[18] Winter's Return (EDITED)

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-Hazel Allen (Earth 1)-

I felt a huge headache when I suddenly saw Barry in the middle of some tornado which was truly confusing.


I snapped out of my hallucination when I saw Zoom standing in front of me.

"You need to decide....me or them?" He asked.

"You're asking for too much Jay....I can't betray my family for you," I said.

"There's something else...."

"Is my doppelganger dead or alive???" I asked.

"Fine, I'll tell you the truth.....Hazel Allen has dissociative identity disorder hence why my wife is your doppelganger so Haven Garrick had most control over Hazel Allen's body until CCPD injured her badly so I used a cryogenic machine to help Haven heal but when she awakens, I'll be dead because of my sickness," Jay explained.

"So, your wife is another person in my doppelganger but she's in a coma?" I questioned.

"Haven and I were meant to be but they took her from me so I believed that I was never going to see her again until I met you," he said.

"But, I'm never going to be Winter Flames," I said.

"I know which is why I'm letting you go," Jay sighed.

He untied me, unlocked my collar as well as my anti-meta power cuffs and let me speed out of there to meet with the others. Once I got to S.T.A.R. Labs, I went to hug Dad as I hadn't seen him in such a long time but instead I went right through him.

"What in the Ghostbusters is going on here?!" Cisco asked.

"I don't remember this happening before," I mentioned.

"Oh no....Barry can't stay there otherwise Hazel is going to disappear out of existence," Harry said.

"Say what now?!" Cisco and I said.

"You were struck by lightning through Barry hence why the hospital wrote it off that you were both hit at the same time so if Barry is stuck in the Speed Force.....you'll be going in & out of reality," Caitlin added.

"How many times do I have to be in danger???" I asked.

"Someone needs to get Barry out before I lose both of my children," Dad said.

After Barry came home with the help of Iris, I was 100% solid and not being ripped by the Speed Force so I hugged Barry when this huge rush of energy hit me.

"Barry, if you took my speed because of the speed force, I'm gonna kill you," I warned him.

"The Speed Force must've boosted your energy as well by using me as a temporary host," he concluded.

"What are we going to do about Zoom?" I asked.

"Don't worry....we'll get him soon enough," Barry said.

Suddenly, there was a building collapsing which was Mercury Labs so Barry and I went to help save the scientists.

"Thank you Mr. Allen, Det. Allen," Dr. McGee said.

-Hazel Allen (Earth 2)-

I went searching for Zoom when I bumped into a metahuman from our world.

"Take me to Zoom or I'll freeze your heart," I hissed.

"Yes, Winter Flames," the meta said.

He took me to CCPD as metas go in and out of the place. I headed upstairs where Zoom and Black Siren were talking so I stood quiet till they saw me.

"I guess the healing process went faster than I expected," I smirked.

Zoom quickly kissed me and I was so glad to be here with my love.

"Now, that you're here.....get to work Black Siren," he said.

She left, winking at me for good luck as Zoom and I 'celebrate' our reunion. We put on our clothes as Hunter sensed something happening outside and we saw the Flash up to no good.

"Let's go.....meet me outside," he said.

We went downstairs when this high pitch was messing with my whole body.

"Zoom!" I screamed.


He grabbed me and we transported to Earth 2 again as I passed out from that high pitch which Flash made.

-Hazel Allen (Earth 1)-

I used my sonic cry to attack Black Siren when the frequency for the metas of Earth 2 knocked them all out. I grabbed her and threw her into a soundproof cell in S.T.A.R. Labs while Barry was talking with Caitlin. I went to meet with Dad so I could explain everything about Zoom including his wife who was the criminal identity of my doppelganger.

"Wait, your doppelganger is Zoom's wife.....I didn't see that one coming," Dad said.

"She's a different person from Hazel Allen due to her D.I.D and it looks like Zoom separated the two successfully since Hazel Allen of Earth-2 is still in the cryogenic machine," I said.

"Hopefully, Hazel of Earth-2 is saved from all of this but I'm so proud of you and Barry," he said.

"I know I even made Mom proud up there," I smirked.

"I missed you so much," Dad sighed.

"I missed you too," I said.

"Let's get to Joe's and see what's going on over there," he smiled.

We went to the house so we could celebrate Dad staying with us. Then, Cisco suddenly has a vibe about Earth-2 being ripped apart at some point in the future. Out of nowhere, Zoom immediately attacked me, throwing my body towards the stairs and eventually, out through the door where I landed in the streets.

"Nice to see you, love," Zoom said.

"HAZEL!!!" Dad shouted.

I wiped the blood from my nose and got up to fight back but he was still too fast as I crashed into a car before he grabbed me by the back of my neck.

"Sorry love, I can't have you standing in my way too," he stated.

Suddenly, I felt a couple of pops in my back and he dropped me to the floor as I screamed in extreme pain.

"Z!!!" Barry shouted.

"Oh god, it hurts!" I cried out.

As the others checked on me, Zoom grabbed my dad and ran off so Barry went after him while the team took me over to S.T.A.R. Labs where they were checking to see how bad I was doing.

"He broke Z's back in three places...even with your speed, it's going to take some time for you to heal," Caitlin stated.

"It hurts...it hurts so much," I groaned.

I was quickly given a sedative that Harry created so I can keep calm while they properly help me out especially when Barry arrived to give me the awful news about Dad.

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