Sincere Heartache

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Jungkook pushed himself to be the strong Alpha of old,even though now he had a certain hardness to him,it had been three weeks since he'd last seen Jimin.
Of course word got around how popular the bar was but his friends didn't mention Jimin to him.
He'd gone through a rut but suffered alone he couldn't bring himself to cohabit with another eager omega regardless of the pain he knew he'd suffer. He expected Jimin must have had a heat too but probably hooked up with someone.
He walked from his office towards Namjoons ,hearing Tae's voice there,he stopped outside on hearing Jimin's name mentioned.
"Jin said Hobi stood in for him,he's not looking great Jin says Jimin asked him if he wants to buy the bar."
"Has he lost interest in it then?"
"Well Jin said Jimin was never the out there kind of guy when he knew him,Hobi and Jin are worried,he's lost his spark,he was always a little flirtatious when younger it got him out of trouble, but he never followed through on it he was too shy but since his........well I can't tell you what it's personal to him although he told Jin and I about it....,anyway,since this thing happened to him it made him.....wary,I suppose you could say, he learned a new way of living but it seems like all the energy he put into making this bar happen has just gone."
"Well I know Jungkook hasn't seen him since he denounced him as his mate......"
"Yer Jin said the mark on his neck has gone,well seems like Jimin didn't use anyone for his heat while Hobi managed the bar and he barred everyone from his apartment for two days til he went back to work."
"Wow that must have been painful!"
"I agree but Jimin's had to do it before....shit I shouldn't have said that ignore it please?"
"What do you mean had to? Do you mean someone forced him to....that poor little omega?!?!"
"Tae honestly Jin will have my head on a spike for letting even that out please forget it?"
"Ok,ok..... but if he sells up does that mean he will move?"
"I don't know,he has Jin and Hobi here so I hope not."
Jungkook turned away walking back to his office frowning,what was going on with the omega? And what did Jin and Namjoon know about him??
Damn he felt confusion and annoyance going through him.
"Hey bro why the long face?"
Jungkook glanced at Tae,
"Let's go to the coffee shop I need to get out of here for a while."
Jimin walked along oblivious to his surroundings until a ball bounced in front of him.
"Hey mister can we have our ball back?"
Jimin picked up the ball and turned to the metal railings where a group of small kids stood.
"Here you are..." he threw it back over and most of the kids ran off,except for a little girl.
"Mister your pretty why are you sad,"
"Me?.....I er well I'm lonely in my castle and want my prince to come fetch me."
"Haven't you got a mummy or daddy?"
"No my parents had to go and be angels......"
"I lost my mummy and daddy too but if I live here I might get a new mummy and daddy."
Jimin looked up to see the sign for the children's home.
"Wow imagine that,to have a new mummy and daddy that choose you especially aren't you going to be lucky!"
"If you live here maybe you can have new parents too?"
"Er I got a bit old for new parents that's why I have to wait for my prince to come."
"Lilee time to go in,sorry if she bothered you sir,"
"What no of course she didn't ,I like chatting to kids,I used to do story time when I was at the library in my previous job."
"Is that so?" Well we always look for volunteers for that sort of thing,you can always call the office."
"Thank you I just might do that goodbye."
Jimin walked on deciding to get a warm drink so he went into a coffee shop.
Taking his coffee he went to sit down when he heard his name called.
"Jimin over here!"
Looking up he saw Tae......sitting with his brother.
"Oh er hi Tae...a-alpha ."
"Come sit with us..."
"Oh I don't think I........."
"Sit with us Jimin..." the alphas authorative voice said.
Jimin went to sit down his nervousness making him sloppy as he tipped hot coffee on his hand.
His hand was grabbed and cool breaths blown on the burn,he pulled his hand back.
"I-it's fine I'm just clumsy "
Jungkook stared at the omega,he looked so fragile that Jungkooks natural instinct was to pick him up and whisk him away but he refrained from doing it staring down into his coffee.
Tae stared back and forth between the two and sighed then tried to make conversation.
"So I hear the bar is doing well?"
"The bar? Oh right er yer,"
Jungkook could hear there was no enthusiasm in Jimin's voice.
"Er......I hear Jin and Hobi helped out recently,they seemed to like it."
"Damn Jimin....i feel like I'm having a conversation with myself,I thought you would be excited about your place being the hotspot in town!" Tae grumbled
Jungkook shot his brother a look of disapproval and fully expected Jimin to tell him off ....instead...
"I should be shouldn't I? Maybe someone was right when they said I'm selfish.......excuse me I have to go."
He stood up quickly wavering and going paler than ever.
Jungkook stood up hurriedly but Jimin looked down and hurried off.
"Well that was weird," Tae said
"Did you have to be rude to him?"
"I wasn't rude I was stating a fact.....but he did look a didn't he?"
"Call Jin and Hobi ask them to come to my house I need to know what's going on."
Jimin went back to the bar trying to immerse himself in some work but it was like he was just going through the motions.
"Careful boss!"
Jimin looked up startled then looked down to see blood streaming from his hand and remnants of a broken glass there.
"Oh I...sorry....the mess......"
"It's ok boss,why don't you go rest for a bit it's not busy at the moment ..."
Jimin nodded wrapping his hand in a tea towel and going to his apartment.
He felt closed in as if he couldn't breathe,this life he'd thought he wanted was showing him how wrong he was.
His stomach rumbled but just like on previous days he ignored wouldn't fix his problem.
He curled into a ball on the floor crying silently until tiredness overcame him and he slept.

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