The Alpha Jeon

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"RM....check on the children's home,make sure it's in good repair ready for winter...oh and ask matron if the kids are short of clothes or books,"
"Will do,although there has been a better community spirit towards the home since you let rip at the last council meeting..." his friend and work colleague RM said.
"Well people should help the kids they are our future."
"Knock, got a minute,Alpha?"
"Tae, you can physically knock without words and why the sudden respect...,I'm your brother and you've never been this polite?"
"Yer....actually it grates but Jin had the audacity to say I'm an impolite runt and should respect my elders so I thought I'd give it ago...but's not really me is it?"
"What did you do to him...?" Jungkook sighed
"Nothing....well not really anything.....I said he was getting slow making breakfast was it his age...."
RM groaned,
"Damn Tae you know he's sensitive about his age,now I'm going to have to put up with his worries!"
"Sorry RM...,it. Was just well you know Jin, he's all about being the pack mother feeding everyone since he came here eight years ago and he was just stirring the pancake mix slowly staring into space."
"He was? I should check he's ok,"
"Don't worry your mate is fine,turns out an old friend contacted him saying he was buying a place in town,the bar that closed just off the main road,his friend is going to run it and live above it...he's worried for him."
"Why?" Jungkook asked
"Well he said he can't imagine Jimin an Omega running a bar said he was so quiet and withdrawn when he last saw him."
"Did this sale go through the planning committee ?"
"Yer all above board,he's had decorators in there already before he gets here,it's applied and got a music licence so will have a dance floor not just an old bar."
"Hmmm well I'll meet with him once he's here,make sure he knows it's not going to be a drug den,I won't have that in my town."
"Maybe he could be your mate it's about time you settled down brother,like RM and Jin."
"Not gonna happen bro, no offence RM but the amount of women that have thrown themselves at me and not even the slightest urge to be with one longer than an hour or so."
"Maybe a male would suit you better..." Tae scoffed
"Maybe you should shut up before I find a nasty job for you to do?"
"See your getting like a moody old codger you need to get laid"
"I get laid plenty thanks,I just don't want all the fuss that goes with it,"
"Tell him RM he won't resist his mate will he?"
"Er...well it would be hard but not impossible ,you have to be of very strong character and well he is an Alpha..."
"'s all my choice!" Jungkook said confidently
RM shook his head..., he hoped his Alpha would find his mate soon as he was becoming very aloof with the omegas in the pack.
"I'm going for coffee," Tae announced.
"It's not even ten o'clock are you gonna do any work?"
"I'll have you know that I've already checked the requests for joining the pack and selected a couple who  will help the community.
One is a dance teacher and his mate is a music teacher who produces as well."
"You sure you checked their backgrounds I don't want just anyone walking into the pack and what about Jins friend?"
"All checked...and the music guy has a pseudo name you might know him as August...."
"August..? You mean the reclusive August no one sees but produces fantastic music?"
Jungkook rarely got this excited.
"Thought you'd like it bro,apparently people were getting to close for his liking so they decided to move here once they found how exclusive we are."
"August in my pack,wow.....oh Jins friend what's with him?"
"Well he gave Jin as a nominee,I checked his background ,he's an omega used to be a nursery school teacher ended up in hospital for a couple of months and suddenly decided to move and open a bar."
"Nursery teacher to bar owner? Does he even know how to run a bar? He's gonna have to be surrounded by strong wolves who don't always respect omegas?"
"Yer that's what I thought but he's taken martial arts courses he's a whizz with money and worked in bars as he grew up,Jin says if he sets his mind on something he does it...,but he was a bit surprised that he was going to run the bar said Jimin preferred  being around   The young wolves rather than the adults,said Jimin thought kids at least didn't hold back on the truth."
"Hmmm,well let's hope the bar isn't a one hit wonder ,go get your coffee but at least try and come back and do some work!"
"All work and no play brother you know what they say...."
Tae sauntered out leaving the other two there.
"Damn I forgot to ask Tae where August is moving too!"
"Your a fan then?"
"Of course what's not to like?"
Knock knock....
"Alpha...there's a...lady here who wants to talk to you," Jungkooks secretary said her nose wrinkling in distaste as she said 'lady'
"Alpha darling...thought I'd pop in and let you take me out for coffee .....or something,but your dragon lady secretary tried to make me wait!"
"Lisa..........i wasn't expecting you and please don't be rude to my staff,thank you Rosa that will be all."
His secretary left as did RM.
"Baby don't be mad...I needed to see you didn't we have fun last time?"
Jungkook sighed,Lisa was just a sexual relief who thought she was more,he knew she would become petulant if he tried to send her away and he had been in such a good mood.
"Ok Lisa I'll take you for coffee but then I have to come back to work understand?"
"Of course baby....." Lisa said sure she could change his mind.
She sauntered out ahead of him sneering at his secretary as she went past.
"I'll be out for a short time Rosa but will definitely come back it's just coffee."
Rosa smiled knowingly, this little madam had no chance with her boss.
In the lift Lisa complained.
"Your the Alpha you don't have to justify yourself to staff!!"
" I treat my staff with respect something you seem very short on?"
Lisa realised he was getting annoyed with her so changed her attitude quickly.
"It's just you work so hard...I want you to relax..." with me in a bed she thought.
"I'm fine get in the car...."
She settled herself in and Jungkook drove off sharply to the coffee shop he knew his brother would be.
Once there he opened the door looking around he saw his brother talking to someone.
He collected two coffees then urged Lisa towards the table his brother sat at.
Tae looked up.
"Hey Jungkook it Lisa or Lacy I can't remember Kooks friends."
"It's Lisa!" She hissed
"Oh this is Jimin our new resident Kook.....Jungkook? You ok?"
Jungkook felt his breath restricted as an overwhelming sweet aroma encompassed him from the petite male sitting with Tae,he could see shock turn into a suddenly blank look.
"Hello Jimin nice to finally meet you....i never believed it was true but now....."
"Kook what are you on about?"
Jimin cleared his throat.
"Er Tae? Thank you for telling me about the town, I think it's best to leave right now as your Alpha is......under a delusion I won't reciprocate ..."
"Eh what?" Tae was confused but not as much as his brother who gaped in disbelief .
"He's gone!! He can't....,!"
Lisa and Tae frowned.
"Bro he's probably busy he's just arrived and has to see his bar...., "
"He can't ....i want him....."
"Baby your sounding weird let's drink our coffee and up?" She clung to his arm but Jungkook shook it off.
"Don't pester me....i don't need you I need him....hes my mate!"
Tae and Lisa gasped.
"Go get your man bro!" Tae teased while Lisa stamped her foot in disbelief . If
She grabbed his arm again
"Baby it's me you need....."
Jungkook stared her down.
"Don't pester me anymore !" He snarled shaking her off  and leaving the shop.
"Ooops!" Tae smirked
Lisa glared at him and left in a huff.
"Oooh life is about to get interesting!" Tae chuckled as he finished up his coffee.

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