Chapter Fifteen

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Derrick, Isabella and Jack went to a small pub in the street as very few people were there

"So any ideas, what do we do now!"

Derrick said looking at Jack and then Jack said

"I don't know, maybe you got some?"

Jack looked at Isabella and then she said

"Don't look at me! I got nothing"

"Well this is a situation I won't wanna be in but come to think of it, Hues is free and we're not really acting like it matters, we should be out there spreading the word"

Jack said and Derrick just looked at him and said

"To who exactly? I mean The Arcandus Sentinels are at war with themselves who else are we going to tell?"

"The Council of Sorcerers am sure they would help"

Jack said and Derrick said

"You dumb idiot, The Council Of Sorcerers have been disbanded years ago"

"Impossible, I should have known about that"

"Yeah you should have but you can't really see it can you?"

"See what?"

"You've been blocked and blindfolded from seeing some important things and you only see what he wants you to see"

"What are you talking about?"

"It's Hues, it's been Hues all along, he knows what each of us is capable off and what we've done and what he manipulated us to do"

"What do you mean?"

"Hues is behind this all along now it's getting to me, shit! I've been used as a pawn this all began when I killed Pere"

"Pere?, Why did you kill Pere?"

Jack asked and Derrick just Shaked his head and said

"I killed him because I saw him killing Dennis"

"What?! But Dennis is still very much alive"

Jack said and Isabella asked

"Who's Dennis?"

"Dennis was my ex and my first lover, Pere sent her on a mission and while she was gone I didn't hear from her again, all of us thought she was dead, I went to investigate as I went snooping around Pere's room and as I touched his dagger, I saw it's past for the last 24hours and I saw him killing Dennis and I took it to the Council to show them what I saw, they touched it and saw nothing of that sort, they'll thought I was being delusional and dismissed the case"

"So you got angry and just as Pere was giving his glorious speech you decided to kill him in order to avenge her, but when the deed was done you found out that she was still alive and Pere never killed her, you ran away knowing that you'll be hunted for the rest of your life"

Jack said as Derrick said

"Yes and that's why I've been looking for The Arcandox, with it's power I can finally prove my innocence and let everyone know that I was tricked"

"But if that was true and Hues is responsible for all this, how did he do it from his prison cell"

"The Arcandox is the answer to it all, when I touched Pere's dagger I felt a strange energy and when I touched the Arcandox I felt that same energy and when Grace took the Arcandox and experimented on it, I felt that same energy and I suspected it must have gone through another realm"

"During that time there was an earthquake in Prisonstar that released Hues from his prison, Oh shit! Hues is connected to The Arcandox"

Jack said and then Isabella asked

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