True to each other

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To say the next few weeks were different was putting it mildly.
Jimin got scolded for scaring his friends,his friends got scolded for scolding his mate.
The bar became a three way holding and Kai took over as manager.
Jin and Hobi had a part time schedule which they adjusted every now and then,Namjoon and Suga had two happy mates and Jimin rented his flat for a nominal fee,Kai was happy,Jimin was happy as he worked Wednesdays and Sundays in the bar and he went Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday to the children's home,reading stories and playing games with the kids.
Jungkook took his mate out on dates .
Drives in the country,intimate meals one time to a nightclub until he got annoyed with others eying Jimin's sexy body as he danced.
"You can only dance for me!" He whined when he and Jimin got home early from the date and Jimin was mad because they had to come home.
"They were all looking at your ass as you danced so you can only dance for me!"
"Is my Kookie jealous?"
Jungkook looked away," of course not it's just....."
"Sit down Kookie,I'll do a dance just for you,"
That night Jungkook got the most erotic lap dance he'd ever seen which ended in hot messy sex,but who was complaining.
Two months passed life settled into the norm.Jimin woke up in the night rushing to the bathroom,he shut the door so as not to wake Jungkook.
After throwing up he scolded himself,
"Kookie told me not to eat so much of that cheesecake!"
He cleaned his teeth and went back to bed feeling his alphas arms automatically surround him.
When he woke up later Jungkook had gone to work.
He sat up still feeling a bit nauseous.
"Pull yourself together you shouldn't have been so greedy."
Getting up he showered and drank some water with a plain biscuit.
Looking at his watch he realised he needed to get a move on as he was doing a stint in the children's home.
Just before he left he got a call from his mate,
"Jimin are you ok you were sleeping so soundly this morning and I just got this feeling something was wrong ?"
"Well don't say I told you so but after stuffing my face on cheesecake I threw up in the night....,I still feel a bit icky,"
"Well stay in bed and rest,"
"Can't just leaving for the kids home to do a couple of hours..."
"Are you sure?"
"Yer it's my own fault for being a pig,"
"Honest I'm fine I've got to go."
He hung up and left getting to the home and helping with the kids breaktime even if the sight of the milk and biscuits turned his stomach.
Afterwards he sat in the room where he read stories,the little girl he'd first map sitting next to him.
Halfway through the story she tapped his leg and pointed to the door.
Jungkook stood there leaning against the wall smiling at the scene in front of him.
Jimin gave back an answering smile and beckoned him over.
"Hey guys we have a special guest here today my....friend the alpha "
"Hi guys you enjoying the story?"
They all nodded then the little girl asked.
"Are you Jimins Prince ?"
"His Prince?"
"Mmmhhhmm,,Jimin used to look sad and when I asked him why he said he was waiting for his Prince ,now he always smiles so he must have his Prince are you him?"
"What a clever girl you are,I'm most definitely his Prince and I've come with my chariot to take him home."
All the kids cheered and clapped and Jimin waved goodbye and got in the car,halfway home he yelled for Jungkook to stop the car before jumping out and throwing up.
"Eugh! Not again," he moaned
"I'm taking you to the doctor you may have food poisoning ,"
Jimin felt too weak to argue but apologised to the doctor for causing a fuss.
"No problem so give me some details,"
"I ate too much cheesecake yesterday and have thrown up a couple of times,"
"Sickness eh,can you go pee in this pot?"
"What you think I have an infection or something?"
"Or something," the doctor murmured.
Jimin did as he was told and gave it to the doctor who dipped something in it.
"Hmmm,can you lie down let me feel your tummy,"
After that he gestured towards the seat next to Jungkook."
"Well young man it's definitely not food poisoning"
"I told you ," Jimin said to Jungkook," it's just me being a pig last night right doc?"
"That's called cravings,"
"Cravings?isn't that what...."
"Yes alpha your mate is pregnant,"
Jimin stood up nervously laughing
"You know for a minute there doc I thought you said I was pregnant "
He looked at the doctor then Jungkook who had the biggest smile on his face.
"Oh god....." Jimin said right before passing out.
"Don't move,you're supposed to be resting!"
Jungkook said sternly to his mate.
It was nearly two months since they had been given the news and Jimin was getting bigger which showed in his small frame.
"I'm pregnant not I'll!" Jimin said exasperated
"And your feet are swollen and your blood pressure high,"
"That's because your pup is going to be huge like his father!"
"That's my boy!"
"What if it's a girl?"
"Nope it's a boy I know...."
"I want ice cream..."
"It's not that healthy is it babe?"
"Do you want to die?"
Jungkook hurriedly got his jacket.
"I'll go get some we ran out,"
"But we had three tubs in there?"
"Er yer ate it,"
"I'm a disgusting pig aren't I, I'm huge ,how could you like me like this??"
"I love every bit of you especially when you're naked it's erotic seeing your round belly filled with my child not long now before we meet him."
"Your a pervert? Erotic huh, go get my ice cream...."
Jungkook left and Jimin heaved himself up from the settee to go pee.
Looking at himself in the mirror he studied himself,
"Erotic? Beached whale more like good job our pregnancies are a few months u might explode otherwise,"
He gasped as a niggly pain went across his stomach .
"Hey my baby stop fidgeting I know you want to get comfortable but it's not comfortable for me."
He went to the bedroom laying down which seemed to make the baby comfortable. He quickly fell asleep.
Jungkook found him there when he got home ,he smiled ,good he was finally resting.
His phone started ringing and he hurried out,
"Hey Tae what is it,"
"That meeting you wanted me to take where are your notes?"
"Shit I locked them in my cabinet,can you wing it?"
"Not really you did all the planning I tried to cancel but they are already driving down."
"Shit...ok Jimins asleep I'll drive there and get the notes and be back,"
"You sure?@
"Yes this funding will help the children's home,I'll leave Jimin a note,"
"Aaaargh!" Jimin gasped in pain and tried to sit up.
Silence greeted him and he looked around.
Hopefully you'll stay asleep but just in case I had to go into work to get some notes for Tae on the funding of the children's home be back soon.
Jimin bit his lip now was not the time to panic,Jungkook would be back and surely these pains will have gone.
He swung his legs over the bed as another pain shot across his belly no this couldn't be happening he had another couple of weeks.
Reaching into his pocket he found his phone dialling Jungkooks number.
"Hey babe your awake I'd hoped to be there but there's been an accident in the road it might take a while did you have your ice cream?"
"Kookie I need you,"
"What's up baby,are your feet hurting I'll rub them when I get there,"
"Kookie I'm having the baby,"
"I know babe can't wait....hang on what do you mean....@
"Aaaaah! Kookie it hurts,"
"What oh shit no,hang in Hobi's at home I'll get him to come your nearer to the hospital than  me,I'll make my way hang on baby,"
"I'm scared Kookie,"
"I know baby ,I'm going to have to hang up,can you make it downstairs,no wait I'll give Hobi the passcode stay put I don't want you falling!"
He hung up calling Hobi who along with Suga rushed over.
They helped Jimin to the car with his baby bag.
Twenty minutes later they arrived and Jimin was rushed into surgery.
Ten minutes after that Jungkook dressed in hospital gear rushed in.
"Where is he is he ok!!!" He gasped totally out of breath
"He's in surgery what happened to you?"
Traffic accident wasn't clearing so I shifted and ran here,nurses gave me this," he said indicating his clothes
He paced back and forth
"Damn it if I hadn't forgotten those notes I would have been with him was he scared was he in a lot of pain?"
"Yes" Suga said while Hobi elbowed him.
Through the doors they heard a baby cry and Jungkook swung around fifteen minutes later the doctor walked out.
"Congratulations Alpha you have a sin,big lad that's why he arrived a little early."
"I'm a daddy!Jimun how's Jumin?"
"Very tired but he should heal well but will need rest they are just bringing them both through"
The doors swung open and Jimin came through first.
He was tired but gave his mate a dazzling smile ,
"We have a son Kookie,a healthy boy,"
"Yes babe I'm proud of you,I love you so much..."
"Kookie you've never said that before,come to think of it neither have I,I love you my perfect mate,father of my child,"
"I love you too hot stuff my baby mumma,"
The nurse wheeled the baby up to them,
"He's a mini you Kookie,"
"What,handsome and strong ,our next one will be like you..."
"Next one?Jeon Jungkook don't even think it you pervert,I've only just given birth,nurse wheel me to my room!"
Hobi and Suga chuckled as the trio went down the corridor laughing at their bickering .
"Ah so jealous," Hobi sighed
"How about it my love let's go and make sweet music and get a baby of our own."
"My dear Suga you've obviously been hanging around Jungkook with those pick up lines!"
"Yer but did it work?can we...,can we? Suga whined following his mate who seemed to be in rather a hurry to get away from him!
The End

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