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It all started in the 15th century where humans lived in peace with elves and fairies, though they had their differences but they still lived on earth without any serious conflict or battles.

The Elves and Fairies had magic at the time but humans had no magic and some were just beginning to learn the arts even if they couldn't really do it, but the humans had weapons and science at the time although the science then was not as developed as it is in the modern age it was still effective at the time.

Things were going peacefully until a dark elf known as Hues wanted all of magic for himself so then he summoned an army of monsters and demons just to help him achieve his goals

The Fairies fell to his power and only a few survived and went into hiding, the elves had the same predicament but they wouldn't go down that easily so the few of them who survived decided to team up with the humans and together they came up with the idea of creating The Arcandus Sentinels.

The Arcandus Sentinels where actually some humans and elves that were enhanced using elfen magic and this new race had some pretty unique powers and abilities

The Arcandus Sentinels took on Hues and his army with casualties on both sides but The Arcandus Sentinels finally defeated Hues and his army as Hues was imprisoned because he couldn't be killed

What was left of Hues army started wracking havoc on earth because for some strange reasons they couldn't be sent back to their realms, even the most powerful sorcerers tried but failed as a dark power was still keeping them on earth, no one knew if it was Hues or some other dark forces involved in keeping them on earth

So The Arcandus Sentinels was charged in protecting the humans and other peaceful beings of the earth from these monsters and demons that roamed on earth and so they did even until the 21st century

But they had all gone into become myths and fantasy stories so they did their operations in secret, the humans didn't know the battles that happened in the darkness around them.

Derrick killed his superior who was an elf for unknown reasons and he's on the run as the Arcandus Sentinels where after him and if he was to be caught he will be killed instantly

He's after The Arcandox which is an artifact that can be used to free Hues for unknown reasons but he also finds out his not the only one after this artifact as he learns that a demon known as Molad who was working with a human Sorceress known as Yira is also after this artifact to free Hues for unknown reasons

Things get worse as a strange female Arcandus Sentinel shows up looking to destroy The Arcandox, Derrick later found out she's a Dark Arcandus Sentinel and more of this new race of Arcandus Sentinels where roaming the earth

And Derrick soon uncovers a plot that reveals that The Arcandus Sentinels have been played all along.

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