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One Week Later

Asia sat on the bed, smiling at her phone as she indulged in a conversation with Nardo through iMessage.

The progress with Asia and Nardo's friendship rapidly grew, eventually leading the pair's communication to go from Instagram direct messages to iMessage

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The progress with Asia and Nardo's friendship rapidly grew, eventually leading the pair's communication to go from Instagram direct messages to iMessage.

In the process of texting him back, Nardo called Asia, and she smiled as she answered the phone, putting it up to her ear.

"Yes?" She answered, smiling from ear to ear at the sound of his voice, laced with the Florida accent despite his mumbles.

"What you doin', pretty?" He asked, clearly smiling at that moment; his excitement to talk to her was evident in his voice.

"Nothin'. Just sittin' here chillin'." She chuckled, licking over her lips as she played with the strings to her pants.

"So whea' this friendship goin'? We cool, homies, what?" He asked, and she looked around the room before she nervously laughed.

"Friends. Homies. All that shit." She shrugged, honestly speaking her mind.

"You single?" He added, desperately wanting to know her relationship status. He knew that more than likely a pretty girl like her had someone, but he didn't want to judge a book by its cover.

Hearing the question caused Asia's heart to skip a beat, and she didn't speak for a few seconds, leaving the line quiet during that time.

She contemplated on if she wanted to be honest with him or lie like she did with Von and Dave for months. Having one boyfriend would have been a normal thing to tell a man of interest, however, having two boyfriends was unordinary, causing fear to steam through her body.

"Uh." She hesitantly spoke, mentally cursing at herself. She desperately wanted to lie, but she knew that Nardo was the type to stick around because of honesty. So she told the truth.

"Yes." She sighed, instantly frowning when she noticed the defeated tone of voice that she had answered his question with, which made her go deep in her thoughts.

She was deeply in love with Von and Dave, it was a great amount of love that she felt for both of them. But she had realized that she was growing exhausted and bored of them, needing new energy to be hooked on and have hooked on her.

Her commitment issues and need for something fresh months to a year at a time was the sole reason for her struggling to settle down.

The thrill that she had always gotten from making men fall in love with her made matters worse. She loved being involved in love triangles, either lying to the men about one another, having only one know the truth, or both knowing the truth. She enjoyed the power that she had over the male species, making them weak over her.

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