A problem solved

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"Hey Jin you're here too,what's the alpha calling us for?"
"I don't know but I'm sure we will find out soon."
Jin rang the doorbell and Jungkook answered,
"Hey guys come on in..."
"Er thanks,to what do we owe this pleasure."
"Come sit down...I need to ask you something "
Both men sat and waited patiently as Jungkook paced back and forth.
"Damn why is this so hard?" He muttered then turned to them.
"It's about Jimin,he seems to have lost interest in the bar?"
"Er.....are you thinking of repossessing it?"
"What?No...I just want to know what's going on in his head,he looks pale and listless,disconnected with everything."
"Damn I knew I wasn't imagining things!" Jin said.
"You too..,he's been working every shift from what Kai the barman told me but he's doing it like a robot there but not there.Kai said he didn't even have the energy to turf out a group of men who were ogling Jimin and saying obscenities to him,Kai and the others turfed them out....Jimin was in Kai's words'zoned out,"
"Who was ogling my mate!!"
Jin and Hobi turned to the alpha,
"Didn't you deny him?"
"What?yes but not til he denied me!"
"But you marked him...."
"I know,don't you think I know but I couldn't help it,I know they say that finding your mate is intense but this...this was like totally beyond my control,it's like Jimin is my soul like he's more than just my mate!"
"Oh shit!" Hobi muttered
"Jin do you remember when we were younger we used to go for tea at Jimins parents?....his mum always said we should be there for Jimin to make sure he stayed on the right path......she always said he was special do you remember?"
"Of course....I said aren't we all special and she said of course but,there were wolves who's being were designed to be more perceptive of others an empath...empaths are exceptionally sensitive to the emotions and frame of mind of nearby individuals,that's what she said and they needed their grounding agent to keep them from losing themselves,their true mates were their grounding but if they didn't have that then......."
"They would fade away...." Jin finished
"What,what are you talking about?" Jungkook said
"Jimins mum was an empath,she said she could see us in Jimins future but there was a dangerous time so we should take care of him,"
"We just thought she was protective of her child we were his friends so we thought we would always be around each other...."
"Come to think of it Hobi it was like she knew she wouldn't be there...."
"God damn it will you two talk English !!" Jungkook shouted.
"His parents were killed not long after,because they were rich he was put into the care of guardians and well,it wasn't the same,he wasn't allowed to meet after school,we were denied access to his house,eventually my family moved away.." Hobi said.
"I tried to stay in contact but they kept him sheltered,or so I thought,then of course I moved here."
"What do you mean you thought they kept him sheltered?"
"I er....oh shit...." Jin explained what had happened to Jimin,gulping when he heard the angry growl coming from the alpha.
"They did what!" Hobi said tearfully
"You've seen the change Hobi,our Jimin had a sparkle flirted his way out of trouble with his cute grin....they beat it out of him,he was lucky to survive,instead he tried being this one man band...but his true nature couldn't stay hidden...he turned you down because he was scared of being owned,of not being in charge of his own life..."
"Fuck!!!" Jungkook growled out
"Er...if we have all noticed he doesn't look good does that mean.....?"
They stared at each other then ran from the house crowding into Jungkooks car as he accelerated quickly down the road.
The car screeched to a halt and they all tumbled out,
"Calm down, he's probably fine and won't appreciate a disturbance if we go in like lunatics." Jin said worriedly
They walked in nonchalantly .
Looking around Jungkook couldn't see Jimin but the place was busy.
"Oh Kai!" Hobi said loudly
"Oh hi Hobi,don't suppose you've come to work have you?"
"Where's Jimin?"
"I'm not sure,he was here earlier cut his hand but didn't even feel it,I suggested he go rest but that was hours ago,I've rung but there's no response ..."
The three looked at each other then hurried out going to Jimin's door ringing the bell but no response.
"Fuck this!"
With an almighty kick Jungkook crashed the door in taking the steps two at a time.
He found Jimin still on the floor the bloodied tea towel soaked and Jimin looking whiter than white.
He picked the small figure up noticing his lightness,
"Call a doctor quickly!!"
An ambulance came and immediately took Jimin,the alpha demanded to go with him and nobody had the guts to deny the alpha .
"Jin call Namjoon to get someone to fix the door,Hobi can you help out in the bar?I'll keep in contact!"
At the hospital Jimin was put on a drip and his wound dressed.
"Doc what's wrong with him?"
"Well he hasn't been eating much but there seems to be something else...he should have come round by now but it's like.....he's lost the will to live...?"
"Doc have you heard of empaths?"
"What,well yes they are rare and their strong feelings are usually triggered once they meet their mate,they are what we used to call true Lunas of a pack, they take on others thoughts and problems but they need a strong alpha to ground them otherwise they can lose themselves,if they lose their mate they become lost and generally pass on...so I believe...are you telling me he's ....."
"Yes and I'm his mate,but we had a hitch in our relationship....what can I do?"
"You need to make him believe you're there for him and soon judging by the state he's in...!"
Jimin was put in a private room,hours passed and he didn't wake.
All the friends came and went looking worriedly at the pale petite male and the shocked alpha not letting go of his hand.
Only Tae was left and he listened as his brother ranted.
"It's my fault,I did this,how can I get him back,has he gone too far? I'm losing him Tae what do I do?"
Tae didn't know what to say,he'd been there for hours listening as everyone tried talking to Jimin trying to wake him,jungkook had told him how sorry he was and that he hadn't meant it,what else could he do.
"Kook,you said when you and Jimin were....doing it....you felt a strong connect right?stronger than anything....well why don't you try it again?"
"Your telling me to fuck an almost comatose boy?!?!"
"I'm saying nothing else has worked but maybe that way you can get through to him..."
Tae got up and left,Jungkook stared down at his mate,should he?
Putting a do not disturb notice outside the door he closed the curtains around Jimin's bed.
He stripped off his clothes then Jimins and climbed into the bed with him.
He gently kissed his lips and nuzzled down his neck getting hard but feeling like a pervert as he suckled on Jimin's nipples hearing a faint heartbeat.
"Come on baby your stronger than this,"
He kissed his way down and licked Jimin's dormant member,taking it in his mouth and swirling his tongue around murmuring as life perked it up.
He slipped it from his mouth and crawled back up Jimins body gripping both their members in one hand pumping them together.
"Come on baby at least part of you recognises me," he groaned .
Claiming Jimins nipples again he could have sworn his heartbeat was stronger .
He kissed Jimins unresponsive lips still pumping their hardened members,he nuzzled into Jimins neck groaning as he felt a tingling build up,just as he felt Jimin harden even more he gave a loud gasp as he was suddenly bitten by Jimin who then erupted in Jungkooks hand.
Jungkook leaned back in shock to see a confused Jimin eyes open gazing at him.
"Fuck baby your back thank god,"
He claimed Jimins lips possesively and felt the other responding before he pulled back.
"I bit you...!"
"You sure did.."
"But....arent you mad?"
"Are you fucking kidding,"
"What?where are we and why are we....erm naked"
Jungkook explained but Jimin looked even more confused.
"So you're saying I'm in hospital and you thought here was an ideal place to reconnect?"
"I know it's confusing but you've been out for hours and everyone tried waking you but you were fading fast and it was all my fault so as a last ditch attempt I tried one way of connecting that I knew we were good at...and you bit me,so now you have to be my mate!"
"Aren't you mad at me?"
"Hell no,I've been mad at me then I heard your story from Jin and got madder than hell for all you suffered.Did you know you're an empath?"
"Me? I knew my mother was she used to talk about it,saying how if she could help those troubled people with problems it made her heart lighter but she couldn't do it without dad.they really were special mates."
"As are we,did you notice that you were feeling bad since I denied you?"
"I felt....off...then had a painful heat and found no interest in the bar.....I wasn't hungry either and everything just seemed.....empty,"
"That's because I disowned you it's my fault an empath needs its mate more than normal couples."
"But now you've bitten me so that solves that problem"
"But you have another problem"
"What I do tell me so I can make it right !"
Jimins small hand clasped around Jungkooks member,
"This is a big problem can't I help you with it?"
Jungkook groaned,
"Jimin you've just come to,your weak I should really get out this bed...!"
"If you move one inch mister I'll cut your balls if now fuck me already...and give me back my mark!"
Jungkook looked down at his fiesty mate in surprise then a lustful look entered his gaze,he licked Jimins stickiness from his hand then started caressing and touching his small mates body until Jimin was a moaning mess under him he wasted no time pushing into Jimins tight sheath and Jimin locked his legs around him bringing him deeper still,jungkook suddenly sat back on his legs Jimin astride him moaning as the position deepened Jungkooks  thrusts,growling deeply Jungkooks teeth elongated and Jimin tipped his neck submissively,both came together explosively as Jungkook bit in.
A whirlwind of emotions rushed through them both prolonging the ecstasy .
When they finally came down from their high Jungkook looked down at them both.
"Shit better clean up before someone comes in,"
He carried Jimin to the en-suite and they both showered quickly,jungkook darting out to dress and bringing Jimin back some fresh hospital pajamas.
As jimin dressed Jungkook twitched the bedcovers back into place and quickly opened a window to air the room.
Jimin's stomach rumbled.
"I feel hungry..."
"You do? Great,I'll see if a nurse can bring something."
Going outside he removed the sign hanging it back inside and found a nurse.
"Nurse Jimins woken up and says he's hungry can you arrange some food?"
"Of course alpha I'll call the doctor too."
Jungkook nodded happily and went back inside closing the window as the room was aired and Jimin shivered a bit.
"Here put my jacket across your shoulders."
And that's how the doctor found them,Jungkook sitting in a chair smiling and Jimin looking less pale with an over large jacket around him.
"Ah Mr Park your awake finally,I was worried,I thought we might lose you."
"Really,the body's amazing isn't it how it reacts to things?"
Jungkook coughed.
"I mean I must have smelt my mates aroma on his jacket which he'd put over me."
"Well that's good news indeed,an empath has a strong connection to their mate."
"Indeed.....it was like all my senses were overloaded and I knew I had to come(jungkook coughed again) back here for my mate," Jimin said innocently while his gaze to his mate showed the little devil in play.
A nurse came in.
"Oh goody I'm so hungry,I feel like I've had a good work out...."
Jungkooks coughing had the doctor looking at him,
"Are you ok Alpha would you like me to check you over?"
"Er I'm fine, just fine,I need a coffee,"
"I can get you one alpha," the nurse replied.
"Well folks,Jimin stay in tonight and I'll check you over tomorrow ."
"Thank you doctor,"
When the two were eventually alone,jungkook told his mate off playfully"I knew I had to come?"
"Serves you right,"
"I need to call the others let them know your ok,"
Twenty minutes later the friends had been called and Jimin had eaten and lay back tiredly.
"Jimin...would you move in with me?"
"So forward alpha we haven't even dated!"
"I'm serious Jimin...."
"So am I, I know we are mates but this is all new and I need to figure out what to do with the bar..."
"About that.....Hobi ,Jin and I were talking,instead of giving it up completely,split it three ways,Jin and Hobi want to buy into the bar,Suga likes the idea as he can try out new music there.
Jin can work during some daytime hours and Hobi a few nights,you could work now and then too if you want.They both wondered if maybe a full time manager could be put in, that way you are all free to set your conditions but not have to work full time.
"What about the flat?"
"Well that can be a separate deal,if you wanted you could rent it to the manager, therefore acquiring another income? You can live with me?"
"Hmmmmm,let's talk about it tomorrow with the others.....there is something I want to do.."
"Oh yer what is it?"
"I met a little girl at the children's home, I want to go read to the kids..."
"I'm sure that can be arranged...."
"Good....(yawn) you should go it's late,"
"I'm staying here there's a couch,"
Jimin eyed the small couch then the alpha shaking his head.
"Ok if you insist."
He turned on his side and closed his eyes.
Jungkook used the bathroom then tried settling on the couch muttering under his breath.
Half an hour later he was still awake.
"You finished being a martyr over there?"
Jungkook looked over to the bed to see Jimin flip the covers back.
He joyfully went and lay with his mate glad when Jimin rested his head on his chest and sprawled across him.
"Night Kookie.."
With a large grin he answered
"Night my baby"
Five minutes later both were asleep.

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