Hey Mr DJ

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Two weeks had passed ,two weeks of Jimin frustrating the hell out of Jungkook who would turn up to find his mate surrounded it seemed by men,either delivery drivers,potential barmen or hopeful DJ's.
On one occasion one of the barmen fancied himself as Jimins potential boyfriend.
Jungkook arrived to find Jimin studying his skills and then turning to jot something down in a notebook unaware that the interviewee was checking his ass out.
"So you say you've been a barmen for eight months?"
"Sure have....."
"Why did you leave your last employment ?"
"It wasn't doing well,"
Jungkook noticed the man's shifty eyes and spoke up.
"Is that the truth?"
"Jungkook why are you here? Stop butting in on my interview!"
"Yer man butt out you heard him."
Jungkook gave the man a chilling gaze and sent out toxic alpha waves making the man realise he'd picked on the wrong guy.
"Jungkook stop it!"
"He was checking your ass out, probably got chucked out of his last job for trying to mix business with pleasure...am I right?" He glared at the man while Jimin looked confused.
"What do you mean he was checking my ass out?!?!"
"Hey man your just a little omega where's the harm in having fun in the workplace?"
Jimins temper rocketed," just an omega? Who the fuck do you think you are? If it wasn't for us omegas giving birth you wouldn't fucking exist so get your biased useless body out of my bar!!!" He shouted.
Jungkook looked on proudly as his mate gave the male his marching orders .
"And you stop turning up everywhere I look,bloody annoying alpha!"
Jimin stomped off to a small room stocked with alcohol.
He suddenly found himself pulled back against a hard muscled body.
"Annoying?you tell your mate he's annoying?"
One of Jungkooks arms was across Jimins body holding him easily in place while the other reached up to tip Jimins head to the side.
Hot lips pressed against his neck working their way down to Jimins collarbone.
Jimin let out a small moan at the contact finding that his collarbone seemed particularly sensitive . He felt something prodding against him,it seemed the alpha wasn't immune to Jimins charms.
"Is that your dick prodding me?!"
"Of course what do you expect when your ass is tempting it?"
"Pervert get lost."
"No...why is someone always checking you out when I come here?"
"Why are you always coming here?Go away I've got to get this place up and running!"
"Do you need help? I have people at your disposal..."
Expecting Jimin to say no immediately he was surprised to see this normally capable male fretting.
"What am I doing...I worked in a library....why did I think I can do this...I still need barmen and a DJ....I have no idea if people will even like the place....god....who knew it would be so hard...."
"Stop right there....you are more than capable....you have a fiesty spirit...it's adorable...but your interviewing technique sucks.You need to show them you're the boss,how many are left?"
"Right,use that table at the back,sit there and call them over one by one....lets set up a list of questions......I'll sit nearby,you ready? You can do this."
Jimin felt better once the Alpha showed why he was a pack leader.As suggested the interviews were done in a more formal way.
Jimin asked the questions took notes and had virtually made his mind up,four of the six he was sure about the other two he had doubts on and found himself looking at the Alpha who gave a quick shake of the head.
At the end of the interviews Jimin gave a sigh of relief.
"Well I have barmen...." He sighed
"Not enough though..."
"Well presuming your opening in daytime hours too,you need them to work in shifts,what time would you open?"
"Er twelve?"
"Right,so you may get businessmen using during the day and a few regulars so two barmen from twelve til six when it should start getting busier,then depending on how it goes and you say music on Fridays and Saturdays you need four for busy nights or two for slow nights,maybe some part timers covering."
Jimin looked nervous.
"I can't employ all these before I know how it will go so for now the four barmen on rotation and me will have to do,I've got to find a Dj....i need to start making money back."
"Your going to work in the bar too? I'm not happy about that...."
"Well it's not your decision and I have to work..."
"But how am I going to see you?!?!"
"Same as everyone else visit the bar....now go I have a prospective DJ coming soon,thanks for your help."
Jungkook was dumbfounded was he being dismissed again?
About to protest he saw the tiredness on Jimins face and stopped but not before saying,
"You should take a nap afterwards you look tired......it's making you ugly...!"
"Ugly!!!I am not ugly....damn you,there are people who would queue up to be with me!" Jimin shouted pouting
"But we all know your mine right?" The cocky alpha answered.
"Fuck you,I'm nobodies,I'll choose who I fuck or not!"
"Now who mentioned fucking little omega,what a dirty mind!tut,tut.....but just for the record that will be me."
"Aaaaargh! Go away.....and I'm going to fuck anyone I want!"
Jungkook who had got to the door turned his eyes boring holes into Jimin,
"Don't test me mate......you would regret it.....!"
He opened the door and left Jimin yelling after him,
"Huh,I don't have to listen to you,I'm not scared of you!Pervert!"
Jimin sat down his eyes going around the room checking everything was as he wanted it.
"This has to work,I can't be a failure....."
Jungkook went. Into his workplace.
"Nice to see you,finally...."Tae said," let me guess you've been visiting a certain little omega?"
"Tae,what's the contact number Of August,I want to ask a favour...."
Two hours later he sat at a table in a large house staring at the famous male in front of him.
"So Alpha to what do I owe this pleasure?"
"Well thank you both  for seeing me at short notice.....I wanted to ask a favour."
"Oooh sounds good," Augusts mate J Hope said with a big smile on his face.
"Hobi,let the man speak."
"Sure Suga..."
They both saw Jungkooks confused face at the names.
"Suga is the name I use away from the media and Hobi is...well Hobi."
"Oh er right,well I hope you both have settled into our little town,I was wondering if you would do a one off gig,I'll pay you but I want you to tell someone it's for free."
"Hmmm,intriguing ....who and where?"
"Another new resident is opening a bar,he's going to have music Fridays and Saturdays....I thought maybe if he opened on his first night with you it would showcase his place...."
"Seems like this person is special?"
"He's my mate....but in denial..."
"So you want to earn brownie points with him?"
"Actually I really want him to succeed."
"Aw that's cute,what's his name?"
"I used to go to school with a Jimin years ago ...such a petite pretty boy....i wonder what happened to him...maybe I should have gone back after I grew up...but he could have been gone too." Hobi sighed
"Babe. Don't be sad.....I'm sure your Jimin is happy somewhere with his mate,maybe even with a family..."
"Yer I'm sure your right,Park Jimin would make a great parent "
"Park Jimin?"
"What,oh sorry alpha just thinking of old times when I was young."
"Hobi,can I ask about the place you left,where was it?"
When Hobi answered Jungkook gasped,
"I'll be damned.....did you by any chance know someone called Jin too?"
"Jin?well handsome Jin of course ,it was the three of us til my parents moved,but how did you know?"
"Park Jimin is the bar owner and Jin his friend moved here about eight years ago,he's my friends mate!"
Hobi jumped up and down in excitement,
"You hear that Suga,I knew this was a good move,let's go to the bar and surprise him!"
Suga smiled at his mate before turning to the alpha ,
"Lead the way looks like I'm gonna be a DJ,free of charge though."
Jimin stood on a stool on tiptoe trying to remove the blown ceiling light,
"Stupid thing,why are ceilings so high!"
He heard the front door open and slightly turned
"Sorry we are closed...aaagh!"
He felt the stool slip and he was falling only to be caught in strong arms.
"What the fuck Jimin are you trying to kill yourself!"
"Ew,you again haven't you got a job?"
A snicker of laughter behind Jungkook made Jimin realise they weren't alone so he smacked the others chest.
"Put me down," he hissed
"Sure..." Jungkook let him slide down his body but kept an arm around him.
A voice called him hesitatingly,he turned staring at the owner a frown on his face that was soon gone,
"Hobi? My sunshine ?"
The pair ran to each other hugging excitedly babbling away.
A cough caught their attention ,
"Oh sorry Jimin this is my mate Su..."
"August!your mate is August oh my god,wow,your great,I mean more than great,"
"Well thank you and call me Suga ,nice to meet you..."
"Wow ,I'm so surprised er wait what brings you here?"
The other three stalled at Jimins question as they hadn't discussed how they would approach Jimin without him knowing Jungkooks involvement.
"Well er the alpha here came to introduce himself and welcome us to the town and I er, just happened to mention that I was looking for a place to try out some new music,he said maybe you could fit me in and erm when he said your name was Park Jimin,Hobi mentioned his old friend and um well here we are....."
"Wow what a coincidence .....you want to try out here,erm I haven't opened yet..."
"Well why don't we kill two birds with one stone and I can be your opening night Dj?"
"Really...you would do that,great!!how about a weeks time? I have barmen and a potential DJ for the other nights,I could put out flyers and advertise,gosh finally,wow I'm so happy!"
The other three were struck by the beautiful smile that shone from Jimins face.
"Hobi Jin lives here too!"
"He does?," Hobi said acting surprised
"Life is gonna be so great with my old pals!"
Jungkook looked on enviously as Jimin hugged and wouldn't let go of his friend.
"Jealous Alpha ?" Suga smirked
"Damn right," the Alpha sighed.

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