A Simple Plan Goes Awry

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In which you find out the meaning of Astarion's scars after defeating the Orthon, and everything else follows.





It's been an agonizing day.

You had spent more than enough time in Ketheric Thorm's mausoleum, searching for clues— anything to have a lead on Raphael's deal. Astarion had insisted that you all take it, as it did entail learning more about the scars that Cazador had carved on his back.

Of course, you had no business denying Astarion's request. He had all but spent two centuries not knowing what his old master inscribed within his flesh. You doubt he had seen it before you even drew it for him. He had every right to know what that smarmy bastard had permanently marked him with.

That, and you couldn't bear the sight of Astarion suffering. A bleeding heart, he would call you. And a bleeding heart you were.

He has been denied so many things during his servitude, if you could even call it that. And now that he's free, even temporarily or until you've arrived at Baldur's Gate to kill that bastard Cazador, you want to give Astarion every bit of luxury and comfort you can.

When Yurgir's body drops to the ground after you've basically convinced him to kill himself, you deeply sigh. You saw the war that happened behind those demonic eyes, thinking whether or not he should trust your word. For your sake, you're relieved that he did. You weren't at all confident you could defeat him and his minions, not to mention a Displacer Beast by his side.

"That had better count." You hear Astarion say beside you.

"It should," you reply, standing from your place on the ground. You had just fished an Umbral Gem from the infernal creature's body and briefly handed it over to Shadowheart. "Raphael likes loopholes and we found one. If he ever dares not to stick to his word, I'll make him minced devil meat."

You see Shadowheart cradle the gem in her arms with reverence as she senses she is one step closer to achieving her dreams of becoming a Dark Justiciar. You clutch her by the shoulder to get her attention.

"Hey," you say to her. "I know how much you want this, but I don't think we'll get much success surviving Shar's tests if we don't gather our energy. Would it be alright with you if we go back to the Last Light Inn to rest and continue her tests tomorrow?"

Astarion silently scoffs from behind you. You and your kindness, he mentally tisked. If it were up to him, he'd let Shadowheart handle her own trials herself. It was her that wanted to be a Dark Justiciar, so why would you help her? You could just stand watch and observe as entertainment, but you don't. You vowed to help her.

He's only in the party because...

Because he thinks himself as the only person who could watch your back.

Shadowheart stashes the precious gem in her pack, illuminating the rest of her stuff in a faint purple glow. She nods at you. "Of course," she replies. "I also find my spells dwindling. We best get back before we get ambushed."

With that, you return to the sight of the sigil that had been carved into the dark marble walls of the Gauntlet of Shar. You mutter a soft incantation beneath your breath before you feel yourself be transported back to the Last Light Inn.

"If you need me, I'll be in my tent." You announce to your allies before making a beeline for your tent.

Jaheira had apologized for the lack of rooms at the inn ever since you first arrived. But, instead of throwing out to the elements, she insisted that you make camp within the walls of Isobel's protective barrier. You all chose to set up camp near the lake and away from the graveyard, for at least a small comfort.

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