Run To Me, Lover

403 14 41

Title is from Hozier's song "Run"!


In which you chase Astarion down the docks when the Sun begins to burn his skin. Comforting words and soft reassurances are exchanged.





"Gods!" Shadowheart was the first to react once you reached Grey Harbor Docks. Gravity had not been kind to your party once you felled the Netherbrain, as it did its job sending you down hundreds of feet into the waters of the Chionthar.

"I should've learned how to swim," Shadowheart heaved, keeled over with her hands on her knees. "I was nearly snuffed out during that last bit."

Your other friends had already been waiting anxiously by the docks as the Netherbrain fell. They stand before you with looks of undeniable pride and relief etched on their faces.

Wyll gladly helps Shadowheart up to her feet, an amused grin on his face.

You, on the other hand, were immediately greated with tight embraces and clasps to the back once you've hauled yourself over the wooden docks.

Your armor is beyond wet, and you feel all sticky from blood and sweat and whatever fluid that decided to come out and assault you during that final fight. Yet, instead of being concerned over yourself or Astarion, you find yourself fussing over the state of the lute on your back.

"Hells!" You cursed as you wrangled your lute to your front. It's almost comedic how much water pours out of the soundhole when you tipped it upside down. "Bloody water's gonna ruin the wood of my lute!"

"Darling, charming as you are, we have other concerns right now that do not involve your lute." Astarion chides beside you, that signature sneer on his face.

You sighed. He was right, of course.

You had to deal with Orpheus's fate after all.

It was a heavy prospect to kill the one who helped you save the whole of Faerûn. Orpheus begged for you to kill him, to set his soul free from his sorry shell of an Illithid body. He begged and reasoned with you over and over because you couldn't find it in your heart to do it yourself.

It was still him, wasn't it?

Then again, for how long? Would he be different like the Emperor before he turned his back on you?

You shook your head. "I— I'm sorry, Orpheus." You breathed, tears brimming your eyes. Then, you feel a hand on your shoulder.

It was Lae'zel.

"Let me." She spoke softly.

You nodded numbly, though a thankful smile was on your face, and handed Lae'zel the blade Orpheus gave you.

You stood back, on the brink of tears, as Orpheus gives Lae'zel a final instruction before she delivers his soul to the Astral Sea. Lae'zel mutters a prayer beneath her breath before calling Orpheus's dragons.

"I'll never forget you," she tells you. "Your name shall echo among my people. 'Liberator' we shall call you."

Lae'zel offers you a hand to shake, her eyes ablaze with determination to save her people. You offer her a supportive smile in return, firmly grasping her hand in yours.

This was it.

Goodbyes being exchanged between your companions now that your common enemy has been felled.

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