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Jimins bar was going well,he'd apologised to the others for them having to take over but they all said they had a blast.
Suga had asked if he could guest DJ every now and then and Jimin had accepted immediately.
So although things were on the up Jimin felt bereft.He told himself it was the aftermath of getting the bar up and running to now just running it.
He also told himself that he was glad a certain alpha had taken him at his word and not shown up in two weeks.
He was in the bar before opening,checking stock when a knocking at the entrance had him going to open it.
"Jin,hi what are you doing over here?"
"Park Jimin don't hi me,what have you done to Jungkook?"
"Me?what have I done to him?"
Jimin got flustered and annoyed.
"Why do you seem angry at me,look what he did to me!"
He pulled his collar aside showing the mark there and waiting for his friend to apologise.
"And? Is he not your true mate? We all know you had sex so why are you making him out to be a bad guy?"
"What! Jin he knew I didn't want a mate and he bit me!"
"Oh grow up Jimin!!Do you not realise to bite your mate is the most natural thing to do?As an alpha it's even more intense their whole being is to protect their mate,show others that you are not available and to keep you safe,no one would bother you with his mark on you,he probably couldn't have stopped it however hard he tried!"
Jimin stared at his friend," why couldn't he ask me?"
"Oh so in the middle of probably an intense heat and makeout he's to stop and say oh by the way....?Were you totally sane or begging for more?"
Jimin blushed remembering how he'd begged for more but he wasn't quite ready to give the other justice.
"So what he comes running to his friends whining that I don't want him? Jimin sneered
Jin stared at his friend,
"Jimin I know what you went through certainly affected you but how did you feel when you weren't wanted just used?Have you ever told him why you have misgivings ? All he knows is that no matter how he tries to help you don't want him as a mate,as a friend just a sex tool.......Even an alpha has feelings and right now he's working all the hours he can,not speaking with anyone and barely eating.Tae said he's sleeping at the office most nights and he's not the strong alpha we know."
Jimin felt a sharp pain at these words.
"Doesn't what I want count?"
"Of course it does but what is it you want Jimin?I remember you always wanted a big family how are you going to get that?"
"Well I.......,I suppose I thought in time I'd get it?"
"With whom,you've denied your mate and your wolf will not accept anyone else..."
"Of course it will....i mean....won't it?"
Jin shook his head.
"If I said right now Jungkook was having sex with a pack omega how would you feel?"
Jimin about to deny he'd feel anything felt nausea and anger at the thought of anyone touching Jungkook,he looked in despair at Jin who nodded.
"So what you going to do about it?"
"I don't know,I was so certain I could direct my fate,have my bar make my own happiness but instead I feel deflated like I've lost interest...."
"I know...I came here and on day one met Namjoon,I felt knocked for six by him no way I could deny him anything,could this have gone easier...,yes....,if you had opened up about your past his natural instinct of protection would still have kicked in but maybe just maybe,knowing your past he could have talked about making you his mate...........Jungkooks not known for his patience he has to be dominant to be an alpha,but around you he's a softie....but now he's changing,he's losing himself over feeling unwanted and regretful he marked you....he feels he let his mate down and although angry with you for denying him he's angrier at himself."
Jin stood up leaving the smaller male to think on his words.
Was this frustration he felt within himself all because he wanted that annoying alpha around?he'd been so sure he was angry because of the mark he hadn't looked for another reason.And what about those nights he'd dreamed of the alpha licking and sucking his way down his body!
He groaned ,
"Hey boss you ok...the door was unlocked ?"
"Oh Jay yer I had a visitor,can you set up I need some fresh air....?"
"Sure,wonho will be here soon anyway."
Nodding Jimin grabbed his jacket and went out,walking around mulling things over .His head was down so he didn't see only heard the blare of a horn and the screech of brakes.
His heart pounding he looked up as a car door opened.
"Are you insane are you trying to get yourself killed  damn it!"
The Alphas angry voice shook Jimin from the shock of nearly being run over.He looked at the other taking in the tired eyes and mussed hairs .
"If you'd really wanted to see me there are other ways than running me over........"
Jungkook gaped at the omega who was responsible for his tiredness and irritability.
"See you.....why would I want to see a coward whose too scared to commit to his mate,I have been admonishing myself these weeks for marking you without your consent but it seems I shouldn't have worried.....your a selfish user, just take what you want why the hell did I ever agree to you living here.....as from now as far as I'm concerned you don't exist,I have no mate!"
At his words of denial Jimin yelped at the searing pain on his neck where the mark was. He saw Jungkooks astonished gaze then his frown before he quickly turned and went to his car driving off.
Jimin felt a burning pain go through him devastation like when he'd lost his parents settled inside him. He turned walking back and going to his apartment,he took his jacket off glancing in the hall mirror then doing a retake. His face was pale like he was sick but his neck......the mark was gone.
That's when it hit him,although he had denied his mate he hadn't marked him but his alpha denying him........ he'd heard rumours about it happening but it was so rare because mates wanted their mates.........Jimin had been so adamant on being in charge of his life he hadn't made room for allowances.
He slumped to the floor,
"You're so stupid, you didn't realise what you had until you lost it."

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