Are we still sisters?

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"Are we still sisters?"

Slowly my eyes opened. When I looked around, it was almost pitch black. In the distance was a faint candle light. As my eyes adjusted to the dark I realized I was tied to a rolling chair.
"Wait where's Vi?" I thought. I then began to panic.
Abruptly I heard Jinx's voice, "You know we're missing someone." I then heard  footsteps nearing me. But then they stopped and walked back to whoever Jinx was talking to. "You know it was nice seeing your girlfriend again." Jinx said all happy go lucky.
"What did you do?" I heard Vi panicking.
"I made her a snack." Jinx replied happily.
"NO!" Vi screamed. I even yelped though it was muffled with the cover over my mouth.
"Sheesh I'm not that crazy." Jinx said as she threw something on the floor. Now all I could hear was footsteps getting closer and closer. Now I was face to face with Jinx. Her eyes glowed purple in the darkness. She then walked behind me and started pushing the chair to the light. Once my eyes adjusted to the brighter light I looked around. Vi, Silco, and I were all gathered around a table filled with pink candles, bowls, plates, utensils, and glasses. There was also a cupcake topped with the blue gemstone. There were two dolls, one looked like Claggor and the other Mylo. There was even the rabbit Vi gave her before we tried to turn ourselves in. The last thing I noticed was two chairs, one said Powder in a baby pink. The other chair wrote Jinx in purple.  
"You know these knives are pretty cool." Jinx spoke. She had pulled out my knives from her pocket looking at them intriguingly. "You know something has been on my mind ever since you left y/n." Jinx said as she sharpened the knives. "What did you say to me before you ran off?" Jinx continued as she walked up into my face. Her head was tilted as she grinned.
I then tried to speak but it came out muffled because the cover over my mouth. "Oh! Oops silly me!" Jinx exclaimed, popping off the cover. I sighed finally being able to breathe fresh air.
"I told you we had to go as he was coming." I told her as I glared at Silco. "But you couldn't hear me and won't budge. So I hid behind some box watching you. Praying you would be ok." I then paused, replaying the memories of that day. "You know you might have gotten your feelings hurt that day but I heard what you said that night." I retorted.
Jinx began to twitch and then shouted, "shut up! Stop twisting my head." She then shot at the Mylo doll knocking him over. I shuttered at this, not sure what to think.
"What did I say hmm?" She questioned me as she pointed the knife at my face.
"They're not my sisters anymore." I stated,  staring back at her with a poker face. "I got hurt by both of you that day. But I still always saw you as my sisters." I cried out to her.
"No no that's a lie! You left me anyway! You were never a sister to begin with!" She screamed. Then chucked a knife right to my face. Quickly I moved my head out of the way, making her miss.
"Did I not do just about everything Vi did for you!" I was about to burst into tears. "I even stood up to Vi for you! I saw past my anger and saw you were just doing what you thought was right back then." I began to cry. All the emotions I blocked away from that day finally were catching up to me.
"You could have joined me instead of leaving after that happened." Jinx glared at me.
"Silco killed Vander! You expected me to go with him!" I shouted at her. "Once you joined his side you became the one who killed Mylo and Clagger." As she was twitching I felt my cigarette case still in my pocket. Slowly I grabbed it and pulled out the lighter. Click! It went as I lit the rope on fire. The rope burned enough to where I just pulled my arms away and it broke. I was then able to slip out of the rope that tied me to the chair. Quickly I got up and pulled the knife out of the chair. Jinx had now stopped twitching and was pointing her gun at me.
"No both of you stop!" Vi shouted at the two of us.
"Sorry cupcake but that's not happening." I told Vi. "Put the gun down Jinx. You know I won't miss this shot, so just put the gun down." I told her. She pouted while slowly putting the gun down on the table. I watched her as she finally put the gun down, but I had this feeling she wasn't done.
"Watch out!" Vi shouted as Jinx smiled, zooming towards me. Swiftly I dodged her first attack. Then the second attack, third, fourth, fifth. It was hard to dodge some punches just barely grazing my hair. As she started to run out of strength I rushed behind her grabbing her arms. I held her arms behind her back and I held the knife to her throat.
"No no no no." Vi panicked. "Y/n remember when we took care of powder. When we introduced her to Mylo, Clagger, even Ekko." Vi said to me. Jinx then began to twitch and get her way out. I held my grip tight when I saw Silco. He held the gun pointing straight at Vi. Suddenly Jinx got loose and grabbed the knife out of my hand. Quickly I jumped in front of Vi. Bang! Zing! Silco shot at Vi and Jinx threw the knife at Silco. The shot hit my shoulder as the knife hit Silco's heart.
"Y/n!" Vi cried out to me.
"Fuck. I'm ok." I said, grabbing my shoulder as I lay on the ground in front of Vi.
"No no no no no!" Jinx cried out as she ran to Silco. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry." She repeated with a hiccup in her voice.
"I never would have given you to them. Not for anything. Don't cry, you're perfect." Were Silco's last words. Vi quickly got herself out of the chair and helped me up. She then sat me down in the chair holding my wound to help stop the bleeding. Jinx then got up and walked over to the chair labeled Jinx.
"Let's just go home, Powder." Vi sighed.
"I thought maybe you could love me like you used to. Even though I'm different." Jinx sighed as she sat in the chair. "But you changed too. So here's to the new us." She said getting up. As she walked away she grabbed the blue gemstone on top of the cupcake on the table. Both Vi and I were still as we watched her walk away. She then came back with a giant mechanical shark. She then walked out to the balcony aiming it at Piltover.
"Wait!" I shouted as I realized what she was about to do. But, it was too late, she shot the grenade shark. "No!" I said getting up and trying to walk out to the balcony. Vi grabbed my waist as we made our way over. We watched as the thing left a blue trail behind it. Tears began to run down both mine and Vi's face. I then hugged her not wanting to see the catastrophe about to happen.

THE END.....
     FOR NOW....

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading this because I sure enjoyed making this! There will be more went season 2 comes out! I can't wait! Love you guyssss <3

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