Chapter Seventy-Three

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*First I need to find that book from the watchers realm. Then I need to talk to Phil and Tommy again then I need to go back before Scar wakes up. From the tab, he's stilil resting.* Grian made a mental list of things he's needs to do before tomorrow. Since tomorrow he'll mainly be concentrating on the meeting and controlling his watcher urges so they don't go haywire and kill or injure someone at the meeting of one of his friends.

Grian looked around all the crevasses, inside and outside of his base. he tried his best to remember where the left the book, then he remembered the first construction of this version of Grumbot. He's less AI and robot. He was a tiny bit of watcher magic too. It was actually an accident but he doesnt know how to undo it, plus every time he tries to he makes it worse. He remembered where he left the book. He left it right smack dap in the middle of Grumbot's inner workings and completely forgot about it.

He went inside of Grumbot's inner workings, and carefully made his way through and around all of his wires before arriving at the book. It looks fairly ancient, covered in dust and it had a purple eye and wings on the front cover. He picked it up, when he did, a page fell out of it. It just so happened to be the page he was looking for this entire time.

"All that stress for nothing. Guess I can't tell Mumbo I've found it now" Grian said to himself and he picked up the page that floated to the floor and left Grumbot's inner workings. He left the page for NPG next to him under a rock then walked a bit away from him to flick through the pages of the book. First he blew off all the dust and coughed at how much there was. He flipped through the pages one by one looking for anything sort of spell that matched the description of what he wanted to do for Phil and them for Tommy. When he fixed his own wing, he didn't use a spell or anything he just took a gamble. It just so happened to pay off.
He continued to flip through the pages until he came across a spell. It looked complicated but do-able.

"Repairs wings but the if the caster isn't a watcher, they get a random downside. Of course they'd do that. Hmm let's see if there's a spell to grow wings too in here somewhere"

He continued flipping through the pages looking for another spell to help Tommy. It took him a while but he did manage to find another spell that looked like it would do want Grian was thinking of. But he doesn't want to take too much if a gamble, especially with other players' wings. Some practice first might help. On what though.

"I need to practice on something but what...? I don't wanna do it on myself in case it fails.."

He decided to flip through a couple more pages until he found a summoning spell. Watchers have spells that summon different creatures so they can practice their other spells and different kinds of magic on them. It seems humane enough until they summoned random players or birds to practice magic on. Then it just became cruel. But of course the Watchers didn't give a shit about any of that.

Grian transformed and sat on the floor on his knees, he summoned a small defenceless bird and gently held it in the palm of his hand. He used the other hand to cast a spell to break its wing first then cast another one to heal it. It seemed to work. Next he did the reverse of the other spell. He made its wings smaller than bigger again and it worked. Nothing seemed to go wrong. On the surface. He decided to scan the bird's bones with a different spell he knew. Back in the days when he stuck in the Watcher Realm, he was basically tortured and trained until he was half dead so he had to know a bunch of magic to heal himself with. One of them was an x-ray from any bones in the body. The spell worked for the bones too. And the small defenseless animal didn't flinch or try to fly away so it didn't seem painful. No repercussions, consequences or downsides for casting the spell so this practice was a success.

 No repercussions, consequences or downsides for casting the spell so this practice was a success

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