Bards Being Bards

514 18 15

In which Astarion delights his beloved bard to a music shop somewhere in the Lower City.

Entirely based on a cute encounter I had in Act 3!!





Astarion's hands are itchy.

There are too many baubles and shiny trinkets around him that are practically begging to be stolen, to be stuffed into his pretty little pockets.

The Glitter Gala, as pretentious as its owner was, is a prime spot for Astarion to let his itchy roguish fingers to work. The trinkets sparkle every time they hit the light, as if they're daring him to take them.

He glances in your direction and sees you talking to the owner. Astarion overhears your conversation, the woman saying that your dull skin is need of a little sparkle. You wave her off, saying that you're just here to peruse, but you wouldn't mind some suggestions as to what jewels would suit you best.

Astarion listens for the woman's answer.


Bright, vibrant sapphires.

As if the gods had blessed him again (the first time being the time they put you in his path), he sees a shining golden ring with a beautifully cut sapphire on it.

Astarion feels giddy all of a sudden, wanting nothing more than to have his hands on that gorgeous ring in the open. He doesn't even have to lockpick anything. The ring itself is on a pedestal, no traps, no locks, no glass cases- nothing.

He knows you encourage his 'hobby', so he's confident enough that you wouldn't be mad at him for this little stunt of his. He probably thinks you'd be more annoyed at him if he got caught more than the act of stealing itself.

You were still busy talking with the woman, now she's suggesting fabrics that would look good on your skin.

Astarion scoffs when the woman suggests velvet.

Velvet? That's just Upper City nonsense. As much as Astarion loves the decadence of velvet, he knows very well that it drowns your presence out. You look better in lighter fabrics- a good silk, perhaps. Maybe even chiffon or a breezy linen for the hotter seasons.

Astarion checks the pedestal one more time for traps, and glances at you and the woman again just in case and-


"Astarion!" You call out to him. His head whips around to you and you see him slyly stuff his pockets with something. "Come on, we're heading upstairs. There's instruments!"

Astarion innocently grins at you. "Coming, my dear."

How can he deny his beloved bard?

He strides immediately beside you, entwining his fingers with your own.

Astarion has held your hand more times than you could count, but the small gesture never fails to put a soft smile on your face and make your heart flutter out of fondness.

You trudge up the stairs, your beloved vampire not too far behind you, as you enter the Chromatic Scale, owned by— get this— a dragonborn.

Hilarious, you note. Punny, even.

"Good day to you, patron! I am Thomas C. Quirkilious, retired bard, current business owner and instrument maker!"

A grin easily finds its way to your face upon hearing the enthusiasm in Thomas's voice. You walk up to the counter where the dragonborn was polishing a brass trumpet, a hop in your step from giddiness.

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