There dead...

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We all sat on the couches chatting about this deal Vander made with an enforcer. Our chat was then cut short by Powders alert monkey. This meant enforcers were here and coming to find us. Quickly I made my way up the pipes next to Powder. With everyone up on the ceiling the door opened revealing an enforcer. The enforcer started looking around, they looked through the vents, under the bed just about everything. As the enforcer was walking out Powder started to slip. I used my arm to keep her up on the ceiling. Soon enough though we were both getting tired. This fucking enforcer is sure taking his damn time I thought. The enforcer looked around one more time then shut the door. As soon as he shut it, me and Powder fell to the floor.

      "Owww." I said as I laid on the floor. Vi then hurried over to help powder up then me. Soon after Vander came rushing in.

       "Are you all ok?" Vander asked worriedly.

       "No, we're not ok, they almost saw Powder and Y/n. What if they took them?" Vi said just as worried but also irritated.

       "No one is taking any of you. I'd never let that happen." Vader argued.

       "It's already happening. You heard him, they won't stop. We need to fight back." Vi spat back banging her fist on the wall. This startled me, as I had never seen her get this upset. It even worried the rest of the group. I could tell by the way they also flinched. "And if you won't I will" Vi argued.

        Vander sighed as he then began to speak, "I've heard this kind of talk before. Vi come with me, the rest of you best stay here." Vander told us as he walked out with Vi on his heels.

         After a couple of seconds I said, "Be right back, I'm gonna grab a drink." I then walked out finding Vi and Vander headed out the bar. I followed at a distance where I could see them but they couldn't see me. Eventually we ended up at the bridge. This made it difficult to find somewhere to hide. As I scanned for somewhere to hide I saw a box about my size. I decided to hide under it and creep my way over to listen in. Sure enough it worked. I was just close enough to hear them but also not be noticed.

      "Why are we here?" I heard Vi ask Vander.

      "You still don't understand." Vander sighed.

      "What I don't understand is how you can work with them." Vi said. "We were here and we saw what they did. I grew up knowing I'm less than them, that my place is down there. I want Powder to have more than that, and I'm willing to fight for it." Vi finished.

     "So was I. I was angry just like you. I led us across this bridge thinking things could change. If I hadn't... both your parents and y/n's parents would still be alive. I know you want to hurt the topsiders for what they've done to us. But who are you willing to lose? Mylo? Clagger? Powder? ...y/n? Vander asked her. It went quiet for a second then Vander started to speak again. "Nobody wins in war Vi." He finished.

      "What are we going to do? The enforcers will come back." Vi asked worriedly.

     "I... I don't know. I'll figure it out." Vander stuttered. It all went quiet after that so I slid behind a pillar taking off the box. I then peaked out to see their faces. Vi was looking around thinking about something, she then sighed and had a serious look on her face. Knowing what that look meant you knew she was going to give herself up, because you both knew Vander didn't have a plan. Quickly I made my way out unnoticed as I headed back to the Last Drop. I grabbed a juice before heading back to the group. When you walked in nobody paid you any mind. Sitting down on a chair, I sipped my drink contemplating what to do. Not long after Vi walked in.

     "Vi, where you been?" Asked Mylo.

     "Rumor is the lanes are gonna fight." Clagger said. I just sat there in my chair as I watched the clogs turning in her head. She was looking at Powder, I could tell she was worried for her. Vi walked over to Powder sitting next to her. Vi showed her an old rabbit stuffie she had growing up. I remember when some kids chucked it up in the lines. Vi and I had tried so hard to get it back but we couldn't. That day you felt sorry for her so you chucked your favorite Firelight stuffie up with it. Being zone out thinking about that day I didn't even realize Vi came over and sat next to me. Suddenly I felt a hand on my hands that were shaking. My hands stopped shaking as soon as I felt her touch. I looked over at her to see her face gloomily but happy too.

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