Chapter Six

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Grace drove off towards an old lab and then as she got there, she switched on the power switch and power was restored to the building in years

It wasn't long until she started up a machine and then she put the Arcandox on top of the machine and then it started spinning and then suddenly the enchanted symbols on the Arcandox lit up

At Prisonstar, Jack and the guards there were still talking as there was an earthquake shaked the foundation of the entire place

"Oh shit it's happening!"

Jack said and one of the guards asked him

"What's happening?"

"We've got to ready, he may be freed at anytime now"

Back in New York City, Big Fisk was at his club in a private room getting a blowjob as he was looking straight at the lady as if she wasn't doing a good job but he was actually enjoying himself

It wasn't long before he let out a moan and then he received a call from Richard just as he was finally giving in to the pleasures the lady was giving him

He answered while the lady continued giving him a blowjob

"What's up Richard? Any updates?"

"Yes boss, I just got info that Grace took the Arcandox and is on the run"

"Hold on you mean Grace betrayed the supernatural being that saved her?"

"Yes boss"

"Well find her and get me that artifact!"

"Am on it boss"

Richard said as Big Fisk hung up the call as he let out another moan as the lady started licking his balls

Richard on the other hand was actually in a brothel as he was about to have sex with a prostitute before he decided to give his boss a call but now he was done delivering his message

"He thinks he's the only one that can enjoy himself, hmm come over here baby"

He said to the prostitute as she came over and they gave each other a french kiss and then they started a foreplay as she grabbed his dick and gave him a hand job before sucking it a little and then putting it in her pussy and then they started having vagina sex.

Derrick and Ifenyi stole a car as Ifenyi was the one driving, Derrick didn't have any driving skills so Ifenyi offered to drive

"Am tracking a strange energy source from an old lab not too far ahead"

Ifenyi said as he was with a tracking device

"Take us there"

Derrick said looking determined to retrieve the Arcandox by any means necessary

As the Arcandox was spinning on the machine, it released a huge blast of energy into the air and it was visible to the entire city that even the elves that camped in an abandoned street a mile away was able to see it

"We've got to go to that direction as soon as possible"

Andrew said and as Isabella saw it she said

"Oh shit!"

Amaya wasn't too far off as she was riding her motorcycle down a small street as she saw the huge energy blast in the air

"Well this just makes my job easier"

Richard was just coming out of the brothel when he saw the huge energy blast in the air and then he immediately alerted his men and they started heading towards the direction of the blast

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