Darling, I Thought We Had Someone Special

311 17 38

CW: Mentions of blood and injuries


In which you ask Astarion to stay at camp to take a day for himself after complaining about constantly fighting shadow monsters.

Or, you come back horribly injured from a Githyanki ambush and Astarion blames himself for not insisting to come with you.





"What do you mean I have to stay here?!" Astarion practically screeches from his post. His arms are crossed in front of his chest, his face pulled into the deepest frown possible. He's giving off the attitude of a child who just got told he's not allowed to have another candy bar.

"We're just going to walk around near Moonrise Towers, scout the area, that shit. And I know how impatient you get when we're getting the lay of the land." You replied with as much patience as you can.

"So you expect me to sit here like a mutt, waiting for its owner?!"

"No," you reply, slightly drawling out the vowel. "I expect you to take the day off and relax. It's not a privilege I've given you in a while, y'know? Not since you got injured before we raided the Hag's lair."

Astarion bristles. He wants to fight you. He wants to insist— beg— just to be let in your party. He needs to be with you to...

To protect you.

The vampire before you sneers, and he stops himself from stomping his foot like a child. He huffs out a breath, letting his arms rest at his sides.

"Fine." He relents.

You sigh in relief. "Thank you."

"Just— Ugh. Don't blame me if you come home in more than one piece." Astarion chastises, and a giggle escapes your lips in reply.

You slowly closed the distance between the two of you, until your chests are nearly pressing together. Your hands find themselves on his shoulders, before you stand on the tip of your toes to place a quick kiss on either side of his cheeks.

"I promise."

The affection softens Astarion by a great deal. You could immediately tell by the sudden disappearance of the creases on his forehead. He sighs, allowing himself to grow slack in your gentle touch.

"Be safe." He mutters firmly.

"You know I will."


The chill of the Shadow-Cursed Lands remains as ominous as ever. It is eerily quiet everywhere you go. A twig snapping beneath your feet is enough to send your whole party into an anxious frenzy of alertness.

When the wind blows just loud enough to be mistaken for a whisper, your whole body shudders, and you frantically look over your shoulder to seek Astarion's reassurance, only to not find him there.

Because you asked him to rest.

As much as it pained you to stand your ground and make Astarion stay at camp, you knew you had to do it. Ever since you arrived at the Shadow-Cursed Lands, Astarion became more cautious, bordering on a skittish and terrified creature.

You know he misses the Sun. Whenever you cast Daylight, you can never miss the longing looks he can't help but give the glowing orb every time it appears. Two hundred years in the dark, and only a month and some change before he's forced into darkness again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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