Valentine's Day Drabble!

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Happy Valentine's Day, Astarion nation!!!

Here's a short lil drabble I thought I'd cook up quickly since I'm soooo very busy this week.






"Astarion?" Your voice rings out into an empty but warm living room.

The spot where your beloved vampire would wait patiently for your return from your regular tavern gigs was left barren, a complete contrast to your usual greetings of infinite kisses and warm hugs.

"Astarion?!" You call louder into your house, yet he doesn't answer. Nobody answers.


Left dumbfounded, you plop onto the sofa.

He wasn't the type to disappear without a word. Well— not anymore, at least. In your time together, after all the Netherbrain mess, Astarion found himself blossoming into a doting lover. One he didn't expect to be one, quite frankly.

He thought he'd be the nonchalant type, the kind who required the bare minimum affection and conversations, enough just to keep the relationship afloat while still getting his (nearly) daily sips of blood in.

But, much to his own surprise, he's become quite the romantic, always wanting to go on lovely dates with you, to always be around you to bask in your warm presence.

When you'd be too tired to go out or plan dates, he'd coax you into spending the whole day in bed with him, whether those cuddles lead to something more or not.

He's content with either, now that he's claimed his own autonomy and has become more comfortable in his own sexuality. Come to think of it, he's content with anything so long as he's by your side throughout it.

Your mouth forms into an unconscious pout, not used to Astarion to be so... absent. You would sulk, but the vampire always had reasons for his behavior.

Perhaps, he had a bad day today, and he didn't want to bother you with his problems. You sighed at the thought, wanting nothing more than to ease his problems over anything else.

As you begin to border on sulking, a quick drum of feet padding down the stairs sounded from behind you.

"Astarion?" You call out as you turned to face him.

The vampire looked more stressed than anything, with his eyes glazed over by a million thoughts running through his mind. Then, they all clear up once he lays his eyes on you, as if you took all of his problems away with one glance.

"Oh, my love!" He says in pleasant surprise, his silver brows rising up from their crooked position. "I hadn't realized you'd be home so early."

Astarion quickly strides over to your spot on the sofa and greets you with a soft kiss on the lips.

"Happy Hearts' Day, my love." Astarion whispers softly, a fond smile stretching across his face.

You draw back slightly in confusion. "That was today?"

"Darling, don't tell me you haven't been serenading the Elfsong with love songs on Hearts' Day?" He breathes in genuine disbelief.

"I couldn't even finish my usual set. The audience were requesting love songs each turn!" Your hands fly to your face in distress. "Gods... I've been a mess these last few days, haven't I?"

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