Chapter 47
"You almost done Alli?" Alice calls out from the door way just as I turn of the shower. I sigh, sticking my head our of the door and see my friend looking at me.
"Give me a minute to dry off." I call back, getting an okay from her before the bathroom door closes. Taking a deep breath, I step out of the shower and grab the fluffy towel from the rack beside it, wrapping it around my body. I have a few more minutes left to myself before I need to prepare for the broadcast. Leaning against the counter, I use a smaller towel to dry my hair as my thoughts wander to that kiss with Sky. How I wanted more as soon as he left.
My hands stop moving and I drop the towel onto the counter. I know the Nobles will push back if I try to marry Sky, so I need to set the plan in motion. Maybe I should talk to my grandmama about throwing a ball here.
Smiling, I leave the bathroom and am instantly bombarded by Clarice and Millia whisking me to change into the outfit that Clarice choose – a cream blouse over black dress slacks and a pair of black strappy wedges. Once dressed, Clarice shoes Alice from the vanity chair and I am promptly plunked into it, the sisters getting to work with drying and styling my curly golden hair before dusting my face in light makeup.
"Where is Sky?" I ask once declared ready and Alice and I are on our way to meeting Liz and grandmama.
"Doing some work." She answers as we walk down a flight of stairs and pass a few Maids who curtsey as I walk past them.
"Probably had to have a cold shower after leaving the bathroom." She continues, teasing me. I blush, looking away from the keen eyed blonde and focus on making my way to my Study. Thankfully Alice stops her teasing and we make it to my Study in silence.
Stepping inside, I spot Liz and grandmama on the sofa, the two ladies drinking tea by the fire while Liz explains that guards had come back with items not destroyed in the explosion. I smile, asking Alice to call Arian for me so that I can thank him, only to be told that the Captain of my Guards will be in the broadcasting room later for safety protocol as new reporters will be in attendance. I have already escaped three assassination attempts in the last few weeks and Arian is worried something might happen during my broadcasting. I nod and decide to make my presence known by stepping off the carpet and onto the hard wood of the Study.
"Oh, Alli you're here!" Liz exclaims, getting up from her seat and waddling over pulling me into her arms. I hug her back, asking how she is doing as my eyes scan her from head to toe. She is wearing a dress, one similar to what she would wear in her house, but this one I can tell is made of finer material. Her feet are slipped inside a sturdy pair of black kitten heels, the same kind Liz always wore when going out for errands, and I smile. These ones aren't worn out like the pair she used daily and they seem to be even more comfortable too. The clothes look new and I have a feeling my grandmama had a hand in this. The only thing that worries me are the dark bags under her eyes and the exhaustion that her body radiates.
"I am doing okay. Lillian here is helping me get used to Palace life." She waves me off as my grandmama comes to hug me, the two little old ladies look thick as thieves as they look at one another with smiles. I accept her answer, knowing that I can't do much for her other then offer he a home here in the Palace the way her and Ron offered me a home twelve years ago.
"Come sit with us, we have a lot to discus." Grandmama takes my hand in hers, pulling me towards the sofa. With a mug of tea in each of our hands, the two look to one another before looking to me, a look of unease in their eyes.
"News reporters have been to our house." Liz begins, sighing as she looks down at her fresh mug of tea.
"They started reporting about my house being blown up with you inside. That the Palace Guards were combing the ruins for our – your – remains." She continues, a tear falling down her face.
"No one corrected them, wanting the world to know what has happened. We even slipped a few anonymous tips stating how Juden tried to kill you and how a doctor helped to erase your memory to protect you." My grandmama picks up where Liz stops, giving me a small smile as she placed a hand on Liz's shoulder.
"We are also searching for that Doctor that Juden took you to. Hopefully we can find and keep him safe from Juden's men." Shocked, I place my mug on the table, needing a moment to process this information.
"So you let the news slip on why I was missing and how it happened?" I ask quietly.
"Yes. We want to paint the narrative that Juden's men are trying to start another rebellion." Grandmama confirms. Standing, I begin pacing the floor in front of the fireplace, unable to sit still for the moment.
"With this news, how do you think the people are reacting?" I ask, pausing for a moment to take a deep breath.
"They are furious. Your act in cleaning the Slums and creating job opportunities for those around Zalaris has made them love you. Even abolishing specific laws has helped the people." Liz is the one to answer, a smile on her wrinkling face as she picks up a remote from the side table. She turns on the T.V., shocking me as the picture that hangs above the fireplace mantel flickers and a news broadcasting appears. The woman is standing in the Slums, specifically my street, standing across the road from the remains of Liz and Ron's house. My mouth opens in shock at the remains of the building with burnt wood. Palace Guards roam around the property while construction workers help to remove the debris into a dumpster. It is clear that someone ordered them to clean up.
"Sky and Arian asked for our house to be rebuilt, but Ron and I don't know if we will be moving back." I hum a noise of acknowledgment while I focus on the news reporter. She is talking to a woman I met when her and her family moved into the slums five years ago. Her husband had left her for some woman he met at work and this was the only home she could buy after selling everything her husband left behind. The woman, Beatrice, gushes on about how I helped her and her family move in, explaining the dangerous parts of the Slums and areas to watch out for. She talked about how I watched her sons on the nights she worked late and even cooked meals for them when Beatrice ended up sick. She even explained how the Slums rejuvenation project helped her family into gaining employment with the hotel they are staying in, giving her a better position as a cook for the day time and better hours to be with her kids.
"Allison... I mean Princess Allisara is a godsend. She is a Princess by the people, for the people." Beatrice ends, wiping tears from her eyes.
"You called her Allison, why is that?" The reporter asks, her blue eyes filled with confusion.
"Because that was the name the Princess went by in the Slums. She told everyone that that was the name told to her by a Doctor." Beatrice answers with a wistful smile. The reporter finishes her questions and Beatrice moves off screen. She moves on to explain that there is still no news from the Palace about my well being and safety then ends her speech wishing for my safe return.
Liz turns off the T.V. and silence encompasses the Study. Turning to face the three ladies in the room, I catch Alice looking at me with admiration in her eyes. She came into the Palace as a Guard and became one of my closest friends. Turning to look at Liz and grandmama, I see them looking at me patiently and take a deep breath. I can see why addressing the press and the nation is so important now.
"What do you need me to do?"

From Prisoner To Princess [amazon edition]
RomansAlone and with no memories prior to age six, Allison has spent the last fourteen years growing up in the slums of Zalaris, the capitol city of Nimairene. She has learned to steal and con the wealthy to survive, always getting away until one day her...