Missing Hobbits

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The fellowship had split up with the sole purpose of finding our ring bearer, Frodo. The forest grew dark in certain places. The trees were oak with yellow and green leaves that fell quickly as I walked past them.

"Frodo?" I called continuously. I heard Aragorn also calling his name not far from me.

I followed the sound of his voice that led to the ruins of a small tower. I circled around it to find Frodo scurrying away from Aragorn.

"Where is the ring?" The man asked coldly.

"Stay away!" The Hobbit urged, backing up clumsily. His frantic eyes turned to me, and he slowed down.

I held my hand up respectfully at Aragorn, and he stayed put as I walked closer to Frodo, stopping at a reasonable distance and crouching down to one knee.

"Frodo," I said slowly. "What happened?"

"The ring. It has taken Boromir." He replied, his eyebrows curling up at the thought of it.

"And where is it now?"

He hesitated before uncurling his hand, revealing the ring safely kept in his palm.

"Good," I said.

After what Galadriel had said to me about the connection I held with the ring, I stared intensely at the small thing, trying to feel the energy. Only when Frodo clasped his hand around it again, did I feel something. A small rip inside of me. Almost behind me...

I stood up and joined Aragorn.

"Would you destroy it?" Frodo asked both of us at the same time, his dark blue eyes wide with fear and doubt.

"I would have gone with you until the end." Aragorn replied.

"Into the fires of Mordor." I finished his claim.

We both knew what Frodo had to do... he was going to leave for Mordor on his own.

"Look after the others." The Hobbit told us.

"Saphie." Aragorn suddenly said, his demeanour changing. "Uruk-hai." Uruk-hai were the advanced Orcs that Saruman had bred in the depths of his caves, in preparation for taking back the ring.

"Go, Frodo!" I ordered the Hobbit away, he hesitated. "I wish you luck, master Hobbit." He nodded and ran out of sight, back towards where our boats had been hidden, into the forest where I had come from.

Aragorn and I turned to face away from where the Hobbit had run off. The tougher looking Orcs slowly appeared, seeping into the clearing of the ruins from the forest like blood in clear waters.

I equipped myself with my knives, and grasped them tight. It was just like any other battle, is what I told myself, even though this would have been one of my first battles and I was already fighting Uruk-hai, the bred to kill warriors sent my Saruman himself.

Aragon walked confidently with his sword, first dodging the sloppy attack of a savage, and starting his fight.

A couple of the zombie-like creatures eyed me carefully, and made their approach. I got into the flow of the battle after cutting them all to shreds, having to use some stab attacks in the process.

These Orcs fought differently to the ones from the Mines of Moria - they moved more swiftly and almost planned their moves ahead of time. They had more thought processes this time around, which scared me.

I found myself in a tight situation when I saw an Orc coming for me and turned to see another running from behind, both carrying swords in hand, raised and ready for combat. I took a leap of faith and attacked one, moving quickly to its side to slice open its waist and knee, causing it to fall to the gravelly ground.

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