Opening night

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Jimin brushed his hands down his sides nervously,the bar was filling up everything seemed to be going perfectly.
The doors opened and there stood Jungkook,Jin and Namjoon and Tae.
"Jimin!" Jin called walking over.
"Hi thanks for coming...I didn't think you would all come..." he said rubbing his neck where he felt eyes boring into him.
"Are you kidding,of course we support you and now I've met Hobi again and his mate is August even more reason to come."
"Erm let me get you all a table.."
He led the way to a booth .
"What can I get you all?"
"Leave it to your staff come sit with us.."
Jimin faced Jungkook,
"I have to be willing to work too to set a good example,"
"You also set a good example by delegating as a boss,"
Ignoring Jungkook he asked the others ," beers or wine?"
Walking off he let out a nervous breath, he couldn't be certain but he was sure his heat was coming and he couldn't be around his so called mate if that happened.
Going behind the bar he set up a tray and asked a staff member to take it over. He saw Hobi standing waiting.
"Hobi can I help?"
"Ah ,Jimin,yes please sparkling water for Suga and I'll have a beer.."
Jimin waived his money away.
"Your tab is on the house tonight."
"Looks like a full house too,Suga's just going to start,remember when we were young and would skip gym class to stand outside dance you still dance?"
"Only by myself in the shower...!"
"I may just get you dancing tonight!"
"I doubt it....phew it's getting hot isn't it?"
"Is it ?you must have been rushing around..."
"Yer that must be it..."
August/Suga started the music and the bar came alive, it kept really busy.
Jungkooks eyes followed Jimin around,he was pouring drinks and laughing with customers,his whole face lit up when he smiled.
People got up to dance and Jimin watched sweeping a hand across his hot forehead.
The music seemed to him deep within him and he couldn't resist when Hobi pulled him to the floor.
"Ah I see Jimin still likes to dance,The times he and Hobi skipped class to watch dance class." Jin said
The others in the booth watched as the two took over the dance floor their moves sleek and sexy.
Jungkooks eyes flamed as Jimin's body thrust in provocative moves. His grip on his glass tightening.
"Wow,your omega has some moves on him," Tae said in surprise.
Jimin suddenly wavered and shook his head at Hobi who looked at him in concern.
Jimin stepped out the back to cool down,his skin felt hot and waves of need went through him.
"Damn no not now!!"
He bent over as a rush of heat went through him causing pain.
"What are you doing out here on your own..."
That dominant voice made Jimin groan,no not him...
"Go away....right now!"
"What....damn you can smile at everyone else but your own mate?!?"
Jimins groan suddenly caught his attention as did the sweet smell rising in the air.
"Are you heat?"
"I need......just ....go away.....your scent......"
Getting his phone out he called a number
"Namjoon,your gonna have to take over the bar tonight,Jimins gone in heat....of course I'm going to be with him! Bring in anyone that can help,Jimin where's the keys to lock up?"
"Back office.....I can't"
"In the back office,yes Tae can help,Jimin will be unavailable so don't let the staff slip,tell Suga and Hobi...what?Well Jin too if he wants...I've got to go."
Looking at Jimin whose arms crossed over his stomach he frowned then lifted him despite his mewls of annoyance.
Walking to his front door he asked for the key and Jimin grudgingly got it from his pocket.
Once inside and up the stairs he put Jimin down.
"Just go,I don't need you..." Jimin moaned out.
"Well I'm sure as hell not letting someone else attend my mate! I'm here I can help,"
"I can do it. On my own.....I've done it b-before...." He stammered.
Jungkooks nostrils took in the sweet inviting smell and felt his pants tighten.
Jimin was mumbling to himself.
"Why so strong so soon? Aaah!"
"They say if you meet your mate it's stronger than normal and we'll fuck your scent is driving me nuts!"
Jimin saw the other meant it,the alphas pants hid nothing and Jimin himself had never been so hard.The rush of need going through him was unlike anything previously.
His brain felt foggy but he thought why should I deny myself,I'm not gonna get rid of this so easily.
"Ok then....but this changes nothing...,it doesn't mean we are an item just.....whatever..."
Jimins body was burning up he was undoing his shirt to feel cooler but at his words the alpha swooped on him claiming his lips passionately,Jimin didn't know how but within minutes they were both naked on his bed the other tasting his way down his body.
The bar music throbbed dimly from below as Jungkook lapped at Jimins body his tongue doing wicked things to Jimins senses.Tasting his waiting puckered hole then taking his hard member down his throat as Jimin moaned.
Jimin was so aroused but needed more.
"Fuck me...please fuck me...I need it!"
Jimin was easily flipped around until he was on all fours then he felt a sting as Jungkook thrust deeply in filling him completely.
At Jimins moans of pleasure Jungkook thrust deep and hard while he leaned over the little omega gripping Jimins member and pumping it.
"Oh harder harder,fuck so good."
Jimin was on cloud nine pleasure beyond any he'd had before.
Jungkook felt Jimin harden more just as he exploded into his hand as his ass gripped Jungkooks thick length
"Aaaaaargh!!!oh fuckkkkkk!!"
Jimin was gasping as jungkook felt himself tighten and release inside his omegas tightness.
They both hovered on the bed panting,jungkook brought his hand around licking it clean.
He rolled to the side bringing Jimin with him as they were still attached.
"Fuck that was ok Jimin?"
At the silence he leaned over his mate to find him sound asleep.
He chuckled at the others cuteness.
"Oh well,rest up I'm sure we have a lot more of this before the next few days are over."
He pulled out of Jimin cleaning him up then spooning against him and dozing.
Ling after the music stopped and the bar shut Jimin woke up feeling hot. He slipped from the bed going into the shower and standing under the spray,touching himself as need burned through him.
A deep growl had him opening his eyes to see Jungkook stepping into the shower his large member poking towards him.
He easily lifted jimin spreading his legs and leaning him on the shower wall as he guided himself into him.
"You've kicked of my rut,sorry baby but I'm gonna go hard and fast,"
As Jimin clung on his mate pounded into him as he took everything he had to offer his mewls and gasps driving Jungkook on.
Their release were powerful but Jungkooks rut demanded more he stepped out of the shower sitting on the bed wet and laying back.
"Ride me.." he demanded.
Jimin feeling the other hardening inside him as he spoke,obediently began to bounce up and down as Jungkooks large hand played with his member.
"Ah yes more!"
Panting breaths and moans were heard,Jimin got sloppy and tired so Jungkook rolled them over slamming into Jimin as he licked his collarbone.
Both were so needy neither were aware of the moment when they came together. And Jungkooks suddenly elongated teeth bit into the side of Jimins neck,it was like an aphrodisiac until Jimin heard,
"Oh shit he'll kill me!"
" we should finish that shower properly and sleep you must be tired..."
"Yer....i feel,good but tired.."
They went and showered,Jungkooks eyes taking in the mating mark that would be forever on Jimins neck,fuck it looked so pretty on him already he could feel some of Jimins feelings,tiredness,fulfilled body and a sort of happiness.
Drying off they cleaned their teeth and walked to the bed.
Jungkook thought," should I tell him?"
Only to be stopped by Jimins," remember this means nothing ....."
Slipping under the covers Jimin fell easily to sleep leaving a troubled alpha awake next to him.
Over the next twenty four hours they came together many times,Jungkook fucking his mate everywhere he could. Food was eaten as and when their sexual appetite was what needed feeding.
As their heat and rut died down it was two days after Jimin left the bar.
He was laying across Jungkooks chest.
Jimin felt his heat was over,how am I going to tell him to go,seems a bit rude after the last two days,he thought.
"You don't have to tell me to go I can always stay." A sexy sleep filled voice said.
Jimin sat up in shock,
"What? How did you know I was thinking that?"
"Of course I know as your mate now I know things," Jungkook mumbled.
"As your mate now....?wait...did you fucking mark me!!"
He jumped from the bed to look in the mirror angling his neck where sure enough there it was.
Jimin turned around his body shaking in rage.
"" He spat like an angry cat.
"Jimin calm down....I couldn't help it,it happened in the throes of passion and what does it matter I am your mate anyway?"
"Get out you mangy dog...I don't want a mate!"
"Mangy dog?" Jungkook too now stood up angrily. " you call me a mangy dog, there's others out there who'd kill to be my mate!"
"Well go find them then I don't want one !!"
They stared at each other in rage until Jungkook dressed quickly in his clothes and stormed out leaving Jimin staring after him.
"Good riddance ," he whispered but wondered at the sudden pang in his chest.

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