Excuse Me, Are You a Couple?

553 20 17

In which you and Astarion unknowingly become part of a TikTok trend while walking the streets of your city.

Modern AU!


I can't get this prompt out of my head so please enjoy this little drabble!





It's not a common occurrence where you and Astarion can have a free day all to yourselves. It's even a rarer occurrence that you and Astarion chose to spend that free day walking around your town.

Most of the time, your beloved would request a whole day of pampering each other in the comfort of your own home.

This time though, he called your attention as usual (wrapping his arms around your waist until you verbally acknowledge him), and suggested that you take a stroll outside.

"And do what, exactly?" You asked, turning your head to glance up at him.

"Nothing in particular," replied Astarion. "Just wanted to do something different for a change."

You squint at him, eyeing him suspiciously. A doubtful hum leaves your throat. He notices your reaction and draws back a little, but still keeping his arms around you.

"What?" Astarion asks, his gray eyebrows raising quizzically.

"Nothing, love." You reply, kissing his cheek.

Now it was his turn to squint his eyes at you. Astarion wraps his arms around you tighter, his lithe fingers digging into your sides, as if threatening to tickle you.

"Tell me," Astarion murmurs in your ear. "Before I force it out of you, darling." Your beloved squeezes your sides and you squeal loudly, a strangled laugh laced with it.

"Okay! Okay!" You exclaim, squirming in his grasp. He turns you in his arms so you face him. There's a soft look in his ruby eyes, one that makes you sigh in contentment and your heart squeezes with fondness.

"Now, will you tell me?"

You place your hands flat on his chest, smoothing out the wrinkles of his white button up (which he technically caused because he tickled you). "You know your nefarious plans have a pattern to them, right?"


You giggle at his exasperated state. "Every time you switch up our routine, you usually have something planned."

"First of all, 'nefarious'? Darling, I'm nothing short of a saint!" Astarion replies dramatically, his voice raising an octave. "Second of all, can't I be spontaneous and yearn to enjoy a day out and about with my love?"

"Well, when you put it like that..."

Astarion chuckles and releases you from his embrace. "Get your coat, darling. We have a whole day of walking ahead of us."


More often than not, the hustle and bustle of your city overstimulates your senses. Which was why you opted to work from the comforts of your own home.

Astarion doesn't mind the loudness of the city, he sometimes revels in it if he were being honest. The busyness around him sometimes masks his presence, allowing him to fade into the background to breathe and observe. It's a welcome respite, he explained one night to you.

Despite the amount of cars all lined up in a traffic jam, the air remains cool and breezy— clear, even. It's a miracle, you think, that you can inhale the afternoon air without coughing from the smell of smoke.

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