astarion pursed his lips, his eyes gazing everywhere around camp but yours.

"What incident?"

You laugh, full and heartily. It rakes it's way through Astarion's very being, shaking him to his core. It makes him want to laugh with you too. Though, he can't seem to figure out why. Had his chest always been this tight?

"Why are you sneaking up on me anyway?"

Astarion rolls his eyes. "Must that really be asked? If you must know, darling, I'm terribly bored. I thought scaring you would cure me of it."

"Scaring me?" You repeat in a feign offense, a hand fluttering to your chest. "I'm not scared of anything."

Astarion looks at you with deadpanned eyes. The no nonsense, no bullshit, kind of glare. One he seems to do so with such ease.

"What?" You asked. He's immediately taking pleasure in your exasperation. Perhaps, scaring you wouldn't cure him of his boredom, but ruffling your feathers might just be his antidote.

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