Chapter 46
I waited in front of the bathroom door, Alice giving me a knowing smirk as she goes back to reading Allisara's schedule for the next two weeks, making notes in her own tablet of what she will need to do as my second in command of the Violet Guards. I know she is waiting for the day I have to step down and take my spot as Commander of the Violet Guards one day and I still don't know how I should feel about it. I love Allisara, want to be with her, but it will be hard when I am not a Noble.
The sound of the water is finally heard from behind the muffled door and my mind decides now is the time to imagine what she might look like at the water cascades down her naked body.
"Stop that." I grumble, shaking my head before running my fingers through my hair. That kiss from earlier is definitely one I have been dying to do and my body definitely agrees with my heart and brain that I want more. But I won't rush Allisara into it. She has most of her memories back, even remembers more about that night fourteen years ago when I helped rushed her to safety, but she doesn't remember me as the boy that protected her, that was there for her and would do anything for her.
She wants me, that I know for sure, but I can see the hesitation in her eyes and I curse myself for being so stupid that day as to confess about loving the girl in the photo on my fireplace mantle even though she was the girl in that photo.
"You look like you could use a cold shower." Alice's voice chimes clearly in the quiet room, Clarice and Millia looking over at me and giggling. I groan in frustration, sending a glare at Alice for pointing out the obvious but she just sticks her tongue at me before returning to what she is doing.
"I need something to keep my mind off of Allisara." I mumble, getting a chuckle from Alice.
"You only call her by her full name when she isn't around. Why don't you call her that when she is?" Fuck. Alice is seriously becoming the annoying little sister I never wanted.
"She told me to call her Alli, so I do." I answer, getting an eye roll from the blonde woman.
"Well maybe next time you kiss her senseless, moan her full name. That will make her change her mind." Clarice teases. Deciding that I am not going to win with these three women in the room, I mumble something about needing to check on the prisoners in the dungeon and stride out of the room, their laughter following me even after closing the doors. I think I need to get Allisara new guards.
Making my way through the Palace and down to the dungeon, I check on Juden and make sure he is in his room. It seems he has decided to behave today and honestly, part of me wished he would have tried something to give me a reason to punch him. Max is sitting in the interrogation room now turned office, a few other Guards he personally picked helping him go through a list of who will be transferred to one of the nearest prisons.
"Any problem today?" I ask, leaning against the door and watching the four men work.
"No. Juden is being docile surprisingly, but something tells me he is up to something." Max answers, getting up from his chair and joining me by the door. He looks like he's aged a few years since I saw him yesterday.
"I have a bad feeling Sky, like something big is about to happen." He whispers, pulling me towards the stairs and out of earshot of the other Guards. He then goes on to explain some files are missing from the cabinets but thankfully he had digitized them into our files meant for Arian, him and I. I frown, when he goes on to tell me some footage from the cameras are missing during the night and asked if he could put up a few hidden cameras without anyone else but the two of us knowing. I agree, explaining that keeping Juden secured is our top priority and a look of relief fills his face.

From Prisoner To Princess [amazon edition]
Storie d'amoreAlone and with no memories prior to age six, Allison has spent the last fourteen years growing up in the slums of Zalaris, the capitol city of Nimairene. She has learned to steal and con the wealthy to survive, always getting away until one day her...