And so the game began

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Jimin vowed the bar he had seen videos of the work done but seeing his ideas in person made him happy inside.
He nodded to the delivery men who had arrived with boxes of spirits he directed them to a storage area.
Once gone there were a couple of electricians working so Jimin set himself to work cleaning down the bar area and opening boxes of glasses stacking them in a dishwasher situated in a room nearby.
He came back out suddenly encompassed by that amazing scent from earlier to find the Alpha talking to the two electricians.
"We aren't open as you can see...."
Jungkook strode over his eyes burning through Jimins soul.
"I want to introduce myself properly to my m.....,new resident,Jins friend right?"
Although Jimin tried to hide it Jungkook could tell he was skittish around him.
"You know Jin?"
"Everybody that comes here goes through me...also Jin is my friends mate."
Jungkook could see the surprise and trepidation on his mates face. He was such a small thing Jungkook wanted to hold him close tell him everything would be well as throwing him on a bed and ravishing his delightful body.
Jimin bent to pick another box of glasses up, hearing a quiet growl as he did so turning he caught Jungkooks gaze on his ass.
"Er.......look I know you think I'm your mate but it's not going to happen..."
"Know...not think.....,are you denying you feel it too?"
"I can withhold the feelings......I don't need a distraction, I'm here to get my bar up and running....i don't need the bother of a relationship."
"Bother? Why would it be a bother? It's the way of our world it's as natural as your heat or my rut,inevitable."
Jimins face got rosy at the mention of his heat, after hospital he had fell to it again but rode the pain out, not comfortable  with finding a buddy to help.
"I don't need anyone for my heat let alone a mate who tries to boss me around."
Jungkook frowned was this little omega saying what he thought he was?
"You don't hook up with a buddy for your heat? The pain I hear is very bad...."
"I've had worse pain than that..." Jimin blurted before covering his mouth .
Jungkook felt his blood boil.who had dared hurt his omega?
Jimin had a sudden wave of dizziness come over him it happened occasionally  since his beating, it was like a psychological reaction to stress or anxiety.
Jungkook was there in a second rescuing the box in his hands and then holding Jimin by his shoulders.
"What's wrong?"
Jimin immediately felt a sense of security surround him he almost sighed in satisfaction but then shrugged off the others hold.
"I'm fine...I'm recovering from something I was in hospital a while's probably the long drive early this morning and I've only had coffee...."
"What are you doing lifting stuff around then!"
Jimin was saved from replying by the two electricians,
"All done ,we will forward the bill,"
"Oh thank you...goodbye."
They left and Jimin turned to the alpha
"If you will excuse me I have yet to go to my home I need to do things there."
"Let me help you..."
" need to unpack and shop but I will take a nap if you could leave I can lock up..."
He kept his eyes down missing the frustrated look in Jungkooks eyes.
They both left Jimin locking the door.
"Well erm goodbye..."
Jimin stood in a doorway next to the bar unlocking the door which would lead him to his flat upstairs .
"I'll get some food delivered rest up..."
Jimin had no time to argue as the alpha jumped into his car and left.
Jimin turned and went to his car dragging his case out, other personal items he'd stored and they would be delivered this week.
Upstairs he admired the open bright decor then made the bed up with new bedding and unpacked his clothes a knock on the door came and he went down to see a man in a suit there.
"Hello,I'm Namjoon...Jins mate....The alpha Jungkook asked me to bring these."
Jimin smiled shyly at the handsome man then looked at what he was carrying  a massive box of groceries.
"Oh gosh let me help that must be heavy...I told him I would get shopping!"
"It's ok let me carry it up if you're happy with me to invade your space?"
"Of course please go up"
Namjoon strode up carrying the box as if it was filled with feathers not tons of food.
In the kitchen he helped Jimin unpack it.
"Gosh this is so much,where's the bill?"
He couldn't see it in the box.
"With the Alphas compliments welcome to your new home."
Jimin pouted which made the other chuckle at his cuteness.
"I presume that look means your annoyed you didn't get your own way? Jin told me a lot about you...he will be so glad to see you."
"Me too .....I missed my friend so much he was my family if not by blood."
Namjoon saw a deep sadness in the others eyes.
"Jimin why did you never visit?and Jin said you put him off coming to see you?"
Jimin bit his lip,how could he explain it other than the truth of how his guardian's took over his life, to the point he found out letters from Jin had been hidden,calls to the house had been ignored,only the fact he'd held onto was he would be free of them soon and could invite Jin and anyone he wanted around had kept him going.
"I-it's a long story....."
"Have you got time to tell it over dinner...later? If Jin finds out you're here and I didn't invite you over......"
Jimin nodded,maybe he could get things off his chest...
"Ok where and when?"
He passed Namjoon his phone so he could put in an address.
"Seven ok?"
"Great......I'll see you both your Alpha won't be there will he?"
"Jungkook? No why?"
"No reason he just....well he seems bossy...."
"Jungkook?......I must admit I was surprised he acted so friendly.....he doesn't normally take such a n interest....maybe it's because your Jins friend...."
"Yer...that's it...."
Jimin was glad the other hadn't mentioned Jimin was his supposed mate....he really didn't need the bother.
Namjoon said his goodbyes and left.
Jimin crawled onto his bed exhaustion taking him over.
Namjoon went back into work,Tae nearly walking into him as he came from Jungkooks office.
"Oops sorry Joonie....where have you been I've got news!"
"Yer,what you've found your partner,your going to do a full days work, your gonna stop insisting Jin makes you cupcakes?"
"Ha,ha very funny....Im Jins favourite of course he will make me cupcakes..."
"He's got his old friend in town now,maybe you won't be his favourite anymore.."
"You mean Jimin...huh,Jungkook will be taking all his time up....or trying  too!"
"What?why would he do that?"
"Ta da,here's the big news!!!I met up today with Jimin in the coffee walks bro with some silly bitch and bam! Just like that he sets eyes on Jimin and throws her away...Jimins his mate!!"
"What?!?!He didn't say anything when I just dropped food off as a welcome from Jungkook?"
"Ha.....seems Jimin isn't as pleased as Jungkook,he shot out of there so damn quick it was embarrassing ...but I could see there was a connection he just didn't seem to want it."
"Hmmmm interesting....looks like our boy is gonna have to lay on the charm....."
"NAMJOON!! Your back did he take it is he ok?"
"Er hi Jungkook...yes he took ,he wanted to pay I told him it was your welcome to the community gift "
"Good..,good  by the way did he seem ok?"
"Yer fine?"
Jungkook turned and went back to his office.
"Well I'll be damned.....he's got it bad..." Namjoon said.
"It's gonna be fun watching..." Tae smirked.

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