Old friends

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"JIMIN.....it's so great to see you come in!!"
"Hey Jin...I missed you too,"
"Hmph.....not enough to return my calls?"
"Er about that...."
Jin frowned at Jimins tone, he could see Jimin had something to say so he sat him down with a drink.
Jimin after a few minutes came clean, telling the whole story.
"Those bastards!!How could they!! I never did like them,oh god I'm sorry I left you Jimin..."
"Hey.....it's over and done with..."
"But why didn't you call me when you were in hospital or after?"
"Pride.....I was ashamed I let it happen to me and I needed to get myself together,build up my strength and sort out my life,nobody is going to own me like that again!"
Jin and Namjoon looked at each other.
"Er so how do you feel about finding your mate here?"
"It's .....not in my plan so I will ignore it,"
"It's a pretty hard thing to do,your whole senses get heightened and you get....needy,"
"I suppose if it got that bad I could use him, but I'm not keeping him,sex is sex right?"
The other two shook their heads,"your mate would take care of you cherish you"
"I told you I'm not relying on anyone ,can we drop it?"
"Sure,come eat I've prepared lots of dishes."
They ate,Jin told Jimin about his life about finding Namjoon...how happy he was.
"Where do you work Jin?"
"I'm not at the moment,I'm an online admin so I make my own hours up,what about you! Being a bar owner is a far cry from your previous job?"
"I needed the challenge and I've learned what I need to,I'm still good at financial things.Gotta clean up the bar put stick away and advertise for bar workers and a Friday and Saturday night DJ."
"Oh I forgot to tell you Jin.we have a famous musician moving here..August."
"August!" Jin and Jimin shouted
"Wow that's cool,I wish I could get him to DJ in my bar but I'd never be able to afford him," Jimin sighed
"He sounds like he wants to stay anonymous , that's why he and his partner moved." Namjoon said.
Jimin stood up to help clear the dishes swaying slightly.
"You ok Jimin?"
"Yer just been the longest day since my discharge from hospital...the long drive n stuff....."
"Stay here,I don't like the idea of you driving.."
Jimin nodded gratefully,although it wouldn't take long to drive home he felt so drained he didn't want to cause an accident.
Jin showed him to a room bringing him an overlong t shirt .
"Sleep in this your still a cute shortie,"
"What,you play on it you know you do,it's part of your charm ..."
Jimin giggled," it's so nice to be back with you,"
"Tomorrow I'll come along later and help you sort stuff."
"Really great,maybe show me what's what around town too."
They said goodnight and Jimin drifted straight of into a deep slumber.
Jungkook tapped his foot on the sidewalk,why wasn't the omega answering ? Looking around he couldn't see a car parked nearby.
"Damn it, where is he?"
He knocked on the bar doors as well but nothing. He checked his watch it was just gone eight,had he passed out,was he ill?
"Is there a reason you're trying to break my door down?"
He turned to see Jimin climbing from a car.
"Have you been out for breakfast?"
"No I'm just getting in from a night out ,not that it's your business."
Jungkook fumed inside,who had his mate been with?
"I was worried that you might have passed out,you were dizzy yesterday...,is that why you were hospitalised?"
"What do you know about that?" Jimin said sharply.
"Everyone gets investigated if they want to move here ,I know you were in hospital that's it..."
"Hmmm,well that's all over with,excuse me I need to change."
Jimin walked to his front door but Jungkooks arm halted him.
"So....you just gonna deny the mate connection?"
"I said yes, "
Jimin unlocked his door but was swung round to face an annoyed alpha.
"Your saying you don't feel the attraction?"
"No I didn't say that......it's just need and I'm sure someone else will satisfy that if I want..."
"Like hell they will I'm your mate and I will satisfy those needs....!!"
"I decide my life not you!"
"Is that what you were doing last night?Finding someone to play around with?"
"That's my business now let go I need to shower and change..."
"Who was it? "
"I spent the night with two handsome men...satisfied?"
Jungkook felt like he wanted to kill someone,never had he felt so angry....his mate was telling him he'd been with not one but two men!
He grabbed Jimin slamming him against the wall and claiming his lips in a never ending kiss.hed show this flirtatious male that he was his and his alone.
Jimin was shocked at the assault of the senses he felt when this dominant man kissed him.Admittedly he had deliberately pushed at this Alphas claim of ownership,believing he could get rid of him that way not expecting this.
He couldn't help the moan that escaped him,it's not like he'd never been kissed but this.......damn it was intoxicating.
Jungkook felt like any restraint he may have had vanished as he pressed his body to the others fully intent on showing his mate that he was better than anyone else.
"(Cough) er hello,sorry to break up the party but Jimin you gonna be long this coffee won't stay hot?"
Jin's voice broke the pair apart.
"Hey Jungkook,sorry if I'd known you were here I'd have picked up a coffee for you too.Jimin came on ahead so he could shower....."
"Came ahead?"
"Yer,he stayed over with Namjoon and I last night after a meal."
Jungkook stared down at his mate who had deliberately deceived him.
Jimin cowered slightly under that gaze.
"Er come on up Jin,I'll drink this and shower after,Jungkook was just leaving."
Jimin hurriedly got through the door and rushed upstairs.
"You ok,Kook,you look.....stunned."
"That little devil deliberately deceived me....."
"He did? So you coming or going,I'm here to help him set up..."
"I'm going but tell your little friend this isn't over!"
"Ok then," Jin muttered to himself as the Alpha strode to his car.He went upstairs.
"So....you and the Sloha are close judging by that kiss?"
"No he was just mad."
"Mad huh...why is that?"
"Maybe because I said I was with two men last night..."
"So,you were with Joonie and I .....oh ....oh you didn't! You made him think you were WITH two men,any men!"
Jimin nodded.
"He got mad and kissed me...."
"Seems like you were enjoying it when I got there!"
"No! I mean,well it was....ok....just a kiss,"
"Just a kiss?you two were nearly in each others pants in broad daylight!"
"Oh shush you! I'm going to shower!"
Jimin stomped off while Jin smiled,yep things were gonna get fun,he laughed out loud,damn it he had missed his friend!

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