An Armored Adventure (Virginia Potts, aka Rescue)

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She walked with a purpose, ignoring the flashes that were directed at her in the process. Ever since she gained full control of Stark Industries thanks to Stark's moment, he went slightly rogue, she had been declared as the new owner of Stark Industries. She tried to fight it, tried to say that she was not the one to gain such a prestigious company. Yet the board didn't listen to her, even stating that the biological son of Howard Stark had recommended her to be the new owner of the company and to do whichever change she deemed worthy. So here she was now, preparing herself to be a part of a public conference in the middle of Time Square.

She had to cover her eye for a bit, adjusting her sight to the constant flashes of the cameras of the reporters. Though she composed herself quickly and waved for a few seconds. She had been in this situation before, having helped Stark do many of the public conferences and actually being the one to represent Stark in some of them. But now she was the owner of the company, the one who gets to decide where to go from there on. She had quite a few ideas, with some of the projects that they have been developing being quite high on that list. But ignoring everything she wanted to do, she recomposed herself a bit before touching the mic slightly to see if it was activated.

"Good afternoon and welcome to Stark Industries' public conference. Please leave questions at the end as I will be clarifying a few things that my predecessor had said" She quickly started off the conference, her eyes roaming around with precaution. Ever since she was forced to be a part time hero, she had turned out to be vigilant every second of the day. It was easy to dismiss quite a few details from the people around her, but that has helped her discern quite a few things that she would have preferred to never know. "As of next week, I have been appointed as the new owner of Stark Industries because of Anthony Stark's incarceration"

She commented offhandedly, gaining a few uproars from the crowd. She ignored the voices though, waiting patiently for her time to keep talking about the reasons for the conference. She didn't just plan this because of her new position, she actually had created a few plans for the future of the company already. A few of them were sure to get the crowd going, especially when it came to the new partnership she created with another company. And while she had to save it from a shady businesswoman, she held no regret in helping the man that had helped her before.

"This decision was made not only by the board of directors but also by the biological son of the Stark family, Arno Stark" She revealed, her eyes directly looking at the roof of one of the many buildings that were around. Her sight was not the greatest, but even she could see a silhouette in the distance. She hoped that it was who she thought it was and not someone trying to murder her for now owning Stark Industries. But she kept going with the conference, not feeling any danger whatsoever. And these were the perks of having the Iron Man project under her wing, already using one of the more obscure techs that Stark had created before he got himself incarcerated. "And I will be pushing Stark Industries into a new future!"

She gained the approval of the crowd, and she quite liked the ovations that she was receiving because of it. But now it came to the final moment, the moment where she revealed her hand to the public. She was quite excited to announce this project that she had created with her business partner, which was quite the man if she had to admit. And don't get her started on the fact that she found out one of his secrets by total accident, a secret that she was going to take to her grave. Clearing her throat slightly, she kept her smile going.

"Without further ado, I want to announce that Stark Industries is entering a partnership with another company" She started, her reveal coming soon. She needed to be as dramatic as she could be, her job to reel in possible customers was something that she and her partner both needed. "It was quite the respected company, one that ended prematurely because of the actions of a villain" She continued her dramatics, her eyes sparkling quite greatly. She knew how to get a crowd reeling in the effects of wanting more information. And she was using that gift to her full extent. "And while my new business partner couldn't come himself, he sent someone that is able to represent in his stead"


She smirked, quickly noticing the reporters looking up to the sky to see if they could catch on tape the one who made that sound. She knew for a fact that they were never going to get a picture of the man swinging, and they would be lucky to get a picture of him because he was going to be standing near her in a few seconds. Seconds that passed on quite quickly if she had to say anything at all. She already knew that he was sticking himself to one of the many poles that were around the vicinity.

"Representing Parker Industries, I would like to welcome you to the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man!" She announced with a thrill, which made the public scream in quite a bit of excitement. She could see the hero making a few swings to greet the public, landing on top of the metallic arch before descending down a web of his own creation. She just kept on smiling, walking slowly towards the descending hero. She greeted him amicably, to which he responded with a quick nod. Yet the crowd seemingly was loving the interaction between the two.

"Kiss him!" She widened her eyes, her head moving towards the crowd. She was trying to find who said those two words, yet it only proved to be her downfall. And before she could even continue with her conference, everyone was shouting the same words in waves. They even switched it up from 'Kiss him!' to 'Kiss her!' quite a few times; and wouldn't even continue listening to what she had to say if she didn't try to calm down the crowd. People knew of her identity as Rescue, her alias being no secret thanks to Stark's machinations. And she knew that quite the title would be created if reporters gained pictures of their kiss. So, she glanced at him, her eyes looking for any kind of confirmation from the hero in question.

"Go ahead, lay one on me. They'll love it" She just smiled softly at the hero for a few seconds. Even in and out of the suit, he only tried to make people smile and live as comfortably as possible. So, she moved her hands towards the edge of his mask. She grabbed it and started to pull down the mask, but not fully unmasking him to the public. She prepared herself, quickly glancing at the public once more before she dove right into a kiss with the hero. The roar made itself known, with everyone seemingly loving the kiss between two heroes. Yet she lost herself for quite a moment, so she separated herself soon after. She could feel the heat on her cheeks, slightly covering her face as the hero besides her rearranged himself to be standing right next to her. However, she just smiled at that, also enjoying the happy crowd. And she could wait a few more seconds to announce what they had to say about the partnership between Stark Industries and Parker Industries, enjoying the moment greatly.

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