Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1

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It opens up to Chris on a runway

Chris: Season 3 of, Total Drama folks! The world is gonna be mine now! Sea to shining sea! Sadly, I'm forced to share my world with a group of teenage traveling freak shows. They'll be competing all around the globe for another million dollar prize!

(A blue bus arrives)

Chris: Soo! Let's meet our players!

(Courtney walks out followed by Duncan, Heather, Gwen, Leshawna)

Chris: Courtney, Duncan, Heather, Gwen, Leshawna!

Gwen: (she bumps into Heather) ugh! Are there reserved seats? I.E can I have one not behind heathers pony hair pony tail

Heather: (she turns around with her arms crossed) um, my extensions are HUMAN hair!

Duncan: you learn something new everyday

Gwen: (giggles)

Chris: Lindsay!

(Lindsay walks out of the bus and blows a kiss towards the camera

Chris: Owen, DJ, and Harold!

Owen: (grunts while dj carry's him out of the bus) Sweet strawberry preserve! No-o-oh!

Dj: He's afraid of flying remember?

Harold: (walks out) aerophobia, from the Latin, as opposed to aeronausaphobia, the fear of air sickness.

Noah: ( walks out) keep up the fascinating facts, and I'm going to be aeronauseous all over you!

Chris: and returning favorites! Noah, Cody, and-

Ezekiel: (Ezekiel exits the bus) yo yo yo! This years winner is in the house! Er- bus- or runway!!! Where's the plane eh?

Izzy: I know right! Let's fly! (She jumps on his back knocking them both down)

Chris: ....eh- yup! Izzy's back! Also returning this season, Tyler!

Tyler: (he poses and trips and falls on Izzy and ezekiel)

Chris: and the co-host of the total drama aftermath, Bridgette!

Bridgette: WoAh! (She trips and falls on Tyler, izzy, and Ezekiel)

Ezekiel: yo Chris you forgot introduce me!

Chris: (sighs) and Ezekiel.

Chris: and now to mix things up and keep it all fresh- we're adding three new competitors! He's an honor roll student with a diplomat for Dad, and an amazing ability to charm the pants off of most species on earth! Alejandro!

Alejandro: (Spanish music plays in the background as he exits the bus) perhaps I can be of assistance? (He helps Bridgette and izzy up)

Izzy: wow-we!

Bridgette: I-I-I have a boyfriend!

Alejandro: and amigos, please, allow me. (He helps Tyler and Ezekiel up)

Ezekiel: wow- eh?

Tyler: I like girls (ITS THE LINE HEY AHAHA)

Chris: she's a sugar addicted super fan with 16 total drama blogs! Sierra!

Sierra: (creepy music starts playing as she exits the bus) Oh my gosh! I love you guys! This is the greatest day of my life! (She hyperventilates) anybody got a paper bag I can breathe into? (She rushes over to Cody) oh my gosh Cody! I dreamt of this moment for years! Only you weren't wearing a shirt!

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