Chapter Sixteen

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Jack was in this empty white room as he was trying to figure out how to get out of it as their was no doors and he's portalis wasn't working at all

He tried to cast different spells but all seemed to fail as nothing was working so he tried to use his visions to see a way out but nothing as all he was seeing was barriers and no way out

He thought that this was a puzzle of some sort or a riddle and he tried to figure out what exactly it was but still he could see no riddles or puzzles

He was raking his brain to see a way out but it was all blank, everything he tried didn't work so he sat down and decided to think for a sec

And then it occurred to him as he remembered when Derrick said that he has been blindfolded and he only sees what Hues wanted him to see so he decided to use his visions in reverse

Instead of to see a way out he decided to see if their was a way in and he saw something, it was himself, he has been the one blocking himself and holding himself back so he decided to let go and continued to keep on searching deeper until he got to a point and he was able to remove the barrier in his mind and as he did that

The white room came crashing down and he saw himself outside of the stadium, he opened up a portal and went straight into it.

Isabella was fighting with some monsters and after she was able to defeat them, she saw John or what seemed to be like him and then this fake version of John said

"You think you can get rid of me that easily, you know I love you and you feel the same way towards me but you don't want to admit it, forget about Derrick and come back to me, all will be forgiven"

"You're not John"

"No but this is the new me, am willing to give us a chance Isabella, we can live happily ever after"

And then Isabella started seeing flashes and visions of a live she can have with John and then she started seeing visions of what life would be like with Derrick as it was filled with sorrow and suffering

"Do you want to suffer like that Isabella? Come with me and we'll live in peace, no wars nothing you know that's what you want"


Isabella said as she ran towards the fake representation of John and killed him instantly and then suddenly she sees Dennis but this was actually a fake representation of her as she said

"You think Derrick would love you just as he loved me? He did all of this because of me! I'm the reason he fights the way he does, me and Derrick were meant for each other and there's nothing that you or anyone can do about it!"

"Dennis? Oh you're not her"

Isabella said as Dennis ran towards her and they started fighting each other, Dennis was gaining the upper hand until this wasn't a fight for strength but it was a test of her love and if she was able to defeat the doubt of her love for Derrick inside her she would win this battle and so she did

And suddenly the fake representation of Dennis disappeared and she saw herself in front of the stadium and she went inside the stadium in hopes of looking for Derrick.

Derrick was walking around the dark hallway as a strange voice in the background said

"I know what you're looking for but it's not here, all you see is the darkness which clouds you're heart, you know you're innocent but they will never believe you even if you found proof, you'll always be a traitor to them no matter what you do and no matter what you try!"

"I don't believe that for a second"

"Ah we'll see"

The strange voice said as Derrick found himself in front of everyone including the council of Arcandus Sentinels, Dennis, Isabella, Max, Jack and some many others

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