Chapter Four

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Derrick and the human scientists made it to a local hotel they could find in other for them to plan and think of what next to do

They went into one of the rooms in the hotel to stay for a while as Derrick could already tell that the two humans were still processing everything that happened last night

Derrick was still thinking on how he could dispatch the humans and continue on his merry way when Ifenyi snapped him out of his thoughts by tapping on his shoulder

"Yo bro, I need to know everything that you know okay because I can't seem to understand any of this, I no fit understand bro you gats to explain"

"I see you're speaking in your local dialect now Ifenyi, oh you do this everytime you're confused but he seems to understand you"

Grace said as Ifenyi looks at her and then Derrick just sighs and said

"I will tell you everything but for now we have to be careful, the people that are looking for that artifact are extremely dangerous and powerful, you wouldn't stand a chance against them"

"Oh please I've been at war and survived it"

Ifenyi said and Grace just shakes her head and then said

"He means he was a doctor at a civil war"

"Well this is beyond your wars and it's beyond everything you've ever faced, I'll give you two options, the first one is that you two walk away from all this and give me The Arcandox"

"Hmm I like the part of walking away but giving you the Arcandox, I don't think so"

Grace said in disagreement and then Ifenyi asked

"What's the second option?"

"The second option is that you come with me and when you're done with your research you give me the Arcandox and walk away"

"So in both cases we hand over the Arcandox to you, not gonna happen"

Grace said and then Derrick said

"Okay I'll give you a third option, you'll hold on to the Arcandox and I'll leave you both to your fate in which you'll both die under 24 hours"

"I think I'll have to go with the second option but with some conditions"

Ifenyi said and then Grace added

"Yeah I think the second option works just fine but you won't get rid of us that easily"

Derrick looks at both of them for a moment as nobody talked until after a while Derrick decided to break the silence

"Okay, what are your terms?"

The humans answered him as the both of them gave their own terms and conditions if they were going to stick together on this and Derrick rejected some and accepted some

At last they made a deal in which the human scientists can continue their research on the Arcandox and when they were done with it Derrick would take it and they both go their separate ways but they were to make sure their research wouldn't fall into the wrong hands and use their research to help humanity for the better

After a while they left the hotel when it was almost night time and continued their journey as Derrick knew somewhere safe they could stay and the humans could finish up their research there but they had to stop at an old lab to get some things they needed for their research

They took another car this time and destroyed the other car they used at first, Derrick didn't want to use any portals because he knew portals could be tracked and using the Portalis could put both him and the humans at the risk of being found.

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