In The Basement (We Find The Things We Love)

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In which you rummage through a basement and find trinkets and baubles with your beloved.

Spoilers for Act 3!!





It was an odd thing to fight the Hag for a second time on your journey to save yourselves from your tadpoles. You had no doubt that Auntie Ethel- the Hag- would resurface one way or another, given that she was a powerful Fey creature. But, you didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Cries of a distraught mother put you on a path to a Hag survivor support group, created by Mayrina- the woman you helped from the Hag's lair before helping her return her husband from the dead.

Turns out, she made it to Baldur's Gate not long after Connor- her husband- was resurrected as a zombie, and gathered people who were wronged by Hags to fight and extinguish said Hags from Faerûn.

You helped her defeat Auntie Ethel again, for good this time. Mayrina spent most of her time researching the best ways to kill a hag, and eventually found her solution- Hag's Bane.

She gave you the materials and the instructions on how to make the potion. So, after making the concoction, you immediately sought out Auntie Ethel who apparently had a child stewing in her belly.

It was a disgusting sight to see her regurgitate a whole six-year-old from her mouth.

It's a sight you never want to see again.

And you've fought all kinds of monsters in the Shadow-Cursed Lands, so that's definitely saying how horrific it truly was.

After the Hag was felled, you returned to Mayrina who had been so incredibly relieved that you finished the job once and for all. She gave you a key to her basement, saying that your reward would be there amongst other baubles and trinkets.

You handed Astarion the key, beckoning him to do the honors of uncovering your reward.

"This better be worth it," Astarion grumbles while he wiggles the key in the keyhole rather impatiently. "I'm done fighting Hags."

"I can still imagine her vomiting out Vanra." Shadowheart shudders.

"Can we not, please?" You nearly gag at the memory.

"Fucking awful, that was!" Karlach exclaims.

You were about to add onto Karlach's statement but halted when you heard the door click.

Astarion twists the knob and opens the door. He peers inside, carefully examining the walls, its sconces, even the floor and its cracks to ensure that there were no traps. Once he deems it safe enough, he steps to the side and extends an arm, beckoning you to enter.

"After you, darling." Astarion sweetly drawls out, even dipping his head formally towards you.

"Why, thank you, kind Saer." You replied, bowing dramatically.

You entered the room with a happy bounce in your step. Astarion trails behind you almost immediately, brushing past you just as fast to claim a corner full of crates and chests all to himself.

"Whoever said it was a good idea for our bard and for the pompous vampire to be together?" Shadowheart comments teasingly to Karlach.

The two women held themselves back from the basement room for a moment. They spoke in softer voices, gossiping to themselves. Of course, it was Shadowheart that started it. Karlach was just happy to come along for the ride.

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