Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan

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Omg you're still reading, BAHAHAHA. Good luck sitting through this.


(Opens up to Chris in first class)

Chris: Last time on Total Drama World Tour, Egypt! Land of the pyramids, land of hot, land of sweaty (scenes from the last episode start playing) Our contestants had loads of fun on the run in sun, and they still managers to find time to, dust a dog, chat up a camel, feed the crocs and whack a bird! Showing style on the Nile Team Amazon managed to pull out a win! Zeeke found a way to lose, unlose, and lose again! And as the sun began to set on the sandy sands of Egypt, we found out what happens when someone refuses to get along and sing the song! (Cuts to Chris in the cockpit with chef) This week, who's gonna sing? Who's gonna dance? Who's gonna sell out their friends for a chance at 1 million dollars!? Welcome, to Total! Drama! Wooooorld Toouuuur!



(We cut to the bumpy economy class of the airplane)

Owen: Ah! I'm too young to die!

Noah: stop sweating lunchbox, air travel is like the 15th safest mode of transportation, unless you're in a death trap.

(A hole breaks in the wall of the economy class)


Leshawna: (she desperately attempts to hold on to the seats) this is not the way leshawna is leaving this world! (She loses her grip and falls back towards the hole)

Alejandro: (catches her by the hand) such beauty will not fall through giant airplane holes in my watch

Noah: (confessional) okay is it just me or is that Alejandro guy really, and I mean really suspicious?

Owen: AHHH HAH HA AHHH (his safety harness snaps and he falls towards the hole but since he's so big he just blocks the hole entirely)

Harold: (looking at Leshawna and Alejandro) I could've done that! I just prefer to leave the ladies wanting more.

Dj: yeah, she wants more alright, more Alejandro!

Harold: hah! Dj you know nothing about women.

Leshawna: you can but me down now, I mean if you wanted or not heh, your choice because this is nice!

Dj: (looks at Harold) you were saying? Right, nothing.

Owen: not that this isn't fascinating at all BUT HE-HE-HELP! MY BUTT IS BEING SUCKED OUT OF A PLANE!

(Cut to first class)

Courtney: (takes a sip of her lemonade) I happen to like winning and being in first class, which happen to make me an ideal leader

Bentley: and? Just because you also like winning and being here doesn't mean you should be the leader!

Gwen: if our team needed one, which we don't because we are winning!

Courtney: yeah, and I have plans to keep it like that! So think about me as leader

Heather: you're like not the only person in the team, Courtney! There's my friend Sierra to consider.

(Bentley, Gwen, Heather, and Courtney look at Sierra who's going through Cody's bag)

Sierra: (picks up one of Cody's spare shoes, and she smells the shoelace)

Courtney: uhm your "friend" is going through Cody's stuff like a starving raccoon goes through a dumpster!

Cody: I think his shoelace just went up her nose!

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