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One Month Later

"Move, Von." Asia laughed, struggling to ply his arms from around her waist.

"One moe' time." He laughed, repeatedly kissing the side of her face.

"How many times you gone eat pussy? Yeen tired, baby?" She chuckled, giving up the fight to escape his grasp.

"No. Lay yo ass down." He chuckled, and she looked at him over her shoulder, smiling.

"We can do moe' than whatchu tryna do." She smirked, turning to face him.

"On David?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at her, and she laughed.

"Maybe." She chuckled, turning to look at the time on the clock, and she sighed. "We gotta start gettin' dressed to leave though. You gotta show, Von."

"Fuck that show." He laughed, burying his face in the crook of her neck.

"Nah, you trippin'. It should never be fuck yo money fa a female." She said, wrapping her arms around his neck, and kissing his cheek.

He smacked his lips, lifting his head from the crook of her neck. "Look at you tryna act like you puttin' me on game." He playfully mugged her before getting out of the bed.

"I am puttin' you on game, baby." She laughed, following him in the bathroom.

"How you puttin' a nigga like me on game?" He asked, looking back at her as he turned the shower on.

"Cause I know how to play the game." She shrugged, pulling the oversized T-Shirt that she had gotten from Dave over her head.

"How the fuck you know how to play that game, Lil Folks?" He frowned, squinting his eyes at her.

"Cause I am the game, no Triple H." She winked, and he shook his head, stepping in the shower after her.

"You slow." He laughed, wrapping his arms around her waist while they stood under the hot water.

"Shut up." She chuckled, grabbing a bathing towel and a bar of soap, and she made suds on the towel before putting it on his body.

Asia and Von finished taking their shower and they dried one another off before they began to get dressed for Von's show.

"You ready, Ma?" He asked, spraying Dior cologne on himself.

"Yeah." She replied, putting lotion in her hands, and she rubbed them together.

They walked to the truck, getting inside of it, and pulled off, driving to the location of the show after putting the address in the GPS. Within twenty minutes, they arrived to their destination, getting out of the truck, and they went inside of the building.

"Don't bring me on stage like you did the last time, okay. My anxiety can not handle that today." Asia said, wrapping her arms around Von's waist as she looked up at him.

"You gotta get that anxiety under control, lil foenem. I want you on stage bein' T'd with me and gang." He said, resting his hands on her ass.

"I will one day, just not right now." She chuckled, standing on her tippy toes, and she kissed him.

He put his hand around her neck, looking in her eyes as their tongues fought for dominance. He tightened his grip around her neck, causing a low gasp to escape her mouth when her lips parted, and he continued to kiss her, winning the dominance of the kiss.

Pulling away from the kiss, "Baby, why you always lookin' at me when we kiss? Why youn close yo eyes?" She asked, licking over her lips.

"Ion trust no bitch." He muttered, placing a soft kiss on her lips, and she lightly jerked her head back.

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