Boy, You're Giving Me Butterflies.

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The next morning, I found myself awake before my alarm had even went off. Any other day, I would’ve rolled over and waited for the inevitable buzzing. But today, I hurried into the shower, actually excited for the school day. My mom had already left for work. She had said something about having to go in extra early to cover part of a girl’s midnight shift or something. My mind had been on something, err, someone, entirely different. 

Rinsing the shampoo suds from my hair, I turned to face the downpour of water from the showerhead, letting it stream down on my face. Breathing in the steam, I pictured how this afternoon tutoring session would go. I always hated when I did that, because almost nothing ever goes as I picture it going.

Turning the shower knobs to their ‘off’ position, I wrapped a towel around myself and walked back into my room. Standing in front of my closet, I gazed for a long time at the clothes that had been gifted to me from Amber and Kelsey. Before they had given me the clothes they didn’t want or need anymore, most of my things were purchased from Goodwill and random thrift stores. Or donations that a few of Mom’s co-workers would give her for me. But everything that I had previously owned looked so worn and old. 

Thankful for a fresh selection of clothing, I actually looked forward to getting dressed in the mornings now. Finally settling on a pair of dark blue jeans and a fitted t-shirt, I pulled the clothes on and went back to the bathroom to blow dry my hair and apply some makeup; something I hadn’t done in nearly a week.

Glancing at the alarm clock next to my bed, I realized that Calvin would be arriving any minute. Hurrying to the living room, I pulled on my sneakers and waited patiently for him at the front door with my schoolbooks in my arms. Within seconds, his car was making its way up my driveway. A huge smile spreading across my lips, I bounded out of the door, nearly forgetting to shut it behind me. What was it about this boy that made the mere sight of him make me giddy like a little school girl? Landon had never done that. No boy had. 

Reaching the passenger side of his car, I opened the door and slid inside. 

“Hey,” I breathed, buckling my seatbelt.

“Hey,” he replied, watching me. “I was going to be a gentleman and open your door for you, but you didn’t really give me the chance,” he added with a slight laugh.

“Oh, sorry. Maybe next time?” I asked, flashing him another smile.

“Sure,” he said lightheartedly, putting the car into reverse and backing down my driveway. A few seconds later, we were on our way to school.

“Where’s your locker?” I asked, remembering that I had no clue about his morning schedule, other than first hour history. 

“Huh?” he asked, obviously caught off guard. “My locker? It’s um, in the…basement,” he said, finally.

“The basement? I wasn’t even aware that we had a basement,” I said, a small laugh escaping.

“Yeah, well, apparently there is, and that’s where they stuck my locker. Just my luck, you know. It doesn’t really matter. I don’t use it anyway. I’ve only been down there a couple of times,” he replied.

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