[2] ' what a strange thought . '

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It was another average day in the Regretevator, the music in the elevator positive energy filled .. or something like that, however people started to leave the Regretevator, getting back to what they was doing before entering.

The only few remaining? Pest and Poob, before Infected entered and Poob had to leave to sort out a birthday schedule, he was keeping track every birthday of every friend or fellow he knew.
Pest grumbled, he was obviously bored, waiting for something funny or hilarious to happen, for his own entertainment.

Infected sneezed on the floor, the virus and snot mixing together like some shrivelled and blended up disgusting smoothie puddle, on the other hand: Pest chuckled, thinking that was embarrassing for Infected.

" D0 Y0U H@V3 A T1SSu3? " Infected asked, wanting to clean up the snot he sneezed.

" Hmm, to be honest, i'm not sure. "
" Maybe on the next floor you can get something like a tissue, to wipe up that mess "
He said this, remaining a soothing, calm voice.

" Y0U kn0w, m0ST pe0pl3 n3ver @nswer me wh3n 1 ask stuff l1ke th@t. "

" Oh really ? Why ? "
" Well, I don't suffer from the same problem, but thats just cruel. "
Pest decided to try change the topic, after Infected when silent, not replying to what he said.
" Say, remember when you wanted to teach me how to skateboard yesterday ? "
" Maybe you can lend me some tips, and tricks. "
" 0H!!! HMM ,, "
Shortly after this conversation, Infected ranted to Pest about how he loved skateboarding, giving Pest a few tips and tricks, of course Pest himself did have a few tricks up his sleeve, which was just stealing from other's, but he thought whatever Infected was telling him, made him intrigued in skateboarding, Pest never had no interest in such, but this topic made him do so.

" Isn't skateboarding the same as ice skating? "
And Pest began to wind up Infected, trying to just annoy him, sure enough he liked what Infected was talking about, but he just got a little devious.

(writer's note ; guys i think hes a little bit silly i dont know though)

" UM! NUH UH, Sk@t3board1ng is much different than ice sk@t1ng! D0 Y0U S33 ME, going to an 1ce skat1ng ring, with MY skateboard? " Infected snapped, sure this guy is a bit laid back, but is pretty confident and passionate when it comes to skateboarding.

Sure enough, Infected and Pest started arguing, having a full blown argument, fuelled by the fire and annoyance's of both.
Infected kept getting closer to Pest; who was in the corner of the Regretevator, with every argument back he made, sooner or later, Pest was pinned to the Regretevator walls, absolutely fucking terrified, but somewhat hiding it. (how in gods name)

" Uhm ,, could you back up. " Pest said, quietly but still enough for Infected to hear.
Infected did back up, but he put his hands on Pest's face, and started playing with his little mandibles near his mouth.
Pest obviously didn't mind this, and just let him. This sort of thing happened to him with Poob once.

After awhile, Infected heard the ding of the elevator, and waved goodbye to Pest before going where he needed to go.

Pest was just, mixed. An mess of emotions in his thoughts after that. He kept thinking of the thought of Infected touching his mandibles, and how he somewhat enjoyed it, he just needed a minute to reflect on what happened, though it didn't look like a big deal, to Pest it was.
Pest liked Infected's company now, in fact enjoyed it, loved it even.

He didn't think much of it after he left the elevator; however these thoughts still provoked him, at any minute he thought about what happened.

"Is Infected my friend now?" Pest thought, confused.

And then he just settled it.

"Infected is my friend now."
And he continued to think of this, throughout his day.

(666 words, woa - didnt expect that)
(yeah im probably gonna make the next chapter all lovey dovey but idk,, hhhmmm)

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