Omega Jimin

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"You little bastard ,we have housed you for years you will sign this property over to us!"
"I think you mean I've housed you for years,this was my parents house left to've been living off the estate for years longer! Your guardianship has ended so had your freeloading..."
The two people he loathed most in the world couldn't control themselves.
The woman slapped him hard across the face splitting his lip while the man grabbed him wrenching his arms behind his back.
"You think we are gonna let you go that easily?"
"You have no choice...."
"Oh really," a fist connected with Jimins stomach.
"I'm not letting a wimpy omega like you take away this life I've built,you will sign over this place and everything in it willingly one way or another,until you do you'll be locked up for however long it takes!!"
"Your stupid,you think nobody will miss me?"
"Like who? Your friend Jin has been gone years you keep in touch by text...that's easy to do....your job....we will just say you decided to travel...."
"You can threaten all you like I'm not going to give you two miserable excuses anything more!"
Jimin sighed as he remembered his bravado, he was soon to regret it,he was locked in the cellar.
The first few days they just kept him there feeding him a little and keeping him in the darkened room with a hard concrete floor and an old toilet and sink in the corner.
Jimin used this when necessary and did his best to keep clean.
Two days later he was brought up this time another male was there.
"You gonna sign brat?"
Jimin ignored them a sudden whack on the back of his legs had him toppling over.
"This is what your gonna get til you sign,we haven't got long before people get suspicious of why your guardians haven't left,apparently you've been blabbing about your freedom to workmates?"
"Why wouldn't I? I could never invite anyone here with you two here so yer,I'm happy you're going...but how did you find out?"
"One let it slip when I went in to hand your notice in,said they thought you were on your own now and wondered why I took it in...."
"Good more reason not to sign if they are already suspicious..."
"Oh no...I told them you were so happy to travel you wanted us here to keep an eye on the place,now sign it over....!!"
"And then what...,you know I'll report you don't you?"
"You do that and your friend Jin may meet with a very bad accident..."
"No leave him alone!!"
"Are you going to sign...."
"No and if you threaten to hurt Jin to make me it won't seem to have forgotten an adult I'd have to have my own lawyer with me to notarise it and yes I have a registered lawyer whom I have told not to have any dealings with you unless he hears it from me directly."
"You scheming little bastard ,all these years we waited having to put up with prissy neighbours calling us servants of the court,well we aren't giving up without a little payback,we will beat you everyday til you weaken you'll beg us to let you sign."
"It's pointless you know a wolf recovers when they change...I have all the time in the world..."
The three adults looked laughingly at him,
"You can't change if you're beaten so bad..."
The next minute Jimin felt pain in his side as the man behind him stuck a knife in ,
"It's all about keeping you just more..." he laughed manically before punching Jimin over and over then he was thrown down the stairs to the cellar.
This became a daily routine,at the beginning Jimin would manage to change,determined to keep strong and not give in.
Once they realised  it wasn't working the beatings got harsher,sometimes they would go at him for hours making him weak but he kept on telling himself he wasn't a weak omega and nobody was going to frighten him into doing anything.
Then his heat came and they used it to keep him in tortuous pain ,no friendly buddy to dull the need just the gnawing pain of need as well as the beatings along with starving him.
He found himself hallucinating and unable to change form.
On the day he nearly gave in the three were drunk,jimin was dragged up the stairs one arm broken bruises covering him thin as a rake.
"Here he is our little toy,you come out to play,you give in yet,say yes and we will let you heal before we get your stupid lawyer and you sign everything over,finally we will get that money that's been kept back...."
"Fuck you....ill never give into you,the house and the money we're left by my parents,I'll have you thrown in jail..."
"Little bastard better give in soon you look very frail hahaha !"
Jimin was kicked hard hearing a snap as his leg broke and he went over knocking a small table over and landing on something.
"Stupid bastard throw him back downstairs,"
Jimin groaned managing to slip the phone. He'd fallen on into his front pocket.
"Crawl you mutt go back to your room..."
They laughed as Jimin hauled himself painfully across the floor to the cellar.
He slid down a few steps whimpering in pain,the door slammed shut and the lock clicked as Jimin stopped himself falling further.
He heard music being played and glasses clinking.
He managed to sit on a stair pain radiating through his body.
Slipping the phone from his pocket he sighed in relief when he realised the owner hadn't put a lock on it.
He called the police.
"I need help,my old guardians have locked me in the cellar,I don't know how long I've been here but I won't last much longer, my lawyer is Mr minHo ...please I need an ambulance hurry before they realise I got their phone,this is the address. "
Jimin managed rasping his body weak,he hoped they believed him he really didn't think he'd last much longer...he passed out.
It was lights being shone in his eyes and rapid chatter that roused him.
"It's ok Jimin you're safe.....they can't hurt you anymore...."
Jimin was rushed to hospital, he found out later it was in the nick of time, he was heavily sedated so his body could heal,fed intravenously .
Two weeks he was out,when he came to it was in his wolf form,he'd reverted to it as a safety measure.
Gingerly returning to his human form he wrapped a bedsheet around him and staggered to the bathroom.
He gasped at his reflection,he was so pale and although his arm and leg had healed they felt weak his body still had bruises from where he was beaten.
He showered but felt so weak afterwards he sat on the floor in the bathroom.
A male nurse exclaimed on finding him there,
"You should have pressed the buzzer you're not ready for this yet!"
He helped Jimin up and dressed him in pajamas.
Jimin fell straight to sleep again but when he next woke up he found his lawyer there .
"Jimin, you gave us such a scare,I wasn't sure you were going to make it..."
"I had to ....i couldn't let them win, I'm never going to let anyone take advantage of me again,are they locked up?"
"They are...and not likely to get out,the sick bastards recorded some of the beatings...along with the fact they were government employees chosen to be your guardians they will go down for a very long time. The story has been picked up by the press but judges have ordered you not to be named. You never have to see them again we have all the evidence plus they got sloppy and forged your signature recently to get money from your account,it's all there....your free Jimin the house your bank account and I'm sure you'll be awarded money from the court system for being subjected to their misdeeds over the years."
Jimin nodded tears running down his face.
"The doctors want to keep you in a while they are not happy with your internal healing also you will need physio and psychiatric counselling you've been through a lot,is there a friend I can call?"
Jimin thought of Jin but didn't want his old friend to see him in this sorry state.
And so Jimin had quietly healed but found he woke in a sweat from the nightmares.
Eventually he came out,the court case was done and they had been given twenty five years each for the assault, fifteen for fraud and ten for unwarranted misdemeanour against a minor under court authority.
The media called Jimin Mr P......
When he went home he felt nervous in the house so sold it, living in a hotel where he spent time looking up where Jin lived.
As he got back his stamina he took some self defence classes which he found he was good at.
He hung around in the hotel bar, watching how people came and went how sociable te place was even got the friendly barmen to show him how cocktails were mixed.
The bar manager never took any nonsense from clients even though he was an omega.
That's when Jimin fell in love with the idea of owning a bar and when he'd seen the old bar in Jin's town up for sale he put in a bid.
Luckily he was blessed with a good financial brain so he knew he could do this and set the wheels in motion.
He'd got in touch with Jin asking him to be a nominee and was glad he was accepted which is how he'd driven down today after receiving a yes from someone called Tae.
The bar was already being renovated and was nearly complete as Jimin would have got a manager in until the Alpha accepted him there,but now.... Not only had he met the alphas brother at the coffee shop as arranged he'd found the Alpha was his mate who looked like he thought Jimin should be happy about it.
No way in hell was someone going to be telling him what to do which is why he left hurriedly to drive to his new home.
As his car sped along Jimin convinced himself it would be ok, he'd let it be known he was off limits and everything would be fine....right?

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