[ 1 ] ' going upwards , and onwards .'

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It was quiet in the Regretevator, the only people, or person, left in it right now were Pest, he was nearly about to fall asleep from how boring it was, from his perspective he just wanted to rob people; it was something he enjoyed, so it'd make it less boring. The Regretevator opened, the doors of the elevator winding open like a jack-in-the-box lever, and Infected popped in.

Now Pest and Infected were just in the elevator, Pest would occasionally look at Infected, as if he was studying him, on the other hand: Infected desperately wanted to get to know Pest, and so he opened his mouth, and began to speak.

"H3Y1! S0 ,, H0w ar3 y0u?" He looked a bit sweaty, somewhat nervous to talk to Pest, he was so confident before speaking, he found Pest's appearance and presence to be intimidating.

Then, unexpectedly - Pest replied back:

" Why have you decided to start up a conversation, or even attempt one? "
" Seems ridiculous. "
He said, in a tired yet still managing to remain calm tone.

" 1 W@S ,, N0T ABLE TO C0P3 W1TH TH3 S1L3NCE ,, " Infected faced Pest, before sneezing into a tissue, and then making eye contact with him again afterwards.

Pest analysed Infected, looking at him, up and down.

" WHY @R3 Y0U L00K1NG AT M3 ,, ? "

" .. Do you do skateboarding by any chance? "

" H0W D1D Y0U KN0W? W@NT M3 T0 T3@CH YOU? "

Pest thought for a minute, and then responded.

" Hmm .. when i'm not busy, maybe ill consider it. "

" 0H MY OH MYY!!!!! " Infected smiled and waved his hands in happiness and joy, he was very excited.

Infected then ran up to wear Pest was, and wrapped him in a warm hug, Pest just let him, knowing how happy he was, judging by how joyful this fellow skater boy was, he could tell he had never been able to really bring someone out to skateboarding somewhere.

These two might enjoy each-other's company,
time in the Regretevator might get interesting after all.

337 words ,, from writing all this
hope u enjoyed this! i will write more soon, but for now, buh-byee :3

337 words ,, from writing all thishope u enjoyed this! i will write more soon, but for now, buh-byee :3

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' skating around with a beetle ' [SKATERBEETLE - REGRETEVATOR wattpad or fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now