Our time to shine

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Four years later.
The wind blew through my hair as we jumped across buildings. Vi was in the lead then Mylo, Clagger, Powder and me. I was last not because I was slow but to make sure nobody fell behind. This also made it easier to help Powder cross the scary jumps.

"We're almost there!" Vi called out from the front. She then stopped and was looking at something which we all thought was peculiar. We all hopped on over to her to see what she was looking at. We turn our heads to see the beautiful view of the city. There were so many nice buildings that probably held all the rich people.

"It's nice getting above it all, right?" Vi asked , walking over to you and Powder. You hummed back as you watched Vi walk over. With her plus Piltover in the background the view was even more stunning.

"Y/n, you good?" Powder asked, waving a hand in front of my face. I looked over at Powder now out of my trance. "You see that? One day I want to ride one of them!" Powder exclaimed, jumping up and down.

"Well one day I'm gonna shoot one down." Mylo said as he pointed finger guns at the flying machine. I shook my head at Mylo's comment.

As we started heading to the next building Clagger said, "Vi, are.. are you sure about this? Look, if we get caught, we're.."

"We're not gonna get caught," Vi interrupts "We'll be in and out of there before anyone notices." Vi then walks off stopping at the edge of the building. "Alrighty everybody, follow me. Just don't look down." Vi then hops onto the window then hangs on the outer railing on the balcony. She then takes a big leap across to the next building. Mylo then gives it a go with clagger right behind him munching on a cupcake. Now it was Powder's turn. I watched as she looked over the edge seeing how high we were. Vi looked at the both of us in concern. I could tell Mylo was probably saying something on how he knew this would happen but, you couldn't exactly hear him.

"Powder look at me. What did I tell you?" Vi asked her.

"That I'm ready." Powder replied. Then Powder started off and slid down hopping on the balcony holding onto the outer railing. As she took the leap of faith I hopped down to the balcony. I saw her make it over but then she started falling backwards! In a panic I ran and jumped over grabbing her hand as I walked up. I then handed her off to Vi. We continued on our journey and Vi then slowed down walking next to me.

"Thanks for that by the way," Vi whispered to me. She then walked back up to the front leading the way. Now we were walking on the edge of the building slowly making our way.

"What if Vader finds out we're all the way up here?" Clagger called out to Vi as she was in the lead.

"Look around you," Vi answered as she turned towards the rest of us. "You think anyone topside's going hungry? Besides, this is exactly the sort of job Vander would've pulled when he was our age. I'm going," she said as the rest of us stopped beside her. "Are you with me or not?"

Claggor looked back at Mylo as I nodded behind him while he shrugged. Claggor sighed while turning back to Vi, "Vanders going to kill us," Clagger said.

"Yeah only if we screw up," Vi retorted. "So don't screw up." Vi stated as she then jumped down to the balcony. She then looked around making sure no one was home before we all jumped down. "All clear."

I swung over and dropped down first right next to Vi. Being so close made my heart pound but I wasn't sure why. Everyone else then hopped down too. Mylo tried opening the door but it was locked.

"Who locks their balcony?" He asked in disbelief. Mylo then got his lock picking tools out and gave it a try.

"There's a ton of enforcers down there," Clagger said looking down over the balcony. I came over to him to see too.

"Whoa, there is!" I was amazed.

"Means we're in the right place. You gonna get the door anytime soon?" Vi asked Mylo, as she was starting to get annoyed.
"Working on it," he grunted as he jerked his lock picking tool out. "Seeing as I'm the only one who knows how to pick locks, I suggest--"

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