-♡ Brothers and Sisters ♡-

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5 years before the events of the archon war...

"Y/n!" "Brother Y/n!" "Hey y/n over here!" "get over here y/n!" your sisters and brothers called out to you as you dropped down from a Sandbearer tree and walked over to your 'family.' (As the others liked to call it.) You saw General Alatus asleep and your brothers and sisters crowed around him with either paint or ink. 

"imagine when he wakes up!" Indarias giggled as Bosacius drew some circles around his eyes. He passed the brush around so you could all draw on his face, while you were all laughing about Alatus's face you saw his eyes slightly flicker. You knew he was awake now. 

Nonetheless, you took the brush from Menogias and did the final touch. You drew clown cheeks on him and colored his nose before giving the brush back to Indarias.

You ran away, not wanting a beating or punishment like a million pushups with everyone on your back or thousands of laps around Liyue. Although you trained everyday, you weren't exactly a Main DPS, almost all of your attacks relied on your Vision so you practiced without it most of the time. 

Just as you picked up your weapon, you heard a yell from Alatus. Just before you panicked, you heard the laughing of your brothers and sisters. 'Oh.' You thought as you remembered what you guys did to him. You started giggling too before you heard Alatus yell you name. "Y/N GET OVER HERE"

'Oh shit' You sprinted to them quickly and stopped infront of Alatus, slightly looking away as to not start laughing in his face. 'oh my Morax he looks so goofy' you thought as were dying of laugher inside.

"Were you a part in their prank." He asked you and you immediately knew nothing better to do then to save yourself. sooooo.. you started to lie. "Of course not!" You objected and bowed you head slightly. 

"Bonanus, Indarias, Bosacius, Menogias. 10000 pushups by dawn, or you'll climb mountains without your Visions." He punished your brothers and sisters as they all fell to the ground, baby crying to him to not punish them. 

He showed no mercy and made them get started. You shuddered at them doing pushups and walked away to go back to training. "And where are you going." Alatus stopped you and you turned around to face him. "Going back to training." You responded and he nodded his head to allow you to leave.

'Oh my archon I cant believe I didn't get a punishment' You thought and started training with your weapon. You trained for atleast 3 hours before cooking for your brothers, sisters, and general. 

You knew they didn't need food (neither did you) but it did help give SOME energy back. You cooked your favorite foods and put them on a round table before yelling for the others. 

They all gathered around the table to enjoy the food while you started your patrol around Liyue. You did notice a few other Adepti around Morax so you went for a little visit. 

"Morax." You knelt on one leg with your head down. He brought your head and legs up and offered you a place to help. You accepted his proposal of work and started gathering materials. He wanted to make an inn for you and your family but now that you were here, you could just keep a secret and do the work for him.

'I wonder if they'll like it' you cut down enough wood to start and you had Mountain Shaper help you with the foundation. You thanked him and started working. You used your Vision to grow the biggest tree in Liyue and started building the inn. You didn't think it was quite... home enough so you added some draped vines, and put some of your (and your other's) blessings around.

'Finally.' You wiped the sweat from your brow and climbed the mountain where you and the other Yakshas lived. You saw all of them training together and didn't want to disturb them so you climbed a tree and lied down, getting tired from working so much.

You had a feeling something horrible was coming, but you denied it.. 

If something was coming, how bad would it be..?

-Total words : 708-

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