My New Friends!

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I jammed out to music as I stood on my step stool making drinks for my stuffies at the bar. My two stuffies were sitting down in a bar stool waiting for their drinks. I love to make drinks for my stuffies just like Vander made drinks for the people. Sliding the drink went over to my stuffies, one almost falling off the counter. Quickly I rushed off to move the cup off the edge of the counter. As I got to the cup the door of The Last Drop opened, I slowly turned my head to see Vander holding two girls. The one with blue hair was asleep on his shoulder but the pink haired girl had turned to look at me. Clunk! Splash! Went the cup right on my head. The girl then began to laugh as I became flustered and turned bright red.
          "Let me put powder down while you girls head to the tub," Vander told us. "Oh show Vi where the tub is y/n," Vander yelled from the other room. The girl you now knew as Vi followed you towards the tub. Both of you then sat on the rug next to the tub waiting for Vander.

           "So your name is Vi?" You asked the girl.

           "Yep, that's me and the girl with me is my sister Powder," Vi said with a smile on her face. "What's your name?"
"My name is y/n," My face then began to turn a bit pink after that. Vander then finally showed up to turn the tub on.

   Once the water was warm enough both me and Vi hopped in the tub ready to get clean. I was especially dirty after spilling apple juice all over which made me sticky. After washing up the soap that we used made a lot of bubbles. Which I of course had to blow them at Vi. To which it became a bubble fight. Bubbles were flying everywhere across the room as we fought. All me and Vi could do was laugh and laugh.

"Alright girls, time to get out," Vander told us from the other room. We both then hopped on out and grabbed a towel. Quickly we then headed off to our room to get changed. When I finished getting my pajamas on I climbed up to my bed.

"You want to see my cool bed?" I asked Vi. She then nodded as she made her way up to my bed. I then show her my animal sheets, plus my planets, and stars that are stuck to the ceiling. I then tell her how I wished to see all the planets and explore them. Slowly we started fading and finally we both fell asleep.

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