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I awoke in a soft bed. The walls were white, but I was not in an Elvish realm of sorts. I knew where I was - Gondor. The sheets were soft on my skin, and I looked to the side, sitting up at the sight of someone being in the room with me.

Legolas stood in the doorway. He smiled softly at the sight of me being awake.

"How do you feel?" He asked me, staying where he was.

"Good." I said.

"Do you remember who I am?"

I smiled. "Yes. My love."

I stood up and stretched. I felt like I had slept for a long time.

∼ what she looks like rn ∼

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked him, walking towards him

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"How long have I been asleep?" I asked him, walking towards him.

We hugged. "About two weeks." He said. "I was starting to get worried."

I placed my hands on my stomach: something was in there now. It really felt like it. I was officially over a month pregnant.

I took his hands and put them on my stomach. "You feel her?" I asked.

He nodded smiling strongly. "She's going to be beautiful and strong." He said quietly.

He looked into my eyes, almost confused but still happy.

"Your pupils are still red." He said, cupping my face.

"It's a part of me now, I think. I've managed to use my powers knowingly and escape memory loss." I spoke almost proudly.

He kissed me softly and I returned the kiss. I put my hands on his collarbones and he held me by the waist.

He stopped. "Get dressed," He backed up, leaving the room. "You need to come out now that you're awake."

I smiled but it faded when he left the room, closing the door behind him. What would people think? Would I have to explain my actions to them?

I got dressed into some clothes that had been put in my room, and came out to meet Legolas.

∼ what she's wearing ∼

"Where is the ring, my love?" I asked him

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"Where is the ring, my love?" I asked him.

"Gandalf has it. I trusted it to him, but he will likely give it to you if you ask for it."

"Okay." I was unchanging. We both knew that I did not greed for the ring, I only needed it to keep me alive.

We walked down the castle and into the great hall, where the rest of the fellowship of the ring was. All but two.

"Frodo and Sam?" I asked Legolas.

"They reside in Rivendell, recovering from their wounds." He said, smiling at me considering the two Hobbits. "They're going to be fine."

I approached Aragorn, bowing low in front of him. He wore the crown now - he was the King of Gondor now.

"Saphie," The Man said. "Thank you for what you did."

I was confused. "You know what happened?"

"Yes," He looked around at the fellowship. "Gandalf told us everything. Congratulations, by the way."

I chuckled. "Thanks." So Gandalf did know that I was pregnant.

I looked at the wizard, who smiled. "I am very proud." He said. "You were put in a difficult position and you did what your heart said. And-" He held out his fist, "I think this belongs to you."

He opened his hand, and there was the ring. Such a small trinket, yet so incredibly powerful.

"Thank you, Gandalf." I said, gently taking the ring.

"Never in my one hundred years did I think I would be saved by an Elf," Gimli said roughly. "But, eh... Thank you, Saphie."

I nodded in respect to the Dwarf.

Legolas and I roamed the castle later that day. I held onto his arm.

"I'm glad you gave me a chance to explain myself in Mount Doom." I said to him.

He hesitated before speaking. "I wouldn't have shot you, you know." He said genuinely. "You're the love of my life, and you carry my child."

I smiled. "I can't wait to meet her."

"Him, you mean?" He corrected.

I rolled my eyes. "We'll see."

"Saphie, Legolas!" A female voice called us from behind. We turned to see Arwen walking towards us.

"Arwen," I bowed my head to her. She was Lord Elrond's daughter, and in love with the new King of Gondor.

"Congratulations," She said, gesturing to my belly.

"Thank you," I said. "Sorry I missed Aragorn's coronation, and your arrival. I was... asleep."

She smiled softly. "That's alright, I'm glad you're okay after what happened at the battle. Your story is so interesting."

"Yes, and it's only beginning to unfold." Legolas said, looking at me.

"Well, I'd better get going." She said, walking back. "Good to see you."

"You too." I said, smiling warmly.

Legolas looked out from the view of Minas Tirith. The stone walls were white and he was beautiful.

I wrapped my arm around his waist, and he looked at me.

"You know what I'm going to say?" He asked.

I shook my head side to side. He smiled, looking out at the view of the world Men had built.

"I love you." He kissed my forehead.

" He kissed my forehead

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∼ the end :) ∼

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