They remind me of us.

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Once we made it home I locked myself in my room. I laid face down on my bed trying not to cry. Suddenly there was a knock on my door.
   "Go away Echo." I said into my pillow. The door then opened. "Echo, I said go away." I was getting annoyed but then I looked up. It wasn't Echo, it was Three little firelights.
   "Why are you feeling down?" One of them asked.
   "Well I... you know when your friend goes and plays with someone else?" I asked them.
   "Oh yeah! That makes Vee sad." Vee said, looking down.
   "Well that's what happened to me." I told them as I twiddled with my fingers.
   "Why don't you play with us then?" Vee asked as the three of them walked up to me.
   "Yeah come on! Let's go play Miss Firelight." Said one of them as they pulled me up.
   "Ooo let's color Mikey!" Vee exclaimed as she took the lead.
  "Yes! Do you wanna color Clyde?" Vee asked him.
    "Sure!" Clyde exclaimed, skipping alongside Vee. The little firelights pulled me all the way to a table that had paper, markers, colored pencil, and crayons.
   "What should we make?" Mikey asked.
    "How about a drawing of all the people we wish we could be with?" Vee suggested. Everyone agreed and began to draw. Thinking about it more I thought it was kinda dark of an idea but I ignored it.
   "Hey Miss Firelight you're supposed to be drawing too." Clyde said when he looked up to see I wasn't drawing.
   "Oops sorry." I apologized as I grabbed a paper and started drawing. As I drew, a song came on the radio nearby. It was a song that used to play in the Last Drop. It was called Our Love. As it played I began to sing to it as I drew.
"is a bubblin' fountain
(Our love) that flows into a sea
(Our love) deeper than any ocean
(Our love) for eternity." Suddenly something wet fell on my drawing. Looking up I saw the little firelight looking at me.
  "You're a really good singer, Miss Firelight." Mikey complimented me.
   "Mikey she's crying." Ver said, elbowing Mikey in the chest.
    "Why are you sad now Miss Firelight?" Clyde asked me. I honestly hadn't even realized I was crying till they told me.
   "I guess this song just brings back old memories." I told them.
   "Ooo can you tell us what they're about?" Mikey asked excitedly.
   "Mikey you can't just ask that, it might make her more sad." Vee said, flicking him on the forehead.
   "It's ok Vee I'll tell you guys." I replied. "You see these people in my drawing?" I asked them. While holding the drawing up.
   "Yes!" They exclaimed.
    "Well this one right here is Vi." I told them as I pointed at the drawing of her. "And this one over here is Powder." I explained pointing at Powder in the drawing. "Well back when I was your age this song would play. And we would dance in circles together." I told them. "Oh and you see these two boys here? Well they're names were Clagger and Mylo. They would tease us for dancing and singing. But eventually they came around and joined us. And this guy right here his name was Vander. He was my dad. This was his favorite song." I explained to the kiddos. "Lastly right here can you guess who this is?" I asked them.
    "Is that... Echo?" Mikey asked.
    "Correct!" I declared. "Did you know back then his nickname was little man. We called him that because he was little." I whispered to the kids.
   "What nooo, I just thought it was a good Rapper name." Echo said, appearing right next to me. I then jumped in shock from his appearance.
   "Hahaha!" The kids laughed.
     "You scared the life out of me!" I exclaimed.
     "You know y/n has tattoos about them." Echo told the little firelights.
     "Whoa really?!" Clyde asked.
     "Yeah, show them y/n." Echo encouraged me.
    "Ok ok." I replied. I took off my hoodie to reveal the tattoos.
   "Whoooa! Coollll!" The little firelights were in awe.
     "You recognize this watch?" Echo asked, pointing at the watch on my arm.
     "Ohh that's your watch Echo!" Vee called out.
      "Yep it is!" Echo said as he spun his watch around.
      "What does this one mean?" Mikey asked, pointing at the tattoo of Claggors glasses.
       "Those were Claggers glasses." I told them.
       "What about the pipe? Whose was that?" Clyde asked.
       "That one was Vander's." I replied. Eventually they were on the last two tattoos.
     "What is the point of the bandage tattoo?" Mikey asked, confused.
      "Well Vi used to have her hands wrapped with bandages because she would fight people. Why it's unraveling is because they're not here anymore. Of course except Echo. I'm not sure if that makes sense but yeah." I explained to the kids.
     "Awwww." Vee said, tearing up.
      "It's ok don't cry vee. I'm ok." I held her in my arms.
      "But who then didn't want to play with you, if those were your only friends?" Clyde asked, confused.
     "Well that was Vi.." I told them.
     "But didn't you say that everyone except echo wasn't here anymore?" Mikey asked even more confused.
      "Well yes but I always thought Vi wasn't here anymore because I had never seen her till today. Also Powder is alive but she's not the same anymore." I explained.
     "Oh wait, these people are on the mural and Powder looks like Jinx." Clyde realized.
      "Yep, that's both true." Echo said.
       "Why did she not want to play with you?" Vee asked, looking up at me still in my arms.
        "It seems like she found a new friend." I told her.
      "Well now you have found three new friends!" Vee said happily.
     "Yess I have!" I smiled, squeezing her.
      "Kidssss time to come in!" The little firelights mother called them.
    "You better head in, kiddos don't want your mom getting mad at you." I told them.
     "Ok! Thank you, for the story's Miss firelight!" Vee said then walking off. The two boys then followed right behind her.
   "They're good kids." I said looking down at my drawing.
   "They remind me of us." Echo replied.
      "Sure do. I just hope they won't end up like us." I was worried.
      "I'm sure they won't y/n they don't know what happened. So they can't follow in our footsteps." Echo said, placing a hand on my shoulder.
    "Yeah you're right." I replied getting up. "I think I'm gonna head to bed. I'm tired." I told him.
     "Ok sleep well y/n. See you in the morning." Echo smiled then walked away. I picked up the little firelights drawings and walked back to my house. Once in my room I stuck them on the wall before heading to sleep.

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