Would That I - Part 1

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Title is based on Hozier's song of the same name!


In which Astarion learns to trust himself again after he meets you through his friends.

Or, you burn all of Astarion's burdens away and he's surrendered himself to finally love.

Modern AU!


P.S. This is a long one so BUCKLE UP!! AND PART 2 IS COMING SOON!!





"Wyll!" You run up to an old friend from your university days on a random street on a random Friday, engulfing him in your embrace. "Gods, it's been so long!"

Wyll returns your embrace enthusiastically, squeezing your whole body into him, though still taking care that his horns don't poke you. Even after all these years, he's still getting used to their presence.

You parted from him after a few moments, before giving him a proper look. "You're looking good!" You exclaimed excitedly. It was always good to see your old friends again.

"8 years and not a hint of aging," Wyll marvels at your complexion. "Did Neverwinter not give you a moment of stress?" He jests.

Of course, after working on his Master's degree, and now PhD, Wyll wasn't going to escape the inevitable crow's feet and occasional grey hairs from all his responsibilities. Along with his studies, he has to manage the Ravenguard family business as well, another pocket of stress to his plate.

Yet, he still carries himself like he has not a problem in the world. Still the cool-headed and humble type you met all those years ago.

"Quite the opposite, actually. My back pain has doubled ever since I worked in that jeweller's guild," you explain. "The pay's good, though. And I get design commissions on the side, so I can't really complain."

"What brings you back to Baldur's Gate? You looking to begin a jewelry shop or?"

"Yes, I am!" You nod with enthusiasm. "I want to specialize in custom pieces and forward my own designs."

Wyll grins at you, as a tiny spark of an idea begins to set itself aflame.

"You're lucky, you know," Wyll says with a sparkle of mischief in his eye.

"How so?"

"I just happen to know a guy— a friend, really— who wants to set up a boutique, a tailor's shop of sorts."

You squint your eyes at him.

You see, Wyll— ever the romantic— has made it his personal mission to find the perfect person for you. He once said that he has never felt more liberated than when he played matchmaker for his friends.

You had nodded at him then, a feigned approving hum leaving your lips as you bask in Wyll's delusions of romantic grandeur.

So far, his Cupid-like scheming has worked once.


To be fair, the one and only time his matchmaking has worked is probably the biggest success he's ever going to get.

Your friends, Shadowheart and Lae'zel, have been dating for almost 9 years now, ever since Wyll set them up for a blind date in some witch-y crystal shop and cafe.

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