Its Vi!

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My eyes opened as I felt my body in pain. I looked around to see I was home in bed. My arm was bandaged up as well as my leg. I swung my legs over the bed. When I sat up a sharp pain appeared on my side. I groaned at the pain as I held my side. Once the pain was gone I got up and walked outside. As soon as I opened the door all eyes were on me.
   "She's awake!" Someone shouted. Footsteps could then be heard coming up to my house. I looked over to the staircase to see Echo and the band rushing up.
   "Guysss Guys I'm fine, no need to rush." I told them.
    "Y/n you've been out for a day!" Echo shouted as he finished climbing up the stairs.
    "Oh shit. Really? What happened?" I asked.
     "Yes really y/n! What happened was you ran to save an enforcer. An enforcer y/n! You ended up getting hit by the explosion which knocked you out. The enforcer then wanted to get you to their hospitals and thank you. But if they found out you weren't from here and instead from Zaun. I didn't know what would happen. So I scooped you up and ran. The enforcer chased me for a while till I finally lost her and made it home." Echo told me the story.
    "Well shit guess we're even now then." I replied laughing.
   "Whoa sick tattoos." A young firelight said behind me. I had one sleeve of tattoos and a special hidden one. The main thing was a bandage tattoo. This is around my hand coming undone as it went up my whole arm. This piece signified as Vi. As it unraveled there were little things that everyone special to me owned. One was the glasses Clagger wore, two was Mylo's lockpick, three was one of Powder's gadgets,  four was Vander's smoke pipe and five was Echo's watch. The last tattoo I have on my heart is of a firelight.
   "Thank you kiddo." I said, patting the kids' heads. "Now run along."
   "Ok get better soon, miss firelight." Said the kid skipping away.
   "What are the plans for today?" I asked looking back at Echo.
    "Well we are going to see what the next Shimmer shipment might be." Echo replied, but it seemed like there was more to say.
    "I'm coming right?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
    "No you're not. You need rest y/n. You were knocked out for a whole day." He answered.
    "Yeah I've been out for a whole day. I think that's enough rest. Come onnnn pleaseeeee." I pouted.
     "Nope I must stand my ground." He said turning away to not look at me.
    "Hmph. But can I at least go to Jericho's?" I pleaded.
     "Ughhh fine as long as you don't follow us." Echo sighed, giving up.
   "Yay!" I said jumping up. "Oww." I said, grabbing my side again. "Hahah... guess you are right."
   "No getting into trouble over there, ok?" Echo told me.
    "Yes sir!" I said as I saluted. I then began to laugh and so did everyone else.
    "Will be back soon. See you sis." Echo said walking away.
    "See you bro!" I shouted back. I then walked back into my house to get some actual clothes on. As I only had a bandage around my chest with pants on. As quickly as I could I put on my black sleeveless shirt with a hood on. Then I grabbed my camo cargo pants, putting them on also. Before I walked out I put on my favorite boots then headed off. Since I couldn't really run I walked all the way to Jericho's. This took a while but I finally made it.
    "Heyyyy Jericho long time no see." I said happily, grabbing a seat.
   "Hahahaha." He laughed like always. He then passed me food I used to eat as a kid. I pulled up my hood as I began to eat. I did this so no one would sneak up on me while I ate. As I ate, two women came up but only one of them got food.
   "Oh Jericho! Have I missed these." The woman said next to me as she chowed down. "Want one?" She asked the other woman next to her. 
   "No, thank you." She replied in disgust .
   "You're missing out." The woman said.
   "Aren't you going to question him? The woman standing asked. This got me intrigued so I turned my head slightly to see them. When I looked over I realized the woman eating looked just like Vi. The other woman next to her was the Enforcer that I saved. I quickly turned my head back to my food hoping they didn't see me looking at them.
    "What about? the meat?" The woman that looked like Vi asked. "Definitely not above board."
   "Silco. His connections? Isn't that why we're here." The enforcer said. Why would she want to know about Silco? I thought to myself.
   "We're here because I'm hungry. Do you know what prison food is like? No, of course you don't." The Vi looking women retorted.
   "Unbelievable. I didn't break you out of jail to eat.. slop. I knew this was a terrible idea. You don't actually know anything, do you?" The Enforcer retorted back.
  "Mm. Better than I remember." The vi like women told Jericho. On the radio one of my song started playing We lost everything
"We had to pay the price
Yeah we lost everything
We had to pay the price
I saw in you what life was missing
You lit a flame that consumed my hate
I'm not one for reminiscing but
I'd trade it all for your sweet embrace
'Cause we lost everything
    We had to pay the price." I sang along to my own lyrics as I pat my foot to the beat. Then Jericho passed her a napkin with something on it. The woman that looked like Vi got up and was walking away when she abruptly stopped. She then turned around walking back towards me. She grabbed my thigh turning the chair around making me face her.
    "Yes?" I asked her.
    "You're in the firelights like the band right? You're the one singing that song, no?" She interrogated me.
     "What's it to you?" I asked back.
    "Does your name happen to be y/n?" She asked
   "No." I replied quickly hoping she didn't release I was y/n.
   "Oh ok you just sounded so close to her. So I thought you were her."  She replied looking disappointed as she let go of me.
   "Wait one second." I said grabbing a napkin and pen. On the front of the napkin I wrote Firelights <3 Vi in my signature. On the inside I wrote, dear Vi, if you're in a sad place and need a pick up I am always here. Love, y/n. "Here." I said as I handed it to her.
  "Wait, how did you know my name?" She asked after reading it.
   "Lucky guess." I winked, "Only read the inside when you really need it. Bye!" I said walking away backwards. I then flipped around and sprinted down an alleyway.
   Once I felt like I got far enough away I leaned against a wall. "She.. she's alive! She has even listened to my music! I have to go tell Echo." I was thinking. Quickly I made my way back home excited about the news. When I made it back I was out of breath. This worried some people so they all came rushing over.
   "What is it!" One person shouted.
    "What's wrong?" Asked another.
     "Jeez guys let her catch her breath." Someone else yelled. This made me feel claustrophobic and anxious.
     "Shut up!" I screamed. It immediately went silent after that. "There's nothing wrong, I just need to tell Echo something." I told everyone.
    "What is it y/n? Did something happen?" Echo asked urgently as he made his way through the crowd.
    "It's Vi, she's alive!" I was so happy.
    "Wait... what!" He asked in shock.
    "I know right! She was at Jericho's with the Enforcer I saved. It seemed Vi was imprisoned that night... as she mentioned prison food being terrible. It also seems like the Enforcer is using her to get to Silco or something. I only heard something about connections to Silco so I'm not sure." I told Echo.
   "Interesting you keep tabs on her ok but don't intervene unless absolutely necessary." He told me.
    "Okkkk." I sighed. "I'll be off to find her then!" I said waving goodbye.
    "Be careful y/n! Don't lose your head!" Echo shouted as I ran away.
   Eventually I found Vi speed walking somewhere without the Enforcer. It was definitely odd so I followed her just as I was told. She then stopped and looked through the alley. In the alley was Savika and some randoms playing poker. Vi's face was intense and very mad. Suddenly she took off kneeing Savika in the face.
   "Vi?" Savika said as she got back up.
    "You filthy traitor." Vi said as she grabbed Savika's hair pinning her against the wall.
    "Vander had his chance." Savika said, then punched Vi in the face with her mechanical arm. I tried not to watch as they fought knowing very well I wouldn't be able to stop myself.
    Eventually Vi pinned Savika to the ground and said, "where's my sister and y/n? Where's he keeping them?"
    "Keeping your sister? You mean Jinx? She works for him. And as for your other friend I have no idea." Savika said. This made Vi gasp, letting go of her grip on Savika. When suddenly Savika plunged her metal hand into Vi's stomach.
     "VI! NO!" I shouted but suddenly my mouth was covered by someone.
    "It's me." Echo whispered, still covering my mouth. "Look over there." He pointed. It was the enforcer. She was aiming a shot at Savika. Savika pulled her hand out of Vi's chest and started towards her. I was screaming as I watched it all go down. But of course my cries were muffled by Echos hand. As soon as Savika was going to punch her again the enforcer shot at her. This scared her off. I sighed in relief knowing she would hopefully be ok.
   "Why did you let her go?" Vi asked the Enforcer.
    "Do you ever say thank you?" She retorted.
    "He's gonna know we're here now." Vi said worriedly.
    "And who's fault is that?" The Enforcer asked.
    "You're an alright shot." Vi complimented her.
    "I'm an excellent shot." The enforcer said.
    "You gonna help me out, cupcake?" Vi asked her. As I heard those words my heart began to break.
   "Stop calling me that. My name is Caitlyn." She said helping Vi up.
   "But you're so sweet, like a cupcake." Vi spoke genuinely. I then began to break down into tears as they walked away. As I cried Echo held me in his arms. Flashes of past memories began to appear in my head. Ones like me aiding Vi's wounds and her saying "You're too sweet to me like a Cupcake. Maybe that's what I'll call you. My Cupcake." Another memory flashes through me. We were sitting upon the roof when Vi leaned on my shoulder and said, "What are we going to do Cupcake?"
  "At least I still have you." I said hugging Echo tight

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