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Five Days Later

Feeling the frequent soft lips of Dave against her face, Asia stirred out of her sleep, fluttering her eyes open.

"Goodmorning." She slightly smiled, placing her hand on his face, and she pecked his lips twice.

"Goodmornin'." He replied, wrapping his arms around her body, tightly hugging her.

They laughed in unison as they rolled around the bed before she laid her head on his chest, heavily sighing when her thoughts began to take over.

"What's wrong?" He asked, picking up on the sudden shift of her mood.

"This baby." She muttered, shrugging her shoulders as she wrapped an arm around his stomach.

"What about it?" He curiously asked, preparing himself for what would come out of her mouth when she responded.

"I'm still thinkin' about a decision." She replied, lifting her head from his chest, and she laid against the headboard, folding her arms across her chest.

"About the baby?" He rhetorically asked, resting his head on her stomach with his arms around her waist.

"Yeah. I just hope whateva' decision I make keeps me content, and I hope it's the right decision, too." She shrugged, putting a hand in his hair, massaging his scalp.

"Yeah." He lowly replied, unsure of an appropriate way to respond to her worries.

"How you feel about the poly relationship? Is it weird? How are you adjustin'?" She eagerly asked, leaning down to kiss the side of his face.

"It's some new shit. I don't know how to feel about it yet." He sighed, staring at the wall with his thoughts scattering around his head.

She lowly chuckled to herself as she turned his head towards her, staring in his eyes. "I love you. You know that?" She smiled, repeatedly pecking his soft pink lips.

"I love you, too, Mami." He smiled, pushing his tongue in her mouth, deepening the kiss.

"Mm." She moaned into the kiss, abruptly pulling away before getting out of the bed.

"Whea' you goin'?" He laughed, grabbing her hand, and she laughed.

Pulling away from his grasp, "To check on Dayvon. We makin' breakfast today." She said, walking out of the bedroom.

Asia walked down the hallway, quietly walking into the guest bedroom where Von slept at, and she pulled the covers back, climbing in the bed.

"You up?" She muttered, pushing his dreads out of his face as she snuggled against his body, and he heavily sighed.

"Yeah." He nodded, opening his eyes to look at her, and he pulled her closer to him, kissing her forehead.

"When will you start sleepin' in the room with me and Dave?" She curiously asked, softly kissing his collarbone.

Although everyone had agreed to the poly relationship, Von had been sleeping in the guest bedroom since the conversation. He didn't regret his choice, however, it was an adjustment that he needed time to get comfortable with.

"Give me time, Ma. I need time to get use to this shit." He replied, rubbing circles on her back.

"Yeah, you right. Sorry." She embarrassingly apologized, lowly chuckling.

"You made a decision?" He asked, moving his hand from her back to her ass.

"I think so." She lowly sighed, gently nodding her head against his chest.

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