[3] ' jammed buttons . . . and a jammed elevator. '

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(hey guys! sorry i took so long to write this chapter, school has been a hell for me, but since its the winter holidays, i can probably write chapter 4 after this!

enjoy reading :33)

Infected was the first one in the elevator, then came Poob, then came Gnarpy, then they went, and I guess you can probably know who came im after.

It was Pest.

Pest look exhausted, as if he was about to collapse out of pure lack of sleep, jesus - what was this man DOING? (sorry if this is kinda not in character of pest or whatever 💔)
(ANYWAYS HE WAS probably picking pockets, stealing people's shit, yada yada bla bla bla!!!)

Infected looked at Pest, happily waving and smiling at him, it was clear they were friends now - after all they did have conversations a lot in the elevator .. it wouldn't make sense if they weren't.
Infected rushed over to Pest, immediately ranting to them really REALLY fast about whats been going on with them, and Pest calmly responded with his thoughts and opinions on them.

After awhile, Pest ended up having a nap while leaning on Infected's shoulder, Infected sweat - not knowing what to do, so he just put his arm round Pest's shoulder, to try keep him from falling or something. 30 minutes pass, and things remain the same, however, a large "CLANK!" sound is heard, startling Pest half-awake, and absolutely frightening Infected to the point he was hugging and clinging onto Pest so tightly in fear. (aww the cutie patooties the sillythe sillies oh i wanna explode them theyre so goofy)

The lights inside the Regretevator dimmed, darkening - leaving Infected and Pest in the darkness. Infected was already tearing up in fear because of this, and Pest actually woke up from how tight Infected was clinging onto him and hugging him. Pest tried his best (oh mu god that RHYMES!!!!!,, sorry) to calm down and reassure Infected that everything was fine, even letting and offering Infected hold his hand or to play with his little mandibles near his mouth if he got scared or terrified. Infected and Pest were somewhat bonding by that moment.

" How many minutes will you think the lights shall return? " Pest chimed, with his soothing voice as always
" 1M N0T SUR3 .. 1TS PR3TTY CR33PY TH0UGH .. " Infected replied, his tone sounding less worried.
The lights didn't return until after 40 minutes, around and during those 40 minutes, Infected and Pest talked, laughed, had conversations, and after awhile, ended up taking a nap, while sitting on the floor, Pest laid his head once again on Infected, like he was resting his head against an pillow. Infected was .. somewhat red, he was nervous and didn't know what to do about this - he ended up just .. patting Pest's back, driving him to rest, and sleep.

So, after those 40 minutes when the lights returned, brightening the room once again - Pest woke up and immediately was embarrassed by what he did, he didn't seem like it but he was.

Infected left the elevator to go to where he needed to be, and Pest left when he reached his subway floor.

Pest was now just standing in the subway, thinking about how he rested on Infected - out of all people.

He couldn't stop thinking about it, and had to deal with this throughout his day.

(blehh thanks for reading :3 565 words!!! how silly)
(i will work on chapter 4 soon !!!! ^_^)
(probably right now)
(anyways bye bye for now :3)

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